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Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (1746 – 1828).

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Presentation on theme: "Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (1746 – 1828)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (1746 – 1828)

2 History Goya was a court painter to the Spanish Crown, a chronicler of history. In his early years he was mostly influenced by Velazquez. He has been regarded both as the last of the old masters and as the first of the moderns. He painted for these kings: Carlos III, Carlos IV, & Ferdinand VII.

3 Influenced some major artists, notably Manet and Picasso. He lived through the political dysfunction of changing leadership in Spain, the revival of the Inquisition, military occupation of Spain by France, and the installment of Napoleon's brother Joseph Bonaparte as the King of Spain.

4 Goya, as did many others, left the country in a search for stability. Though he would return on trips to the Spain he had lived in for most of his eighty-some years, Goya died an exile in Bordeaux, France. 2 types of art –Italian Realism (everyday life) –Black Paintings (Satirical) –a loathing for the weaknesses and the proud cruelties of “evil men”

5 “I am Goya!... I am the voice Of war, the charred wood of towns...I am the throat of the woman whose hanged body, like a bell, clanged over the empty square...I am Goya!”

6 Autorretrato


8 Tan lejos de su abuelo As far back as his grandfather


10 El sábado de brujas Witches’ Sabbath


12 Disparates Stupid things


14 La familia Osuna The Osuna Family


16 El parasol The parasol


18 Carlos IV y su familia Carlos 4 th and his family


20 Un ciego toca la guitarra A blind man playing the guitar


22 Tres de mayo 3 rd of May


24 La maja desnuda The nude maja


26 Carlos tercero Carlos the 3 rd


28 Naturaleza muerta con la cabeza de la oveja Still-life with the head of a sheep.


30 ¡Grande hazaña con muertos! Great heroic deeds with dead people!


32 Dos majas en el balcón. 2 majas on the balcony


34 El vendedor de cerámica The pottery seller


36 Saturno devora a su hijo Saturn devouring his son.


38 María Teresa de Bourbón


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