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1 Frank Matejcik SD School of Mines & Technology Ishikawa Diagrams Lab GEAR UP Summer 2007 June 11 & 13 2007 Dr. Frank Matejcik.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Frank Matejcik SD School of Mines & Technology Ishikawa Diagrams Lab GEAR UP Summer 2007 June 11 & 13 2007 Dr. Frank Matejcik."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Frank Matejcik SD School of Mines & Technology Ishikawa Diagrams Lab GEAR UP Summer 2007 June 11 & 13 2007 Dr. Frank Matejcik

2 2 Frank Matejcik SD School of Mines & Technology How do I do this? Normal getting out, quitting time? Where is the regular teacher, name? Questions, requests for me? Are there GEAR UP gestures? bikes car operating motions. My wish: part of the organizational improvement merit badge.

3 3 Frank Matejcik SD School of Mines & Technology Ishikawa Diagram Presentation Other Ishikawa’s Person behind the method Show Visio Tool Classic Method (Activity) Dr. Frank’s Modified Method –EI-PI –Research Area

4 4 Frank Matejcik SD School of Mines & Technology Which Ishikawa?

5 5 Frank Matejcik SD School of Mines & Technology Nerdy Japanese Professor & Quality Guru ASQ Award (for Humanity in Quality) Four points that totally encompass the beliefs of Kaoru Ishikawa: –Revolution in the philosophy of management; that is, management in which humanity is respected. –Company Wide Quality Control. –Effective use of catch phrases that are adapted to the trend of the times. –Quality first concept; that is, customer satisfaction. Kaoru Ishikawa Does not like …

6 6 Frank Matejcik SD School of Mines & Technology Nerdy Japanese Professor & Quality Guru "QC begins with the interaction of people." Quality Circles –eventually led to the development of team concepts around the world. "Seven Tools of Quality“ –(1) histograms –(2) cause and effect diagrams (Fishbone) –(3) check sheets –(4) Pareto diagrams –(5) graphs –(6) control charts –(7) scatter diagrams Kaoru Ishikawa Only pic found

7 7 Frank Matejcik SD School of Mines & Technology Ishikawa Diagram

8 8 Frank Matejcik SD School of Mines & Technology Ishikawa Diagram

9 9 Frank Matejcik SD School of Mines & Technology Ishikawa Diagram

10 10 Frank Matejcik SD School of Mines & Technology Ishikawa Diagram

11 11 Frank Matejcik SD School of Mines & Technology Ishikawa Diagram

12 12 Frank Matejcik SD School of Mines & Technology Ishikawa Diagram

13 13 Frank Matejcik SD School of Mines & Technology Ishikawa Diagram

14 14 Frank Matejcik SD School of Mines & Technology Ishikawa Diagram

15 15 Frank Matejcik SD School of Mines & Technology Ishikawa Diagram

16 16 Frank Matejcik SD School of Mines & Technology Ishikawa Diagram Classical Style One Group Activity (No stopping rule) Assumptions everyone in one room Sometimes vote afterward Ishikawa’s Book (Delicious Rice) South Dakota (Delicious Hamburger)

17 17 Frank Matejcik SD School of Mines & Technology Use Visio Visio is under Microsoft Office on SDSM&T Machines Use the top menu in this sequence to start File > New > Business Process> Cause and Effect Diagram

18 18 Frank Matejcik SD School of Mines & Technology Frank J. Matejcik’s Extended Ishikawa (not Rika) Works for Multiple site Questions / parallel work Management Oriented not Publication Oriented Additional samples by capture-recapture stats Allows for dissent to be documented Follow up recommendation method by QC Sim class wants “Well written problems” Topic: A good school trip, lunch?

19 19 Frank Matejcik SD School of Mines & Technology Matejcik’s Trial Procedure 0) Have group decide main bones & their place 1) Individually make Cause and Effect Diagrams 2) Make a group composite C & E diagram (no new contributions) 3) Complete a check sheet (mark last contribution) 4) Individually make additions sheets 5) Update the composite C & E diagram (only from additions sheets) 6) Update the contribution check sheet (Mark Last Contribution) 7) Stop or go to step 4) If stopped, vote or rank. DISSENT SHEETS CAN BE USED AT ANYTIME!

20 20 Frank Matejcik SD School of Mines & Technology Cause and Effect Sheet Group or Individual Name Circle Group or Individual Date Topic Space to draw

21 21 Frank Matejcik SD School of Mines & Technology Additions/Dissent Sheet Individual Name Date Topic Round of Update Addition or Descent Space to draw

22 22 Frank Matejcik SD School of Mines & Technology Check Sheet Contains a table Names run across the top Segment terms run down the side

23 23 Frank Matejcik SD School of Mines & Technology Additions Sheet Individual Name Round of additions Date Topic Space to draw

24 24 Frank Matejcik SD School of Mines & Technology Start the class C&E Charts Enough for today

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