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“How God deals with the Jacob in all of us”

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1 “How God deals with the Jacob in all of us”
Study 1 – “I loved Jacob and I hated Esau” How God deals with the Jacob in all of us

2 How God deals with the Jacob in all of us
Abraham’s Family Tree Abraham (Hagar) (Sarah) (Keturah) Ishmael Isaac (Rebekah) Zimran Jokshan Medan Midian Ishbak Shuah Esau Jacob Arab nations Edom Israel Sheba & Dedan How God deals with the Jacob in all of us

3 The Divine Surname Ex. 3:14-15 (Heb. 11:16)
"Yahweh Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of ABRAHAM The Father ...ISAAC The Son ...JACOB Multitudinous Seed ....this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations." (This surname occurs 12 times in Scripture) How God deals with the Jacob in all of us

4 The Generations of Isaac
Abraham - 175 75 86 Ishmael - 137 Heb. 11:9 “By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, 100 Isaac - 180 60 Esau as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise.” 160 Jacob - 147 15 How God deals with the Jacob in all of us

5 How God deals with the Jacob in all of us
“The Syrian” – Gen. 25:20 Heb. arammiy - An Aramite or Aramaean. From aram - the highland between the two rivers, Euphrates and Tigris. In Hebrew, Syria and Edom are very similar and have been confused by the translators in 2 Sam.8:12-13, where “Edom” should occur (cp. 1 Chron.18:11-12). There seems to be an intentional semantic identification of Syria with Edom. אדם Edom ארם Syria How God deals with the Jacob in all of us

6 Two manner of people – Gen. 25
V.22 – “struggled together”- ratsats – to crack in pieces. It was a violent struggle (Gen. 3:15). Ygs. Lit. – “If it is right – why am I thus?” i.e. could the blessing of Yahweh come in this way? V.23 - “Two nations…manner of people” – Edom (flesh) and Israel (spirit = stronger) – Gal. 5:16-17. “separated” – parad – to break through, i.e. spread or separate. Roth. “parted”. How God deals with the Jacob in all of us

7 The problem of Esau’s heel
V.25 – “red” – admoniy – reddish “hairy” – sa’ar – hair (dishevelled) “Esau” – hairy, rough. Akin to asah – to do or make in the sense of handling; hence rough (sensibly felt). Esau was “fully made” from birth. He never changed from what he was at birth. V. 26 – Jacob proved upright but was born with hand on Esau’s heel – Gen. 3:15. אדם Edom ארם Syria How God deals with the Jacob in all of us

8 The heel and human nature
In Gen. 3:15 God chooses the heel of “the seed of the woman” as the point of contact with the serpent’s head. Christ had to bear human nature in order to destroy “sin, in the flesh” (Rom. 6:6). The serpent – Symbol for the carnal lusts of the flesh from which emanates sin. How God deals with the Jacob in all of us

9 How God deals with the Jacob in all of us
Two manner of people Esau Jacob "red all over" "Fully made" from the womb Cunning hunter (killer) Man of the field Isaac loved Esau Despised his natural birthright Called Edom (akin to Adam) for his profanity Hated by God – Mal.1:3 Normal at birth Hand on Esau's heel at birth A shepherd (life) A plain man Rebekah loved Jacob Sought the birthright for spiritual reasons Finally became Israel and prevailed with God Loved by God – Mal.1:2 How God deals with the Jacob in all of us

10 How God deals with the Jacob in all of us
Esau in manhood Fornicator – a notorious womaniser. A polygamist by choice (after the example of Lamech). Noted for ‘double standards’ (duplicitous). Totally lacking in spiritual perception (marriage to Ishmael’s daughter illustrates – Gen. 28:6-9). Small-minded and egotistical (illustrated by Gen. 32:6). Hated his brother Jacob – the first Anti-Semite – Gen. 27:41. How God deals with the Jacob in all of us

11 Character of Esau and Jacob
“The free, easy, frank good-nature of the profane Esau, is ruined and rendered useless by fickleness, unsteadiness, weakness, want of faith and principle. The craft, duplicity, timidity of the religious Jacob is turned to lasting good by steadfast purpose, resolute sacrifice of present benefits for future ones, and a fixed principle which ultimately purified and elevated even the baser qualities of his character.” A non-Christadelphian commentator ? How God deals with the Jacob in all of us

12 The Right of the Firstborn
A threefold blessing from God 1. Priesthood - Ex.13:2; 22:29; Num.3:45. 2. Authority - 2 Chron.21:3; Gen.4:6-7. 3. Inheritance (Double Portion) - Deut.21:15-17. In the economy of God, the firstborn was meant to be mediator, guide and builder of the family. How God deals with the Jacob in all of us

13 How God deals with the Jacob in all of us
Esau – Man of the field “Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and take me some venison” Gen. 27:3 How God deals with the Jacob in all of us

14 Jacob’s deception of Isaac – 6 phases
Clothing - V.15. Jacob wore the garments of the unworthy firstborn. Skin - V.16. Jacob now had Esau’s ‘skin’ (Gen. 25:25). Savoury Meat - V.17. Jacob brought Esau's works (Gen. 25:27-28). Six times the word “hand/s” occurs in these verses. It was a case of “Jacob’s voice” (heart - Luke 6:45) but “Esau’s hands” (V.22) How God deals with the Jacob in all of us

15 Jacob’s deception of Isaac
Deceit - V.19. Jacob spoke with Esau's deceitful tongue. Hypocrisy - V.20. Jacob adopted Esau's hypocrisy. A Lie - V.24. By a lie Jacob became Esau’s substitute and stole his ‘blessing’. How God deals with the Jacob in all of us

16 The stolen blessing - Gen. 27:27-29
INHERITANCE * “The dew of heaven” * “The fatness of the earth” * “Plenty of corn & wine” AUTHORITY * “Let people serve thee” * “Nations bow down to thee” * “Be Lord over thy brethren” PRIESTHOOD * “Let thy mother’s sons bow down to thee” * “Blessed be he that blesseth thee” Relates to the rights of the firstborn in the present. How God deals with the Jacob in all of us

17 The price of deception - Gen. 27
3 DECEIVERS SUFFER - ISAAC DECEIVED, BENEFITS Rebekah Nearly lost both sons - V. 45. Sent Jacob away – Never saw him again. Left to endure Esau and his wives. Jacob “Blessed” but separated from his family. Forced into the company of an inveterate deceiver. Never saw mother again. How God deals with the Jacob in all of us

18 Three Deceivers Suffer – Isaac Benefits
Esau Failed to obtain blessing. Driven away from family and roots. Isaac Deceived but corrected to act in faith (Heb. 11:20). How God deals with the Jacob in all of us

19 Isaac’s blessing of faith
Heb. 11:20 “By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come.” Gen. 27:39-40 – Esau ‘blessed’ Gen. 28:1-4 – Jacob blessed by faith How God deals with the Jacob in all of us

20 Away from the fatness of the earth! Gen. 27:38-40
“Behold, away from the fatness of the earth shall your dwelling be…” – Isaac’s words to Esau in Gen. 27:39 (R.S.V.) How God deals with the Jacob in all of us

21 Edom – Dry and barren land
The soils of Edom matched the redness of Esau’s hair How God deals with the Jacob in all of us

22 Separation of Two Families
SPIRIT Gen. 28:1-5 - Blessing of faith – building of the divine family (v.1). Wife from Abrahamic family (v.2). El Shaddai – strength of the nourishers (v.3). Ecclesia (qahal) formed – “a multitude” (v.3). Abrahamic promise extended (v.4). FLESH Gen. 28:6-9 - Esau takes wives to build the family of flesh. Motivated by feelings of jealousy towards Jacob (v.6-7). Realises wrong choice of wives (v.8). Ignorantly seeks a wife with family link (v.9). How God deals with the Jacob in all of us

23 This is how God deals with the ‘Jacob’ in all of us!
There is a price to be paid for using “Esau’s hands” to deceive our ‘Father’ – 40 years in the hands of an inveterate deceiver! This is how God deals with the ‘Jacob’ in all of us! How God deals with the Jacob in all of us

24 Study 2 – “God’s poetic eradication of Jacob’s deception”
Next study (God willing) Study 2 – “God’s poetic eradication of Jacob’s deception” How God deals with the Jacob in all of us

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