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Presentation on theme: "A STUDY OF AUTHORITY. AUTHORITY What Is Authority?"— Presentation transcript:


2 AUTHORITY What Is Authority?

3 AUTHORITY (1) a citation (as from a book or file) used in defense or support. [CFR—Code Of Federal Regulations] (2a) the source from which the citation is drawn. (2b) a conclusive statement or set of statements (as an official decision of a court). (3) an individual cited or appealed to as an expert. Keep in mind the limitations of such authority Keep in mind the limitations of such authority

4 AUTHORITY Power and Right to influence or command: Any Or All Behavior. Keep in mind the limitations of such authority. Keep in mind the limitations of such authority.

5 AUTHORITY Persons in command and/or their delegates. a government government or a corporation or a corporation a parent Or a representative of such an agency or group to administer: rules, laws, ordinances, …. Keep in mind the limitations of such authority. Keep in mind the limitations of such authority.

6 AUTHORITY What Is Authority? Where Do We Find Authority?

7 AUTHORITY The Home SchoolWorkMilitary Society (Public and Private) Church Clubs or Societies Government Authority is limited to each realm. There are times when such authority could be found in more than one, but each act of authority must be specific to that realm, and not cross into another realm of authority.

8 AUTHORITY What Is Authority? Where Do We Find Authority? Why Do We Need Authority?

9 AUTHORITY Why Do we Need Authority? To Maintain Order To Establish Guidelines For Everyone To Follow To Meet Expectations

10 AUTHORITY What Is Authority? Where Do We Find Authority? Why Do We Need Authority? Who Is Subject To Authority?

11 AUTHORITY Those Who Authorize Those Who Are Subject EVERYONE IS SUBJECT TO AUTHORITY Even the Person Who Authorizes

12 AUTHORITY Who Is Subject To Authority? The Soldier is subject to his superior officers While the soldier is to show respect to superior officers of other branches of the military, he is not subject to them. The non-military citizen is not subject to the officers in the military.

13 AUTHORITY What Is Authority? Why Do We Need It? Who Is Subject To Authority? How Do We Establish Religious Authority? Matthew 21:23-27

14 How Do We Establish Religious Authority? Anyone claiming to be subject to God must go to a source where God instructs. The only source in the entire creation where God has spoken to mankind is: The Bible

15 AUTHORITY How To Establish Authority Statement Of Fact

16 AUTHORITY How To Establish Authority Statement Of Fact Direct Command

17 AUTHORITY How To Establish Authority Statement Of Fact Direct Command Approved Apostolic Example

18 AUTHORITY How To Establish Authority Statement Of Fact Direct Command Approved Apostolic Example Necessary Inference or Implication

19 AUTHORITY How To Establish Authority Statement Of Fact Direct Command Approved Apostolic Example Necessary Inference or Implication Silence of Scripture

20 AUTHORITY Statement Of Fact Direct Command Approved Apostolic Example Necessary Inference or Implication Silence of Scripture More Principles

21 AUTHORITY Psalm 119:160 “The entirety of your word is truth”. All of God’s word is authoritative. No one verse will “trump” another.

22 AUTHORITY Therefore we must read it all and recognize that one verse does not trump or invalidate another passage of scripture. The verses complement each other. We cannot say one verse is wrong because of what another verse reads. We cannot force a conclusion that conflicts with any passage of scripture.

23 AUTHORITY Keep Scripture Where God Put It Not only the scripture, but the application of that scripture. Old belongs in Old and New belongs in New, They are different, and do not mix.

24 AUTHORITY Keep Scripture Where God Put It Before Jesus Christ (commonly referred to as the Old Testament)

25 AUTHORITY Keep Scripture Where God Put It The Earthly Ministry Of Jesus (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) [The Gospels]

26 AUTHORITY Keep Scripture Where God Put It After Pentecost {The Beginning Of the Church, Up To And Including Now.}

27 AUTHORITY ContextContextContext “A Text Out Of Context Is A Pretext”

28 AUTHORITY Another passage of importance is 2 Timothy 4:3-4 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn aside to myths.” “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn aside to myths.”

29 AUTHORITY We must recognize how and why error continues. 1. Some passages related to the topic must be ignored, distorted, twisted and added to in order to uphold a false doctrine.

30 AUTHORITY We must recognize how and why error continues. 2. A new (different from the Bible, not found in the scripture) vocabulary of words, terms, and definitions must be learned. not found in the scripture) vocabulary of words, terms, and definitions must be learned.

31 AUTHORITY We must recognize how and why error continues. 3. Assumptions are frequent and treated as scripture. 4. Human reasoning and conclusions replace the Word of God.

32 AUTHORITY We must recognize how and why error continues. 5. Man becomes the final authority and not God. 6. Man-made laws and solutions replace the Word of God.

33 AUTHORITY We must recognize how and why error continues. 7. A false doctrine just does not fit with the other passages on the same subject. If one scripture bumps against other scriptures, like gears in a gear box that do not mesh with one another thus grinding, distorting, and breaking one another, something is wrong. All that God says on any topic will mesh and fit perfectly together.

34 AUTHORITY Conclusion: Since the Bible is the word of God, any teaching that is different from the Bible is error, wrong, and false. To teach error is to: Deny the Deity of Jesus. Deny the authority of God the Father. Deny the work of the Holy Spirit.

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