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Some Remarks on תמיד PART 1: DAN 8:13-14. Time Periods An Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "Some Remarks on תמיד PART 1: DAN 8:13-14. Time Periods An Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some Remarks on תמיד PART 1: DAN 8:13-14

2 Time Periods An Overview

3 2300 Days 70 Weeks 457 BC AD 27 31 34 1843/44

4 2300 Days 70 Weeks 457 BC AD 27 31 34 1843/44 3.5 Years/1260 Days

5 2300 Days 70 Weeks 457 BC AD 27 31 34 1843/44 3.5 Years/1260 Days

6 2300 Days 70 Weeks 457 BC AD 27 31 34 1843/44 3.5 Years/1260 Days

7 2300 Days 70 Weeks 457 BC AD 27 31 34 1843/44 3.5 Years/1260 Days

8 2300 Days 70 Weeks 457 BC AD 27 31 34 AD 538 1798 1844 3.5 Years/1260 Days

9 2300 Days 70 Weeks 3½ Years (Dan 7:25; 12:7; Rev 12:14) 42 Months (Rev 11:2; 13:5) 1260 Days (Rev 11:3; 12:6) 457 BC AD 27 31 34 AD 538 1798 1844 3.5 Years/1260 Days Rebellion

10 2300 Days 70 Weeks 3½ Years (Dan 7:25; 12:7; Rev 12:14) 42 Months (Rev 11:2; 13:5) 1260 Days (Rev 11:3; 12:6) 457 BC AD 27 31 34 AD 538 1798 1844 3.5 Years/1260 Days Rebellion (Term 3)

11 2300 Days 70 Weeks 3½ Years (Dan 7:25; 12:7; Rev 12:14) 42 Months (Rev 11:2; 13:5) 1260 Days (Rev 11:3; 12:6) 457 BC AD 27 31 34 AD 508 538 1798 1844 1290 Days 3.5 Years/1260 Days Rebellion (Term 3)

12 2300 Days 70 Weeks 3½ Years (Dan 7:25; 12:7; Rev 12:14) 42 Months (Rev 11:2; 13:5) 1260 Days (Rev 11:3; 12:6) 457 BC AD 27 31 34 AD 508 538 1798 1843/44 1335 Days 1290 Days 3.5 Years/1260 Days Rebellion (Term 3)

13 2300 Days 70 Weeks 3½ Years (Dan 7:25; 12:7; Rev 12:14) 42 Months (Rev 11:2; 13:5) 1260 Days (Rev 11:3; 12:6) 457 BC AD 27 31 34 AD 508 538 1798 1843/44 1335 Days 1290 Days 3.5 Years/1260 Days Vision (Term 1) Rebellion (Term 3)

14 2300 Days 70 Weeks 3½ Years (Dan 7:25; 12:7; Rev 12:14) 42 Months (Rev 11:2; 13:5) 1260 Days (Rev 11:3; 12:6) 1335 Days 1290 Days 3.5 Years/1260 Days 457 BC AD 27 31 34 AD 508 538 1798 1843/44 Vision (Term 1) Rebellion (Term 3)

15 2300 Days 70 Weeks 3½ Years (Dan 7:25; 12:7; Rev 12:14) 42 Months (Rev 11:2; 13:5) 1260 Days (Rev 11:3; 12:6) 1335 Days 1290 Days 3.5 Years/1260 Days 457 BC AD 27 31 34 AD 508 538 1798 1843/44 Vision (Term 1) Rebellion (Term 3)

16 2300 Days 70 Weeks 3½ Years (Dan 7:25; 12:7; Rev 12:14) 42 Months (Rev 11:2; 13:5) 1260 Days (Rev 11:3; 12:6) 1335 Days 1290 Days 3.5 Years/1260 Days 457 BC AD 27 31 34 AD 508 538 1798 1843/44 Vision (Term 1) Rebellion (Term 3) Hattāmîd (Term 2)

17 Notes ◦Grammatically עד מתי החזון התמיד והפשע שמם is one question, but logically (by a process that linguists call gapping) it is three, because the one predicate ( עד מתי ) applies equally to each of its arguments. Thus: ◦ החזון עד מתי Until when the vision? ◦ התמיד עד מתי Until when the tāmîd? ◦ הפשע שמם עד מתי Until when the desolating rebellion?

18 Notes ◦The one thing that all three terms in 8:13c have in common is that they end. They do not end at precisely the same time and they certainly do not begin at the same time. But they end. ◦As one of the three terms, the תמיד also ends. Indeed it is the only one of the three terms to end in 1844 (along with the time period). Thus we could say that the ending point of the תמיד is a point of special focus for the prophecy and that it alone marks the culmination of the time period.

19 Letters and Accents The Masoretic Contribution

20 Dan 8:13c-d (Text) Ref.Term 1Term 2Term 3 8:13c he ḥ āzôn hattāmîdw e happeša c šōmēm 8:13d qōdeš ṣ ābā

21 Dan 8:13c-d (Analysis) Ref.Term 1Term 2Term 3 8:13c ha(C) + ḥ āzôn ha(C) + tāmîdw e + ha(C) + peša c šōmēm 8:13d qōdeš ṣ ābā

22 Dan 8:13c-d (The Article) Ref.Term 1Term 2Term 3 8:13cha(C) + 8:13d --

23 Dan 8:13c-d (Accents) Ref.Term 1Term 2Term 3 8:13cha(C) + 8:13d --

24 Dan 8:13c-d (Letters) Ref.Term 1Term 2Term 3 8:13cha(C) + w e + ha(C) + 8:13d --

25 Dan 8:13c-d (Exegesis) Ref.NeutralHeavenEarth 8:13c he ḥ āzôn hattāmîdw e happeša c šōmēm 8:13d qōdeš ṣ ābā

26 Dan 8:13c-d (Exegesis) Ref.NeutralHeavenEarth 8:13c he ḥ āzôn hattāmîdw e happeša c šōmēm 8:13d qōdeš ṣ ābā

27 Notes ◦The question (8:13) deals with three things that end – all in clause (c) and most prominently the תמיד. Only it ends on schedule in 1844. ◦The answer, by contrast (8:14), states that something else would continue on, i.e., the קדש. ◦The קדש would undergo a restorative or cleansing process after the three terms of clause (c) had ended. ◦It is secondary in the question, primary in the answer. ◦The terms התמיד and קדש are related thematically, but they are contrasted in the text. It is not justifiable to read the words w e niṣdaq qōdeš and take them to mean w e niṣdaq hattāmîd.

28 Translations Versions as Commentaries

29 Translations And I heard one of [the] holy angels speaking; and one holy angel said to another, I know not to whom speaking, Clause (c): How long the vision, and the continual sacrifice, and the sin of desolation, [or discomfort,] which is made, Clause (d): and the saintuary, and the host, shall be defouled? -Second Wycliffite Bible (1395?)

30 Translations Then I overheard an angel speaking, and another angel said to the speaker, Clause (c): "How long is this to last [time period], this that we see [vision], the daily sacrifice stopped [tāmîd], the appalling sacrilege [rebellion], Clause (d): the trampling down of the sanctuary and the starry host?“ -Moffatt (1922)

31 Translations I heard a holy one speaking and another holy one answering him, whoever he was. The one said, Clause (c): 'For how long will the period of this vision last [vision]? How long will the regular offering be suppressed [tāmîd], how long will impiety cause desolation [rebellion], Clause (d): and both the Holy Place and the fairest of all lands be given over to be trodden down?‘ -New English Bible (NEB, 1970)

32 Translations Then I heard a certain holy one speaking, and another holy one said to that one who spoke, Clause (c): Until when [is] the vision, the regular [sacrifice], and the desolating transgression, Clause (d): to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trampled? -Green’s Literal Translation (LITV, 1985)

33 Translations I heard a holy one speaking and another holy one answering. The one speaker said, Clause (c): 'How long will the period of this vision last [vision]? How long will the regular offering be suppressed and impiety cause desolation? Clause (d): How long will the Holy Place and the fairest of all lands be given over to be trodden down?‘ -Revised English Bible (REB, 1989)

34 Discussion Broader Perspective

35 Restoring Jerusalem Cleansing the Sanctuary 70 Weeks 2300 Days Dan 9:25; Ezra 4:12, 7:25-26; Neh 1:3 Dan 8:13-14

36 Restoring Jerusalem Promises to Everyone Cleansing the Sanctuary 70 Weeks 2300 Days Rom 11:24Dan 9:25; Ezra 4:12, 7:25-26; Neh 1:3 Dan 8:13-14 “God has not rejected his people whom he foreknew” (Rom 11:2, ESV). But in Christ He gives, to everyone who will believe, the promises that had once pertained uniquely to Abraham.

37 Restoring Jerusalem Promises to Abraham Promises to Everyone Cleansing the Sanctuary [No Time Period] Rom 11:24Gen 12:2-3; 15:5; Rom 4:16; 9:8; Heb 11:17-18 Dan 9:25; Ezra 4:12, 7:25-26; Neh 1:3 Dan 8:13-14 2300 Days 70 Weeks Thus there is a broader symmetry in the above familiar system of interpretation that extends from Genesis to Daniel, and through further parallels to Revelation.

38 Restoring Jerusalem Promises to Abraham Promises to Everyone Cleansing the Sanctuary [No Time Period] Rom 11:24Gen 12:2-3; 15:5; Rom 4:16; 9:8; Heb 11:17-18 Dan 9:25; Ezra 4:12, 7:25-26; Neh 1:3 Dan 8:13-14 2300 Days 3.5 Years/1260 Days 70 Weeks A period of rebellion and oppression during the middle ages is chronologically isolatable within this system and is given, in different spellings, seven times in Scripture.

39 Restoring Jerusalem Promises to Abraham Promises to Everyone Cleansing the Sanctuary [No Time Period] Rom 11:24Gen 12:2-3; 15:5; Rom 4:16; 9:8; Heb 11:17-18 Dan 9:25; Ezra 4:12, 7:25-26; Neh 1:3 Dan 8:13-14 2300 Days 1335 Days 1290 Days 3.5 Years/1260 Days 70 Weeks The time periods of Dan 12:11-12 confine the period of rebellion to one specific, uniquely identifiable, bloc of time. This prevents interpreters from moving the period and therefore misunderstanding it. God does not want it to be misunderstood.

40 2300 Days 70 Weeks 457 BC AD 27 31 34 AD 508 538 1798 1843/44 1335 Days 1290 Days 3.5 Years/1260 Days

41 Notes There is an exquisite symmetry in the system of time prophecies that God has given in Scripture. At the time of the exodus Egyptian magicians were able to discern the presence of God in His mighty deeds and said, “This is the finger of God” (Exod 8:19).

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