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Western Australia Karen Prosser Department of Health Western Australia

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1 Western Australia Karen Prosser Department of Health Western Australia
International Recruitment Bureau UK Office London

2 Why Western Australia? In April in Perth the average temperature is 32 degrees with a nightly minimum of 17 degrees. Add this to no rainfall and I think that is reason enough alone to move to Western Australia! Moving to Western Australia to join our government health service offers two main opportunities: 1 to live in beautiful Western Australia and enjoy the fantastic climate and relaxed lifestyle And 2 be part of a world class health system and acquire valuable experience.

3 Why Western Australia? Population 2.4 Million people
1.8 Million in Perth (the capital) Vast land area with low population, great opportunities to practice in rural and remote Australia. Low unemployment (4.5% in WA compared to 5.4% in Australia) Western Australia has a population of only 2.4 million, of which 1.8 million are in the Perth area. Compare this to London with a population of around 7.5 million, I am sure you can image the sense of open space that Perth has due to a much smaller population and lower density housing. Western Australia in particular has huge economic growth due the investment on the mining industry, in turn providing many employment opportunities throughout the state. This has lead to a very low unemployment rate of 4.5%, compared to Australia’s national rate of 5.4%

4 Why Western Australia? Opportunities to work in large city teaching hospitals, smaller regional remote hospitals and primary health care settings Expanding dynamic environment Changing models of care For health professionals wanting a different experience, Western Australia offers opportunities to work in regional and remote hospitals throughout the state. Working in these smaller regional hospitals provides a great opportunity to develop your skills in a different work environment compared to the major teaching hospitals which are city based. The health system in WA is expanding, developing and changing. An example of this is traditionally ICUs were only located in the central city hospitals, now there are ICU and HDU units opening in the smaller outer metropolitan hospitals in suburban areas closer to where people live. The models of care are also evolving. An example of this are the changes to midwifery. It is moving away from being obstetrician led to midwives now being able to register to practice in their own right and charge for the service In the rural and remote areas emergency telehealth services are being implemented to link specialists with medical & nursing teams working remotely

5 Why work for the Dept of Health WA
WA has a world class government health system A total of $5 billion committed to build new hospitals and upgrade services. Includes building a new tertiary hospital at Murdoch (The Fiona Stanley Hospital) Improved district facilities at Joondalup, Armadale, Rockingham and Midland Health Campus Improved regional centres at Albany, Bunbury, Geraldton, Kalgoorlie, Port Hedland and Broome Why work for the department of health western australia? WA has a world class government health system A total of $5 billion committed to build new hospitals and upgrade services. This Includes building a new tertiary hospital which is The Fiona Stanley Hospital, due to open in October 2014. Improving district facilities, these are hospitals in suburban areas throughout the Perth area close to where people live. Improving Regional centres in smaller cities throughout the state.

6 GP positions vacant currently in rural and remote WA = 93
NEW TERTIARY HOSPITAL Fiona Stanley Hospital – Murdoch IMPROVED DISTRICT FACILITIES Joondalup Health Campus Armadale Hospital Rockingham Health Campus Midland Health Campus IMPROVED REGIONAL CENTRES Albany Bunbury Geraldton Kalgoorlie Port Hedland Broome This map supports the previous slide re: New hospitals and services upgrades. Map depicts all the Hospital sites within WA Health which includes WACHS sites. Not all hospital sites in WACHS are staffed by medical practitioners employed by Health WA. Services are provided by GPs working in community’ private practice’. GP positions vacant currently in rural and remote WA = 93 Positions available within the WA Country Health Service = 43 Includes: District Medical Officers (DMOs) Senior Medical Practitioners (SMPs) Consultants/Specialists Medical Administrators Specialist Training Positions Junior Doctors (RMOs & Registrars)

7 Fiona Stanley Hospital
This is an artist impression of the new hospital that is currently under construction. The Fiona Stanley hospital is a new state of the art teaching hospital located south of Perth city. Costing $2 billion, it will be equivalent in size to 4 city blocks. Co-located with a private hospital it will have 783 beds and will be linked to educational and research facilities Major building completion in 2013, staffing in 2014. We will need additional medical registrars, specialists and clinical supervisors and approximately 2000 additional nurses in the state once the hospital is complete. * not all will go to Fiona Stanley but there will be positions opening across the metropolitan area as medical and nursing staff transition across to work there. Some positions will need to be back-filled such as in RPH and Fremantle etc

8 Current Opportunities in Nursing/Midwifery
WA Health is seeking nurses with a minimum of 2 years post registration experience for level 1 (band 5 equivalent) positions offering visa sponsorship General medical and surgical, paediatrics, neonatal, ICU/CCU/HDU, midwifery, ED, mental health, renal care and operating theatre. NurseWest –minimum of 12 months experience to be eligible to register for casual shifts across the government health service What are your current opportunities in WA as a nurse? Currently we are seeking nurses with a minimum of 2 years post registration experience for level 1 (band 5 equiivalent) positions offering visa sponsorship. General medical and surgical, paediatrics, neonatal, ICU/HDU/CCU, midwifery, ED, mental health and operating theatre. NurseWest – once you have a minimum of 12 months experience you are eligible to register for casual shifts across the government health service*. *As at June 2013 NurseWest has stopped accepting applications as it is currently inundated with candidates. They will still continue to process and recruit from applications already received. They will not be able to open their lists again until they have worked through the current caseload. UK applicants and/or holiday makers need to heed this advice as they may not just be able to arrive and find work in their own timeframe.

9 Current Opportunities in Medicine
UK and Irish trained Junior Doctors (residents and registrars) for Perth teaching hospitals Consultant vacancies as advertised on Rural and remote vacancies in WA Country Health Services RMO and Registrar pools for WA Health (including WACHS) are currently open until 12 July. Applications must be received by this date (WST of course). Its important to stress that it is a very competitive process*. *FYI Karen: They are expecting many more applicants than positions available and local graduates take priority place. Some Junior & Senior Doctor positions with WACHS are open ended and this means that suitable candidates are placed in a pool and appointments can be made from this pool until They still have to apply by 12 July to be eligible of course.

10 Rural and remote vacancies in Primary Health Care (GPs)
WA Country Health Service (WACHS) is the largest country health service in Australia and one of the biggest in the world There are vacancies for general practitioners in varied clinical settings: District Medical Officers or Senior Medical Practitioners employed through WACHS GPs working in community practices and engaged by WACHS to provide on-call, after-hours and procedural services Working in rural and remote settings (and/or Area of Need) can be very generously remunerated either through WACHS or Southern Inland Health Initiative. Vacancies for GPs are available all over WA (expect for the metro suburbs of course) but SIHI has very competitive incentives on offer to consider. WA is very short on GPs with recognised procedural skills (i.e. UK or Competent Authority training) such as Obstetrics and Anaesthetics.

11 What you need to do? 1. Investigate or apply for registration with the relevant registration authority in Australia. 2. Identify which visa option applies to you 3. Contact the WA Health International Recruitment Bureau in London for assistance and advice

12 1. Registration To work in Australia nurses must be registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. This is processed through the AHPRA Office. Doctors should refer to the Australian Medical Council (AMC) for registration information. If you have completed your qualification in the UK or Ireland there is no requirement to sit an English language test.

13 2. Visa Options Employer sponsored visas
Through public and private sector employers, need at least 2 years recent acute experience. temporary 457 visa (up to 4yrs) with no age limit Visa’s linked to job and/or location. Must work full time. Can negotiate permanent residency visa after 2 years employment if under 50 years of age. 457 visa is an employer sponsored visa, therefore visa comes with the position. No age limit for this visa. Must work full time. After working for employer for 2 years, nurses can negotiate a permanent residency visa through the Employer Nomination Scheme. Doctors must have the equivalent of general registration to be eligible for a permanent residency visa

14 Visa Options General Skilled Migration
Nursing applicants must be under 50 years of age. Submit an expression of interest with SkillSelect for a Skilled Independent Visa or apply for State Sponsorship. Skills assessment required by relevant body.

15 Visa Options Working Holiday visa apply before 31st birthday
1 year visa (with possible year extension), work up to 6 months for each employer, NurseWest (bank nurse shifts): need 12 months work experience and NMBA registration to work Further visa’s possible once in Australia, ie employer sponsored 457 visa Check out “specified work” on the Dept of Immigration website **Just a reminder from previous slide that NurseWest are currently not accepting any new applications until they have cleared the backlog. This may spoil the working holiday travel plans for a number of nurses planning downunder trip! I am not sure how the private agencies are going – I do believe that a lot of agency staff are migrating over to NurseWest however......

16 3. UK Recruitment Office The Department of Health Western Australia has a recruitment office in London. We can provide advice for Health Professionals wanting to work in WA. Assistance is provided to link UK trained health professionals directly with hospitals in WA Health. We like a well written, comprehensive CV. Detailed information regarding your clinical skills such as venepuncture, canulation, catheterisation, etc. giving a description of day to day responsibilities, being specific about types of cases handled. This allows a potential employer to understand how your work experiences relate to the Australian environment. It also shows the level of responsibility you have held.

17 Contact details Nurses/Midwives –
the WA Health International Recruitment Bureau: Nurses/Midwives – Doctors – Visit the website: Telephone the International Recruitment Bureau in London:


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