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Survey of Bible Doctrine Doctrine of the Bible Stephen E. LaFleur, ThD
I. Inspiration – How did God produce the Bible? A. Definition – God’s superintending of human authors so that, using their own individual personalities, they composed and recorded without error in the words of the original autographs His revelation to man. B. Theories of Inspiration 1. Natural inspiration – there is no supernatural element. 1. Natural inspiration – there is no supernatural element. The Bible was written by great men, who often erred. The Bible was written by great men, who often erred. 2. Partial inspiration – the bible contains God’s word but 2. Partial inspiration – the bible contains God’s word but must be sorted out to find them. Other parts are purely must be sorted out to find them. Other parts are purely human and may be in error. human and may be in error. Doctrine of the Bible
3. Conceptual inspiration – the thoughts of scripture 3. Conceptual inspiration – the thoughts of scripture are inspired but the actual words used are not. are inspired but the actual words used are not. There are factual and scientific errors. There are factual and scientific errors. 4. Dictation theory of inspiration – All writers 4. Dictation theory of inspiration – All writers passively recorded God’s words without any passively recorded God’s words without any participation of their own styles or personalities. participation of their own styles or personalities. 5. Verbal, plenary inspiration – all of the actual 5. Verbal, plenary inspiration – all of the actual words of the Bible are inspired and without words of the Bible are inspired and without error. This fits the Bible’s description. error. This fits the Bible’s description. Doctrine of the Bible
C. Defense for verbal, plenary inspiration 1. The Bible claims it (II Timothy 3:16) 1. The Bible claims it (II Timothy 3:16) 2. The Bible describes it 2. The Bible describes it a. “God-breathed” writings (II Timothy 3:16) a. “God-breathed” writings (II Timothy 3:16) b. “Spirit-enabled” writings (II Peter 1:20, 21) b. “Spirit-enabled” writings (II Peter 1:20, 21) c. “God-superintended” writings & writers c. “God-superintended” writings & writers d. Scripture describes “God-Spirit-Man” interaction d. Scripture describes “God-Spirit-Man” interaction 1) Zech 7:12 1) Zech 7:12 2) Acts 4:24, 25 2) Acts 4:24, 25 Doctrine of the Bible
3. God uses several methods of inspiration 3. God uses several methods of inspiration A. Direct dictation (Deut. 9:10) A. Direct dictation (Deut. 9:10) B. Superintending human research ( Luke 1:1-4) B. Superintending human research ( Luke 1:1-4) C. Spoken revelation (Gal. 1:12) C. Spoken revelation (Gal. 1:12) D. Inspiration is “verbal” – the very words are D. Inspiration is “verbal” – the very words are inspired (I Cor. 2:12,13, Gal. 3:26, Matt. 22:31) inspired (I Cor. 2:12,13, Gal. 3:26, Matt. 22:31) Doctrine of the Bible
II. Inerrancy – How do we know the Bible is completely true? A. Definition: “Scripture is without error. It tells the truth” A. Definition: “Scripture is without error. It tells the truth” B. The problem B. The problem 1. Inerrancy is an issue because some religious scholars 1. Inerrancy is an issue because some religious scholars have repeatedly redefined such terms as “infallible” have repeatedly redefined such terms as “infallible” to mean the Bible could still have factual historical errors. to mean the Bible could still have factual historical errors. 2. When inerrancy is not held, one by one, certain Bible 2. When inerrancy is not held, one by one, certain Bible doctrines (deity of Christ), historical facts (literal creation), doctrines (deity of Christ), historical facts (literal creation), and other Biblical views are denied. and other Biblical views are denied. Doctrine of the Bible
C. The Bible claims inerrancy C. The Bible claims inerrancy 1. Logical reasoning 1. Logical reasoning a. The Bible is God’s Word (Matt. 4:4-11) a. The Bible is God’s Word (Matt. 4:4-11) b. God is always truthful (Titus 1:2, Heb. 6:18) b. God is always truthful (Titus 1:2, Heb. 6:18) c. Therefore the Bible is completely true (inerrancy) c. Therefore the Bible is completely true (inerrancy) 2. The teachings of Christ 2. The teachings of Christ a. Matt 4:4 a. Matt 4:4 b. Matt 5:18 b. Matt 5:18 c. John 10:35 c. John 10:35 Doctrine of the Bible
D. Clarification of Inerrancy D. Clarification of Inerrancy 1. Inerrancy still allows for approximation, free 1. Inerrancy still allows for approximation, free quotations, figures of speech, language of quotations, figures of speech, language of appearances (the sun set, etc.) and different appearances (the sun set, etc.) and different but not contradictory accounts of the same but not contradictory accounts of the same event. event. 2. As inerrantists, we acknowledge that there are 2. As inerrantists, we acknowledge that there are sometimes apparent contradictions but we affirm sometimes apparent contradictions but we affirm that with further knowledge, the seeming that with further knowledge, the seeming discrepancy would disappear. This is continually discrepancy would disappear. This is continually the case as archaeology repeatedly confirms the case as archaeology repeatedly confirms Bible statements. Bible statements. Doctrine of the Bible
III. Illumination – How does the Scripture change lives? A. Definition – the ministry of the Holy Spirit helping the A. Definition – the ministry of the Holy Spirit helping the believer to understand and apply the truths of the Bible believer to understand and apply the truths of the Bible B. Description B. Description 1. Illumination is the work of the Spirit (John 16:12-15) 1. Illumination is the work of the Spirit (John 16:12-15) 2. Illumination is the Holy Spirit’s work in believers and 2. Illumination is the Holy Spirit’s work in believers and not in some mystical function of the words of the not in some mystical function of the words of the scripture. (I Cor. 2:12-15, Eph. 1:18) scripture. (I Cor. 2:12-15, Eph. 1:18) 3. The Holy Spirit will use our study and meditation to 3. The Holy Spirit will use our study and meditation to help us understand AND to apply to our lives. help us understand AND to apply to our lives. 4. The reader’s accuracy will affect the Spirit’s illumination. 4. The reader’s accuracy will affect the Spirit’s illumination. 5. The spirit uses those with gifts of teaching/exhortation for 5. The spirit uses those with gifts of teaching/exhortation for aid in illumination. aid in illumination. Doctrine of the Bible
IV. Canonicity – How do we know the right books are there? A. Definition – the collection of 66 books were properly A. Definition – the collection of 66 books were properly recognized by the early church as the complete authoritative recognized by the early church as the complete authoritative scriptures not to be added to or to be subtracted from. scriptures not to be added to or to be subtracted from. B. Tests of Canonicity B. Tests of Canonicity 1. Is it authoritative (thus saith the Lord) – OT must 1. Is it authoritative (thus saith the Lord) – OT must have authority from a spiritual leader of Israel, NT have authority from a spiritual leader of Israel, NT must have authority from original apostle. must have authority from original apostle. 2. Is it prophetic (II Peter 1:20)? 2. Is it prophetic (II Peter 1:20)? 3. Is it authentic (consistent with other revelation)? 3. Is it authentic (consistent with other revelation)? 4. Is it dynamic (life-changing)? 4. Is it dynamic (life-changing)? 5. Was it accepted and used by the first believers? 5. Was it accepted and used by the first believers? Doctrine of the Bible
C. Formation of the Canon C. Formation of the Canon 1. How the OT books were determined 1. How the OT books were determined a. The NT refers to the OT as “scripture” (Matt. 21:42) a. The NT refers to the OT as “scripture” (Matt. 21:42) b. The Council of Jamnia (AD 90) recognized 39 books b. The Council of Jamnia (AD 90) recognized 39 books c. Josephus (AD 95) recognized 39 books. c. Josephus (AD 95) recognized 39 books. 2. How the NT books were determined 2. How the NT books were determined a. The apostles claimed authority for their writings a. The apostles claimed authority for their writings b. Their writings were equated with OT scriptures b. Their writings were equated with OT scriptures c. The Council of Athenasius (AD367) and Council of c. The Council of Athenasius (AD367) and Council of Carthage (AD 397) recognized 27 books as inspired Carthage (AD 397) recognized 27 books as inspired Doctrine of the Bible
D. The Apocrypha were initially regarded as Scripture D. The Apocrypha were initially regarded as Scripture 1. The Apocrypha was initially quoted as authoritative 1. The Apocrypha was initially quoted as authoritative in scriptures but was “disallowed” in that they were in scriptures but was “disallowed” in that they were only found in the Greek Septuagint text and not in only found in the Greek Septuagint text and not in the Hebrew or Aramaic texts. the Hebrew or Aramaic texts. 2. The 1611 KJV included the Apocrypha but was later 2. The 1611 KJV included the Apocrypha but was later deleted for the reasons stated above. Since then, deleted for the reasons stated above. Since then, copies in Hebrew and Aramaic have been found copies in Hebrew and Aramaic have been found which give credence to reconsideration or at the which give credence to reconsideration or at the least, time in study. least, time in study. Doctrine of the Bible
3. In contrast, however, Jesus mentions in 3. In contrast, however, Jesus mentions in Matthew 23:35 that the close of the OT Matthew 23:35 that the close of the OT historical scripture was the death of Zechariah historical scripture was the death of Zechariah in 400 BC. This excludes any books written in 400 BC. This excludes any books written after Malachi and before the NT. after Malachi and before the NT. Doctrine of the Bible
There is just one way to fully understand the Bible and to gain all there is from it... “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. “ II Timothy 2:15 II Timothy 2:15 Doctrine of the Bible
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