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The Old Testament (Hebrew Scripture) The 2 nd Temple Period 539BC - 70 AD 539-332 Persian Period 332-165 Greek Period 165-63 Maccabean Period 63BC-70 AD.

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Presentation on theme: "The Old Testament (Hebrew Scripture) The 2 nd Temple Period 539BC - 70 AD 539-332 Persian Period 332-165 Greek Period 165-63 Maccabean Period 63BC-70 AD."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Old Testament (Hebrew Scripture) The 2 nd Temple Period 539BC - 70 AD 539-332 Persian Period 332-165 Greek Period 165-63 Maccabean Period 63BC-70 AD Roman Period

2 The Old Testament (Hebrew Scripture) 538-332 The Persian Period 538 – Cyrus of Persia releases all exiles 520-515 – Temple rebuilt, but smaller Haggai, Zechariah, 2 nd Isaiah Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah

3 The Old Testament (Hebrew Scripture) The 6 th C BC An Age of Achievement Zoroaster, Lao Tse, Buddha, Confucius, Solon of Athens, Aeschylus, Pythagoras The Jewish Prophets Xenophanes, Hesiod, Sappho, Aesop The Hindu Vedas, Ramayana Mayan Empire

4 The Old Testament (Hebrew Scripture) The 6 th C BC An Age of Achievement 2 nd Temple in Jerusalem Temple to Zeus in Athens Temple to Apollo in Corinth

5 The Old Testament (Hebrew Scripture) The 5 th Century Roman Expansion under Coriolanus The Persian Wars against Greece (Battles of Marathon, Thermopylae) Pericles rules Athens Socrates and Sophocles The Acropolis/Parthenon

6 The Old Testament (Hebrew Scripture) 400-350 Socrates – Plato – Aristotle Rise of Mycenaea Athenian/Spartan wars First section of Wall of China

7 The Old Testament (Hebrew Scripture) The Greek Period 362-165 Alexander the Great Hellenization Library of Alexandria, Colossus of Rhodes, Lighthouse of Pharos Division of Empire: Macedonia (Cassander), Thrace (Lysimachus), Egypt (Ptolemy Soter), Asia (Antigonus) The Punic Wars The Septuagint The Rosetta Stone Ecclesiastes, Sirach, Daniel ch. 1-6

8 The Old Testament (Hebrew Scripture) The Rise and Fall of Empires 2000-200 BC

9 The Old Testament (Hebrew Scripture) The Maccabean Period 165-63 Antiochus IV Epiphanes Judas Maccabeus Hasmonean Dynasty

10 The Old Testament (Hebrew Scripture) The Roman Period 63 BC – 70 AD General Ptolemy (the Triumvirate: Julius Caesar/Ptolemy/Marcus Antonius) The Herodians and the Roman Occupation Essenes, Zealots, Pharisees and Sadducees

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