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WESTBIC Business Innovation Centre in the Border, Midland and Western Region of Ireland INNOVINT - BEST PRACTICE James Donlon REGIONAL MANAGER.

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Presentation on theme: "WESTBIC Business Innovation Centre in the Border, Midland and Western Region of Ireland INNOVINT - BEST PRACTICE James Donlon REGIONAL MANAGER."— Presentation transcript:

1 WESTBIC Business Innovation Centre in the Border, Midland and Western Region of Ireland INNOVINT - BEST PRACTICE James Donlon REGIONAL MANAGER

2 Atlantech INTERREG IIIB (Atlantic Area) pilot project Objective The ATLANTECH network aims at supporting and promoting international technology transfer alongside with cooperation between companies and Research and Development actors within the European space.

3 Project Partners Coventry University Enterprises - Midland UK CPIN - Lisbon and Tagus Valley, Portugal Eurocei - Andulusia, Spain CEIN - Navarre Region, Spain WESTBIC - Ireland

4 Methodology Assemble profile of each participating region –both from strong industry and technological perspectives Identify public and private R+D providers –including universities and private projects Identify companies in each region with the capacity and potential to internationalise Identify potential matchings between companies and R+D facilities as appropriate or combinations of both Organise thematic missions for each partner to visit and become familiar with economic and academic activity Facilitate the ‘matching’ process as much as possible…

5 Technology Sectors/Actors Targeted R&D Institutes/Centres and private companies working in the fields: –Information and communication technologies; –Life sciences; –Genomic & biotechnology; –Automotive & transport; –Building technologies; –Chemical, rubber & plastic; –Electrical & electronics and optical; –Energy & environment; –Food & beverage.

6 Matchings to date 3 Touch (Ireland) - Hergos (Portugal) –Company to company - technology to technology Chamco Foods (Ireland) – Bordas (Spain) – Company to R+D facility to research application of bioflavonoids Tower Precision (Ireland) – Maxsystems (UK) –Company to company to distribute and possibly produce new fuel saving device Chamco Foods (Ireland) - Tutti Pasta (Spain) –Company to company assisting entry to Irish and UK multi-national retail outlets


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