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Published byWillow Ells Modified over 10 years ago
GOALS AND ACTIONS: Individual School Action Plans & Proposals from R 3 Subcommittees
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead
CABELL MIDLAND HIGH PRIORITY GOAL 1: CMHS will implement programs that support the integration of relevant activities for students in and out of the classroom that reinforce core learning.
CABELL MIDLAND HIGH GOAL 1 ACTIONS: CMHS will develop and implement a staff development plan that will help to ensure the incorporation of differentiated instruction (DI), project-based learning (PBL), and stretch learning (Quadrant D) in each classroom. Study and propose academy concept and the goals for the academy (high- interest and high-relevance topics) CMHS will establish a relationship between the school and local businesses.
People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those of us who are doing it. George Bernard Shaw
CABELL MIDLAND HIGH PRIORITY GOAL 2: CMHS will integrate and support the collaborative and co-teaching models to increase special education student achievement.
CABELL MIDLAND HIGH GOAL 2 ACTIONS: Gather data and input on special education needs from the special education staff in order to include them completely in the goal. Creation of a staff development plan to implement best practices utilizing co-teaching and professional collaboration More effective management of special education paperwork Review the Freshman Academy collaborative model (special education) to see if possible improvements can be made. Investigate possible changes in placement of lower-performing students (sp ed) out of the collaborative model. Recruitment of qualified special education teachers through job fairs
Success is a journey, not a destination.
CABELL MIDLAND HIGH PRIORITY GOAL 3: CMHS will promote and increase student participation in a variety of activities.
CABELL MIDLAND HIGH GOAL 3 ACTIONS: We will provide student voice in decisions that affect student activities. Each student will participate in a club, intramural or any extracurricular activity by 2010.
Nothing in the world is so powerful as an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo
CABELL MIDLAND HIGH PRIORITY GOAL 4: CMHS will improve the communication within the school and community through a variety of interactive methods.
CABELL MIDLAND HIGH GOAL 4 ACTIONS: CMHS will provide training to use available communication resources. Improve relationship between administration and staff through improved communication. Improve school to home communication.
A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. Chinese Proverb
HUNTINGTON HIGH PRIORITY GOAL 1: HHS will provide opportunities for students to engage in relevant learning situations.
HUNTINGTON HIGH GOAL 1 ACTIONS: Develop structures to support the increase of relevant learning situations. Cross-curricular opportunities will be developed to increase relevant learning situations
Positive school change is built on common dreams, common concern, common aspirations, common trust, and common sense! Michael Hay, Author
HUNTINGTON HIGH PRIORITY GOAL 2: HHS will provide opportunities for students to build positive relationships within the school community.
HUNTINGTON HIGH GOAL 2 ACTIONS Revamp TEAMS to true student- mentoring program. HHS will increase student involvement. HHS will involve students in school decision making process
Change is like a trapeze – you’ve go to let go before you grab hold and timing is everything. Terrence Deal, Educator
HUNTINGTON HIGH PRIORITY GOAL 3: HHS will provide opportunities for students to develop a connection between high school experiences and their future.
HUNTINGTON HIGH GOAL 3 ACTIONS: HHS will effectively transition 9 th grade students to high school. HHS will connect students to career and college opportunities.
A vision without a plan is only a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world. Joel Barker, Futurist
CAREER TECHNICAL CENTER and District CTE PRIORITY GOAL 1: CCCTC will develop and offer opportunities for all students to participate in programs that will provide the concepts, knowledge, and skills to succeed in our local and global economy.
CCCTC and District CTE GOAL 1 ACTIONS: DISTRICT CTECCCTC Action Conduct a needs assessment to determine what CTE programming should be offered in the district. Analyze and verify local, regional, national occupational data projections Compare findings of data analysis to current program offerings within the district. Recommend courses/programs that should be phased out based on data trends. Evaluate CCCTC current programs: # of students focus on general program improvements gender equity in course offerings CTE classes will be housed and scheduled in a manner that promotes student access to CTE programs, provides facilities and resources that meet the instructional needs of CTE programs and learners and utilizes fiscal and personnel resources efficiently. Convene Business and Industry committee to determine what careers will be in demand now and in the future. Add academic dimension that enables our CT students to obtain their core requirements.
Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible. St. Francis of Assisi
CAREER TECHNICAL CENTER PRIORITY GOAL 2 Develop a marketing/ awareness plan that creates a positive image for students regarding career and technical education.
CAREER TECHNICAL CENTER GOAL 2 ACTIONS: DISTRICT CTECCCTC Action Comprehensive District Marketing Plan Marketing presentations by CTE teams Middle School Marketing: the benefits and opportunities of CTE High School Marketing media blitz tours student developed promotions technology for teens counseling Educate those with influence about the benefits of CTE Connect w/ business community Create a career awareness plan for career technology education High school Middle school Counselors/administration Public Promote success of the Career Connections Academy Redesign/Rethink/Expand Career and Technical Education programs Meet needs of business and industry Explore future education needs Obtain credentials and industry licenses
We must be the change we wish to see in the world. Mahatma Gandhi
CAREER TECHNICAL CENTER PRIORITY GOAL 3: CCCTC will develop a plan to establish a mutually beneficial partnership with business and industry.
CAREER TECHNICAL CENTER GOAL 3 ACTIONS: Create a full time liaison/PR position Develop a PR plan: promote habitat collaboration; bulletin boards; replace outdated web server. Survey business and industry needs Adult training and retraining Needs monitored. Develop a relationship with the business community to serve and support CTE Through existing local business cadres Forums for CTE instructors with local businessmen to discuss course offerings, partnerships. After-hours informational sessions. “Cabell at Night” tours for middle and high school students to visit local businesses as a group to promote correlations between local career opportunities and CTE.
If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, then I can achieve it. Muhammed Ali
STRETCH LEARNING GOAL: Stretch learning opportunities will be embedded in all classes and enrollment in courses that specifically target stretch learning (i.e., Advanced Placement, dual credit, E.D.G.E., and honors courses) will increase. Senior Projects Increase Enrollment in AP, Honors, E.D.G.E. and dual credit courses.
Many things which cannot be overcome when they stand together yield themselves up when taken little by little. Sertorius, Roman Statesman
CORE LEARNING GOAL: All students will develop and improve 21 st century literacy and numeracy skills and use them in relevant ways throughout the curriculum. ACTIONS: Comprehensive adolescent literacy program Targeted assistance to low performing students Prioritization of core curriculum.
You may have habits that weaken you. The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new. Socrates
LEARNER ENGAGEMENT GOAL: Meaningful relationships between staff and students will facilitate students’ sense of belonging and the active mental and physical engagement of students in their own learning, allowing students to process and internalize rigorous and relevant information to become self- regulated learners.
Learner Engagement : Recommended Actions A comprehensive counseling program will systematically provide all students with personalized counseling. Freshmen will be actively taught how to be successful in high school and the skills they have learned will continue to be reinforced throughout their academic careers Students will have opportunities to explore different career opportunities by assessing their own strengths and weaknesses in their academics, communication, and interpersonal skills. Students will have opportunities to identify their talents, likes, dislikes, and skills they will use in their post - secondary life. Schools will put structures and activities in place that facilitate that facilitate relationships between students and staff. Teachers will utilize a variety of instructional strategies, activities, routines and habits that facilitate student engagement and student motivation.
A ship in port is safe, but that’s not what ships are built for. Navy Admiral Grace Hopper
21 st Century Personal-Social Skills 21 st Century Personal-Social Skills GOAL: The development of personal skills such as financial literacy, communication, resiliency, risk-taking, leadership, problem solving and skills related to successfully pursing post- secondary and employment will be nurtured by school staff in partnership with business partners, community agencies, parents, mentors and other volunteers.
Personal Social: Recommended Actions Recommended Actions Coordinate and expand partnerships with existing businesses, agencies, parents and other volunteers for the purpose of assisting school staff to develop the personal skills of students. Develop a communication plan for the above mentioned parties using multiple channels Facilitate mentor relationships for all students among business partners, community agencies, older students and other caring adults.
The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. Stephen Covey
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