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5 th years insight. Tips to think about Where do you want to be in 10 years? Career, place (?London), research, teaching... Why do you want to do AFP?

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Presentation on theme: "5 th years insight. Tips to think about Where do you want to be in 10 years? Career, place (?London), research, teaching... Why do you want to do AFP?"— Presentation transcript:

1 5 th years insight

2 Tips to think about Where do you want to be in 10 years? Career, place (?London), research, teaching... Why do you want to do AFP? Could you cope with AFP? What makes you stand out? Is there anything you can do between now and application?! Research: booklets, website, requirements, ask people. Need to be organised!

3 Application form: West Midlands Questions: Awards, prizes and distinctions Academic achievements (7 example spaces) Teaching achievements Non-academic achievements Professional achievements (from GMCs good medical practice guidelines) Teamwork and leadership Reasons for applying Write concisely, proof read it Keep a copy - you need to know what you put for interview! Rank the jobs list before you go to interview!

4 Interview: West Midlands Prepare, prepare, prepare Talk in June excellent preparation Practice common questions 2 stations, ~10 mins, 2/3 people on panel 1 academic: Know your research, and know a research paper, know your epidemiology, what differentiates audit and research... 1 clinical: Know a clinical scenario, and interpret one given. Smile, be confident, address every interviewer

5 Application and Interview: East Midlands Application: similar questions + management of ACS scenario Interview: 1 clinical, 1 academic Academic – prepare 5 mins presentation on chosen AFP, questions on ethics and law Clinical – Mx of 2 scenarios (epilepsy and aortic dissection)

6 I applied to: Thames Southwest (Bristol and Peninsula) West Midlands

7 A bit about me… Working in Northwest Thames FY1 (Northwick Park hospital) Cardiology, Rheumatology, General surgery FY2 (Chelsea and Westminster hospital) ITU, Academic Anaesthetics, A+E

8 A bit more about me… Intercalated in Clinical Sciences (between 3 rd + 4 th year) No publications Enjoys asking questions Considering: Anaesthetics Academia Would like to keep as many options open as possible

9 Application Forms Register online at Generic application form Includes 2 referees (one academic) Separate application form for each UoA Compares applicants to the person specification All have different deadlines

10 Thames (online) Entry Qualification Primary Qualification Professional Qualifications a. Degrees / other qualifications b. Prizes / Honours / Distinctions Academic Achievements / Publications a. Publications / Letters / Case Reports / Presentations b. Achievements – Academic / Teaching / Research 2 examples (150 words per example) c. Achievements – Non-Academic 1 example (150 words) Preferences Rank all 120 jobs

11 Southwest Academic Achievements / Publications / Presentations Please identify your reasons for applying for this Academic Foundation Programme (150 words) Please give details of any publications (published or in press) and/or any presentations/posters at regional, national or international level – please include full references. Please give details of your special study modules or elective attachment (or proposal) and the significance of these to your commitment to developing an academic career (150 words). Please provide us with an indication of your academic ranking in your medical school

12 Southwest cont… Achievements Give one example from your clinical experience that has increased your understanding of the importance of team working? What was your role and contribution to the team? How was it relevant to academic foundation training? Give one example of a recent clinical situation where you demonstrated appropriate professional behaviour. What did you do and what did you learn? How will you apply this to academic foundation training? Give one example of a non-academic achievement and its significance to your application for an Academic Foundation Programme. Describe an example (not necessarily clinical) where you had to deal with pressure or overcome a setback/challenge. What did you do to manage this and what did you learn from the experience that is relevant to your academic foundation training? Education and teaching: We are looking for a commitment in this area. Give one example to demonstrate your performance in this area. Describe one example from your undergraduate medical training of your ability to prioritise tasks and information from any clinical or education area. What was the outcome, what did you learn and how will you apply this to your academic foundation training?

13 Tips for the application forms Read GMC ‘Good Medical Practice’ (qualities desirable in a junior doctor) With situational questions, show your ability to reflect and learn. Show ability to juggle both clinical medicine and research (organisation, time-management and things like that) The AFP emphasises both research and teaching. Don’t forget your 4 th year teaching project or non-medical teaching experiences (SKIP). Be specific: what did you do in a team? Use ‘I’ not ‘we’ Read ‘Medical Interviews’ by ISCMedical. This gives good advice on language to use (active rather than passive words, buzz words) Don’t forget: SSMs, intercalation, elective, everyday hospital events, non-medical pursuits

14 Any questions?

15 Contacts Hannah Lunn: Rosada Davey: Andrew Roberton: Jennifer Tamblyn:

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