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Published byIsaiah Burchfield Modified over 10 years ago
Legume Choice Progress Report for Democratic Republic of Congo Prof. WALANGULULU MASAMBA (U.C.B.) M. Sc Isaac BALUME MWANGA (I.I.T.A.) Dr P. N. DONTSOP (I.I.T.A.)
Content sites selections Village meetings Focus group discussion Walk transect survey Farm characterization Research trials
site selections Madaka and Luduha were selected in Mushinga sites Bushumba centre and Mulengenza were selected in Bushumba Mushinga and Bushumba are Humidtropics field sites in East DRC Criteria applied ≥500 households in the villages ≥100 households / Km 2 Market access : Good and Medium to be within the Humidtropics field sites
Farm typology indicator and proposed thresholds Land size (ha) Ownership of certified land Livestock ownership, types, stock size Others indicators Type 1. Wealthy >2ha>2cows Solid house, 5 goats, 10 chicken, Commercial business…… Type 2. Middle income1 - 2ha1-2 cows 2 goats, woods house, 5 chicken, guineapeegs,… Type 3. Lower income0.5- 1ha0 cow 1-4 goats, chickens, guineapeegs Type 4. Less than low income (poor farmers) 0 land but have possibility to rent 0 cow House covered by hyperemia, work for other group of farmers Type 1. Wealthy>2ha>2cowsSolid house, 5 goats, 10 chicken Commercial business…… Farm typologies identified trough Focus group
Mushinga is a Humidropics action site; legume CHOICE was the first project to implement its activities. Farmers from Madaka and Luduha villages were all invited in this meeting. Bushumba is situated in Kabare North opposite to INERA Mulungu; was selected to be Legume CHOICE field site; farmers from the two villages Bushumba centre and Mulengeza were invited to join this village meeting.
Criteria applied for participation in FGD Implementa tion site Agro- Ecology Market Access Number of participants MenWomenTotal MadakahighlandGood7815 LuduhaHighlandMedium6612 Bushunba CentreMidlandMedium6814 MulengezaMidlandGood7512
Focus group discussion 12 farmers from each villages were invited to the discussion ; female were formed their own group and discussed separately. Five species of legumes were seems to be known by them -common bean, soybean, groundnut, Leucaena and Calliandra. Production system is intercropping and hedgerow systems for legumes trees. Land tenure, land degradation and soil erosion issues, diseases attacks, climate changes and lack of improve seeds varieties were shown to be the major constraints to crop production
Major functions in Bushumba centre Legume species producedLegume type Rank of legume function 1234 SoybeanAnnual grain legumeFoodMarket Soil improvement- Haricot beanAnnual grain legumeFoodMarket Soil improvementFeed (residue) Climbing beanPerennial grain legumeFoodMarket Soil improvementFeed (residue) GroundnutAnnual grain legumeMarketfood-- CalliandraFodder tree legumeErosion ControlStakes Soil improvementFeed (residue) LeucaenaFodder tree legumeErosion controlstakesFeed Soil improvement SesbaniaFodder tree legumeSoil improvementStakesErosion ControlFeed (residue) CowpeaAnnual grain legumefoodMarket Soil improvementfeed LablabAnn. herbaceous legumeSoil improvementFeed livestock--
Major functions in Mulengeza No Legume species producedLegume type Rank of legume function 1234 1 Soy beanAnnual grain legumeMarketFood Soil improvement Feed (residue) 2 Haricot beanAnnual grain legumeFoodMarket Soil improvement Feed (residue) 3 Climbing bean Perennial grain legumeFoodMarket Soil improvement Feed (residue) 4 Ground nutAnnual grain legumeMarketfood Soil improvement Feed (residue) 5 CalliandraFodder tree legume Soil improvementControl ErosionStakes Feed (residue) 6 LeucaeneaFodder tree legume Soil improvementControl Erosionstakes Feed (residue) 7 SesbaniaFodder tree legume Soil improvementControl ErosionStakes Feed (residue) 8 CowpeaAnnual grain legumefoodMarket Soil improvement- 9 Lab lab Ann. herbaceous legume Soil ImprovementFeed livestock-
Major functions in Madaka Legume species producedLegume type Rank of legume function 1234 Soy beanAnnual grain legumeMarketFoodSoil improvementFeed (residue) Haricot beanAnnual grain legumeFoodMarketSoil improvementFeed (residue) Climbing beanPerennial grain legumeFoodMarketSoil improvementFeed (residue) Ground nutAnnual grain legumeMarketfoodprocessing Soil improvement CalliandraFodder tree legumefeedSoil improvementErosion controlStakes LeucaenaFodder tree legumefeedSoil improvementErosion controlStakes SesbaniaFodder tree legume Soil improvementStakesFeed (residue) CowpeaAnnual grain legumefoodMedicineSoil improvement- Lablab Ann. herbaceous legumeFeedSoil improvement-
Major functions in Luduha Legume species producedLegume type Rank of legume function 1234 Soy beanAnnual grain legumeMarketFoodSoil improvementFeed (residue) Haricot beanAnnual grain legumeFoodMarketSoil improvementFeed (residue) Climbing beanPerennial grain legumeFoodMarketSoil improvementFeed (residue) Ground nutAnnual grain legumeMarketfoodprocessing Soil improvement CalliandraFodder tree legumefeedSoil improvementErosion controlStakes LeucaenaFodder tree legumefeedSoil improvementErosion controlStakes SesbaniaFodder tree legume Soil improvementStakesFeed (residue) CowpeaAnnual grain legumefoodMedicineSoil improvement- Lablab Ann. herbaceous legumeFeedSoil improvement-
Legume species and their category grown in the farming system Annual grain legumes Perennial grain legumes Fodder tree legumes Annual fodder legumes Mulengeza Bushumba CentreMulengeza Bushumba CentreMulengeza Bushumba CentreMulengeza Bushumba Centre Groundnut Climbing bean Calliandra Lablab Commnon bean Common bean--Leucaena -- soybeanCowpea---Sesbania-- - ----- --
Legume species and their category grown in the farming system Annual grain legumes Perennial grain legumes Fodder tree legumes Annual fodder legumes LuduhaMadakaLuduhaMadakaLuduhaMadakaLuduhaMadaka Common bean Leucaenalablab soybean --Calliandra- Groundnut--Sesbania- cowpeas-----
Jeanmarie Sanginga leading focus group discussion with farmers UCB, UEA and ISDR students from locals universities were involved in this activity
Walk transect survey and farm characterization 1)Walk transect; 10% of the population size in each villages were systematically selected and interviewed for their legume production systems and livestock: 57 households in Luduha, 60 in Madaka, 122 in Bushumba centre and 77 in Mulengeza 2)8farmers per typology per village (wealthy farmers, middles and low incomes ) were selected for quick survey to be characterized A data Cspro data based is available and waiting analysis
Quick survey This consisted to get quick information from the household about legume production system, livestock and fertilizers management
Research trials 13 research trials that has five treatments (soybean monocropping, soybean intercropping system with cassava, common bean monocropping, common bean intercropping with cassava and a control of local farmer practice) were implemented within farmers group association responding to the focus groups constraints land, diseases attack and unimproved seeds varieties. installation of a trial in Bushumba with farmers from AMOVED group
Research trials Cassava is high value crop in DRC, this was intercropped with soybean and common bean HM21-7 variety of improve bio- fortifie bean, SB 24 for soybean and Sawasawa resistant to Mosaic virus lead farmer walking within plots to check plants
Research trials participatory evaluation with farmers; the best practice between treatments were selected in secret by farmers. This was done at maturity of common bean farmers were given a chance to select the three best treatments among five that was implemented
Major constraints -Insufficient budget to set up trials at Mushinga -Lack of budget at country coordination to communicate with partners and to visits partners at Kalmbo -Lack of equipment like laptop, … -Complain of UCB for a win-win partnership: motivation for the country coordinator for time spent to the project and administrative costs
Variation on farm size
Area under legume
Cropping system
Quantity of fertilizers use in Kg/ha
Thank you Legume CHOICE
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