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Reformation and Beyond © John Stevenson, 2008. 1000 150015002000 The Medieval Church The Reformed Church The Ancient Church.

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Presentation on theme: "Reformation and Beyond © John Stevenson, 2008. 1000 150015002000 The Medieval Church The Reformed Church The Ancient Church."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reformation and Beyond © John Stevenson, 2008

2 1000 150015002000 The Medieval Church The Reformed Church The Ancient Church

3 What do we mean when we speak of the Reformed Faith?

4 95Theses 148015001520154015601580 Martin Luther 1600 AmericaDiscovered



7 Here I stand. God help me. I cannot do otherwise.

8 1483-1546 Allowed to return to Wittenberg under safe conduct Edict of Worms: Luther declared an outlaw Kidnapped – Wartburg Castle

9 One yearOne year Translated the New Testament into GermanTranslated the New Testament into German

10 1483-1546 Civil unrest in Wittenberg Marriage to Katharina von Bora

11 95Theses 148015001520154015601580 Martin Luther 1600 Ulrich Zwingli Zwingli at Zurich AmericaDiscovered

12 1483-1531 Preaching ministry at Zurich (January 1, 1519) –Preaching through the gospel of Matthew Removal of statues and icons Marburg Colloquy (1529) –Discussions with Luther –Disagreement over the Lord’s Table

13 Luther Consubstantiation: There is a real presence with the elements at the Lord’s Table Zwingli Memorial: The Lord’s Table is a memorial where we meet the Lord spiritually 1529

14 95Theses 148015001520154015601580 Martin Luther 1600 Ulrich Zwingli Zwingli at Zurich AmericaDiscovered Tyndale

15 1494-1536 Translated the Bible into English Condemned as a heretic “Lord, open the eyes of the king of England!”

16 The Tyndale Bible “In the begynnynge was the worde ad that worde was with god: and god was thatt worde…”

17 95Theses 148015001520154015601580 Martin Luther 1600 Ulrich Zwingli Zwingli at Zurich AmericaDiscovered John Calvin Henry VIII Church Tyndale

18 Henry VIII Sought a divorce from his wife Broke the church away from Rome Continued to follow Roman Catholic forms of worship

19 Edward VI 1537-1553 Son of Henry VIII and Jane Seymour Had been tutored in Reformed Theology under the influence of Archbishop Thomas Cramner

20 Mary I “Bloody Mary” 1516-1558 Daughter of Henry VIII & Catherine of Aragorn Roman Catholic Persecution of Reformers


22 Be of good comfort, Master Ridley, and play the man; we shall this day light such a candle, by God's grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out

23 95Theses 148015001520154015601580 Martin Luther 1600 Ulrich Zwingli Zwingli at Zurich AmericaDiscovered John Calvin Henry VIII Church Tyndale

24 1509-1564 Studied law at University of Paris Wrote his Institutes of Christian Religion Forced to flee Paris due to his reformed writings Visited Geneva and met William Farrel (1536) Rejection at Geneva (1538)

25 1509-1564 Pastor in Strasbourg Return to Geneva (1540) Commentaries on most of the Bible Received Protestant refugees from all over Europe

26 John Calvin Martin Luther What are the similarities between Calvin and Luther?

27 John Calvin Martin Luther What are the differences between Calvin and Luther?

28 Major emphasis on the glory of God in all of life John Calvin Martin Luther Major emphasis on salvation by grace through faith

29 God is only to be worshiped in ways specified in the Scriptures John Calvin Martin Luther God can be worshiped in any way not forbidden by the Scriptures

30 95Theses 148015001520154015601580 Martin Luther King James Version 1600 Ulrich Zwingli Zwingli at Zurich AmericaDiscovered John Calvin John Knox Henry VIII Church Spanish Armada sunk Queen Elizabeth

31 1510? - 1572 Studied for priesthood at University of St Andrews Chaplain to the garrison at St Andrews Castle Sentenced as a galley slave Preaching ministry in England Geneva

32 “It is the most perfect school of Christ that ever was in the earth since the days of the apostles” (Knox)

33 1510? - 1572 Give me Scotland ‘ere I die!

34 1510? - 1572

35 Roman Catholics Church tradition carries equal authority with Scripture Reformers Scripture alone is final rule of faith and practice Salvation comes as one cooperates with the grace of God Salvation comes by grace through faith alone Justification is an infusion of grace to make you live better Justification is an imputation of Christ’s righteousness

36 1566-1625 James VI of Scotland became king of England in 1603 Millenary Petition King James Version

37 95Theses 148015001520154015601580 Martin Luther King James Version 1600 Ulrich Zwingli Zwingli at Zurich AmericaDiscovered John Calvin John Knox Henry VIII Church Spanish Armada sunk Queen Elizabeth

38 Charles V 1600-1649 Struggle with Parliament Parliament disbanded Civil War Commonwealth

39 121 Puritan clergy A doctrinal statement for the churches of England and Scotland 1643-1646


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