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Published byBeatriz Javens Modified over 10 years ago
1 The Critical Infrastructure Sector Partnership Model and the Food and Agriculture Experience June 11, 2013 AFDO Annual Educational Conference Louisville, KY
2 Clay Detlefsen Intl Dairy Foods Assn, Co-chair, Food/Ag Sector Coordinating Council (FA-SCC) Randy Gordon Natl Grain & Feed Assn, Co-chair, Food/Ag Sector Coordinating Council (FA-SCC) LeeAnne Jackson US Food and Drug Administration, Co-chair, Food/Ag Government Coordinating Council (FA-GCC) Jessica Pulz US Department of Agriculture, Co-chair, Food/Ag Government Coordinating Council (FA-GCC)
33 Overview Background Policy Directives, Statutes, & Authorities Food & Agriculture Councils Implementation & Accomplishments Path Forward Questions
Background 4
55 Food and Agriculture Sector Vision Statement “The Food and Agriculture Sector acknowledges the Nation’s critical reliance on food and agriculture. The sector will strive to ensure that the Nation’s food and agriculture networks and systems are secure, resilient, and rapidly restored after all-hazards incidents. Public and private partners aim to reduce vulnerabilities and minimize consequences through risk-based decision-making and effective communication.”
The Global Supply Chain Courtesy of National Center for Food Protection and Defense (NCFPD) 6
Background & Approach Why: $2.1T industry, 1/5 of the Nation’s economy, vast & open systems, diverse farm-to-fork continuum, susceptible to a wide range of threats & hazards How: Policy Directives, Statutes, Regulations, & Authorities; Grants, Cooperative Agreements, Assistance Programs; and Public-Private Partnerships What: A secure & resilient [food & agriculture sector] with the capabilities required across the whole community to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from threats & hazards of greatest risk. 7
Policy Directives, Statutes, & Authorities 8
Policies, Directives, & Authorities 9 Then … Homeland Security Act of 2002 Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002 Animal Health Protection Act of 2002 HSPD-5: Management of Domestic Incidents (2003) HSPD-7: Critical Infrastructure Protection (2003) HSPD-8: National Preparedness (2003) HSPD-9: Defense of U.S. Agriculture and Food (2004) Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act (2006) National Response Framework (2008) Now … PPD-2: Countering Biological Threats (2009) PPD-8: National Preparedness (2011) FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (2011) National Disaster Recovery Framework (2011) National Preparedness Goal (2011) PPD-21: Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience (2013) National Planning Frameworks (2013) Interagency Operating Plans (2013)
HSPD-7: Protecting Critical Infrastructure National policy for Federal departments and agencies to identify and prioritize U.S. critical infrastructure and key resources and to protect them from terrorist attacks Defines roles and responsibilities for DHS and designated Sector Specific Agencies Key Activities: –National Infrastructure Protection Plan –Sector Specific Plans –National and Sector Annual Reports USDA and FDA are the designated Sector Specific Agencies for the Food and Agriculture Sector. 10
PPD-21: Critical Infrastructure Security & Resilience Refocuses efforts based on: –Threats and hazards of greatest risk –Critical infrastructure resilience –Improved coordination and integration of physical and cyber security initiatives Addresses strategic imperatives: –Refine and clarify critical infrastructure initiatives across the Federal government –Enable effective information exchange –Implement an integration and analysis function to inform planning and operations decisions 11
12 Sector Concept & Authorities: HSPD-9 HSPD-9 set a national policy for defending U.S. food and agriculture system against terrorist attacks, major disasters, and other emergencies Key Components: –Awareness & Warning –Vulnerability Assessments –Mitigation Strategies –Response Planning & Recovery –Outreach & Professional Development –Research & Development
FDA Food Safety Modernization Act Prevention –Mandatory preventive controls for food and feed facilities –Mandatory produce safety standards –Authority to prevent intentional contamination Inspection and Compliance –Mandated inspection frequency –Records access –Testing by accredited laboratories Response –Mandatory recall –Expanded administrative detention –Suspension of registration –Enhanced product tracing abilities –Additional recordkeeping for high risk foods Imports –Importer accountability –Third-party certification –Certification for high-risk foods –Voluntary qualified importer program –Authority to deny entry Enhanced Partnerships –State and local capacity building –Foreign capacity building –Reliance on inspections by other agencies –Additional partnerships are required to: Develop and implement a national agriculture and food defense strategy Establish an integrated consortium of laboratory networks, and Improve foodborne illness surveillance 13
FDA Food Safety Modernization Act Food and Agriculture Defense Provisions Section 106 – Protection Against Intentional Adulteration Section 108 – National Agriculture and Food Defense Strategy Section 109 – Food and Agriculture Coordinating Councils Section 110(g) – Biennial Food Safety and Food Defense Research Plan Section 205(c) – Improving Food Safety and Food Defense Capacity at the State and Local Level Section 208 – Decontamination and Disposal Standards and Plans 14
15 PPD-8: National Preparedness
16 Mission Areas and Core Capabilities Defense of food and agriculture is identified as an element in the definition of “protection”
Future Food & Agriculture Defense Policy What are the strategic imperatives for the next 5 – 10 years of food and agriculture defense policy? Current focus on: –Public-private partnerships –Intelligence and information sharing –Response and recovery 17
Future Directions Outreach Efforts Information Sharing Operating in Parallel Co-funding – Sharing of Resources Co-creation & Co-programming Co-ownership & P3 Models 18
19 Food and Agriculture Sector Councils
20 Food & Agriculture Coordinating Councils Government Coordinating Council (GCC) Sector Coordinating Council (SCC) Stated Goal: –A public-private effort that protects public health and builds and sustains a protected national food supply chain where the U.S. Food and Agriculture Infrastructure is secure, resilient and prepared.
21 Food & Agriculture Coordinating Councils PUBLIC SECTOR PRIVATE SECTOR Food and Agriculture Government Coordinating Council (GCC) Food and Agriculture Sector Coordinating Council (SCC) Producers/Plant firms and associations Producers/Animal firms and associations Processors/Manufacturers firms and associations Restaurants/Food Service associations Retail associations Warehousing and Logistic associations Agriculture Production Inputs and Services firms and associations Department of Agriculture* Department of Health and Human Services - Food and Drug Administration* Department of Homeland Security Department of Defense Environmental Protection Agency Department of Commerce Department of Justice Department of Interior American Assoc. of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians Assoc. of Food & Drug Officials Assoc. of Public Health Laboratories Assoc. of State & Territorial Health Officials Intertribal Agriculture Council Multi-State Partnership for Agriculture Security Nat’l Assembly of State Chief Livestock Health Officials Nat’l Assoc. of City & County Health Officials Nat’l Assoc. of State Depts of Agriculture National Environmental Health Association National Plant Board Southern Agriculture and Animal Disaster Response Alliance (SAADRA) State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial GCC
22 SCC/GCC Activity The SCC and GCC meet face-to-face four times per year The Leadership of the two councils meet once per month via conference call The SCC and GCC periodically conduct tabletop food defense exercises At times, the contact between the GCC and SCC can be daily
23 SCC Mission Serves as the primary, policy-level interface with DHS, FDA, USDA, and other federal, state and local agencies on homeland security matters Communicates the sector’s needs and requests for resources to the government Facilitates communications, plans, and activities with other relevant infrastructure sectors, government entities, and others necessary to further secure the nation’s food supply and critical infrastructure
24 SCC’s Current Structure Singular entity – no sub councils Leadership – 2 Co-chairs Trade associations represent interests of member companies in SCC membership Solid participation from multinationals [e.g., Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), Kraft, McCormick & Co., ConAgra, others] SCC is part of Partnership for Critical Infrastructure Security (PCIS) – cross-sector council consisting of all 16 designated sectors (e.g., Nuclear, Financial Services, Transportation, Dams, Water, etc.)
25 SCC’s Underlying Owners & Operators 2,170,000+ Farms 171,000+ Domestic Registered Food Facilities 278,000+ Foreign Registered Food Facilities ~1,000,000 Restaurant/Food Service Outlets 37,000+ Supermarkets (sales > 2M) 146,000+ Convenience Stores 21,000 Dollar Stores 57,000+ Pharmacies (including some in supermarkets) Plus many more
26 GCC Slide GCC Value Proposition
27 GCC Goals and Activities
Notes: Kentucky is both MSPSA and SAADRA Virginia and West Virginia are both SAADRA and MAAEMA Multi-State Partnership for Security in Agriculture Southern Animal and Agriculture Disaster Response Alliance Mid-Atlantic Agriculture and Animal Emergency Management Alliance New England States Animal Agriculture Security Alliance
29 Implementation & Accomplishments
30 Sector Formation & Existence Formation of the sector was – and remains – challenging Too many activities, all with time and resource commitments Focus, at times, was perceived to be "checking boxes“ Extremely diverse needs, philosophies exist within sector Enormous potential should palpable threat materialize Critical relationships within the sector and with government personnel have materialized Mutual understandings and trust developed Progress made; more needs to be achieved
31 Strategic Partnership Program on Agroterrorism (SPPA) Extremely well-received by industry and government alike Excellent opportunity for private sector to inform, educate officials about their operations and to interact with government Excellent opportunity for government to educate private sector to understand government concerns Excellent opportunity for industry to learn from each other Numerous concerns ruled-in or ruled-out Identified critical research needs Supported development of other tools and resources for sector
32 Sector Table Top Exercises 2006 – Raleigh, Carolina – Intentional contamination of bottled water 2006 – Washington, DC - Foreign Animal Disease 2007 – Harrisburg, PA – Intentional contamination of animal feed resulting in human food contamination (primarily early response) 2009 – Oklahoma City, OK - Intentional contamination of animal feed resulting in human food contamination (more focused on late response and recovery issues) 2009 – Crystal City, VA – Federal follow-on to Oklahoma exercise 2010 and 2011 – Arlington, VA – Intentional contamination at food retail/food service locations in several major cities 2013 – Nuclear Reactors, Materials & Waste and Food & Agriculture Cross-Sector Workshop 2013 – Nuclear Reactors, Materials & Waste and Food & Agriculture Tabletop Exercise (TBD)
33 Additional SCC Accomplishments Assisted in enhancing overall awareness of threats to food and agriculture, and kept it in perspective Helped establish a structure for collaboration with our federal, state and local partners Participated with our partners in numerous vulnerability assessments Helped DHS understand “systems approach” to identify, evaluate critical assets/redundancies Beneficially influenced numerous DHS-driven projects and activities Actively participated in the development and execution of a number of excellent tabletop exercises
34 Cross-Sector Collaboration Partnership with FBI and EPA to support multi-sector workshops Collaboration at local level to promote coordination between water utilities, public health, food and agriculture, emergency management, and law enforcement Upcoming workshops to be announced
35 If You See Something, Say Something TM
36 Prioritization of Critical Infrastructure Total of 30 States successfully added FA Sector assets, systems, and clusters as part of the 2011 National Critical Infrastructure Prioritization Program (NCIPP) data call This marked the first time that FA Sector assets were included in this prioritization, an accomplishment that is the direct result of the collaborative partnership among DHS, SSAs, and SLTT partners “Criticality Workgroup” established to facilitate ongoing efforts to standardize prioritization and identify and implement risk reduction measures and mitigation strategies
Continuity of Business 37 Preparedness –Work with industry stakeholders and experts to prioritize animal or commodity movements that have the potential to be affected by disease or disease response –Establish transparent and effective system for risk assessments, surveillance requirements, biosecurity procedures, and a permit process to promote stakeholder acceptance and compliance with regulatory interventions by Federal, State, and Tribal authorities Response –Implement appropriate COB plan for affected industries or industry segment(s) –Work with industry and Incident Command to facilitate movement of non-infected animals and non-contaminated animal products from non- infected premises
Secure Food Supply Continuity of business plans and processes, like the Secure Food Supply projects, work with quarantines to… –Plan for the managed movement of non-infected animals and non- contaminated animal products from non-infected premises during an outbreak –Facilitate normal business operations, avoiding unnecessary economic consequences, as well as animal welfare issues –Mitigate risk of disease spread through risk assessments, surveillance, biosecurity, cleaning and disinfection, and other measures National and State/Regional Projects include: –Secure Milk Supply –Secure Pork Supply –Secure Egg Supply 38
39 Other Tools and Activities
40 The Path Forward: Despite Progress, Challenges Remain
41 Scope and Diversity of Sector System of systems across diverse industry Sector is very diverse and does not lend itself well to traditional physical asset- based security practices Improve communication of risk Develop and promote risk reduction measures
42 Resources Day-to-day challenges to deal with already; resources are finite Economic downturn has triggered staff reductions at trade associations and private sector owner operators … food defense is frequently lost in the shuffle Similar challenges with SLTT partners Need to identify dual-use applications of food and ag defense initiatives
43 Additional Areas of Improvement Continue to improve visibility of food and agriculture sector Increase SLTT and private-sector participation and engagement Improve two-way communications during an incident Promote awareness of National Preparedness Goal and National Planning Frameworks
44 The partnership is far from perfect, but, we are far better off today for it Should something happen, we will be able to act more quickly and efficiently The investment to date has been worthwhile The Bottom Line …
45 Thank You! Questions?
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