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Health Resources and Services Administration Research Funding Opportunities Michael J. Nelson Associate Administrator, Office of Federal Assistance Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Health Resources and Services Administration Research Funding Opportunities Michael J. Nelson Associate Administrator, Office of Federal Assistance Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Resources and Services Administration Research Funding Opportunities Michael J. Nelson Associate Administrator, Office of Federal Assistance Management Health Resources and Services Administration Department of Health and Human Services

2 About HRSA Mission – To improve health and achieve health equity through access to quality services, a skilled workforce, and innovative programs.

3 About HRSA An agency overview provided by HRSA Administrator, Mary Wakefield, PhD, RN 1gYU

4 About HRSA Office of the Administrator Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) Bureau of Health Professions (BHPr) Office of Rural Health Policy (ORHP) Health Systems Bureau (HSB) HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) Bureau of Clinician and Recruitment Service (BCRS)

5 HRSA Research Opportunities Maternal and Child Health Bureau of Health Professions Office of Rural Health Policy Healthcare Systems Bureau

6 Maternal and Child Health Research Program The Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Extramural Research Program supports applied and translational research that has the potential to improve health services and care delivery, and to promote health and wellbeing among MCH populations.

7 Maternal and Child Health Research Program Current areas of interest for funding are eliminating health disparities within MCH populations, increasing quality of care, promoting healthy development, and improving the effectiveness of service systems.

8 Maternal and Child Health Research Program R40 MCH Research Multiyear Grants Support investigator-initiated applied MCH research that has the potential to improve health care services and delivery, and to promote the health and wellbeing of maternal and child populations. These grants typically: Involve the collection of original data Have a project period of up to 3 years Provide awards of up to $300,000 per year total costs (direct + indirect) and $900,000 total costs across all 3 years (direct + indirect)

9 Maternal and Child Health Research Program R40 MCH Research Secondary Data Analysis Studies (SDAS) Grants Supports investigator-initiated applied MCH research that has the potential to improve health care services and delivery, and to promote the health and wellbeing of maternal and child populations. These grants typically: Focus exclusively on secondary analyses of existing national or other large-scale datasets Provide support for 1 year Provide awards of up to $100,000 total costs (direct + indirect)

10 Maternal and Child Health Research Program Who applies to the MCH Research Program? Pediatric and other medical departments Schools of public health and other health fields Psychology and other social science and academic departments at universities Nonprofit research institutions

11 Maternal and Child Health Research Program What age groups are targeted in the MCH Research Program? Pregnancy and the prenatal period Children from birth to age 18 The transition to young adulthood Women throughout their reproductive years

12 Maternal and Child Health Research Program Does the MCH Research Program focus on underserved populations? Most funded research targets diverse groups of underserved populations. Some of these are underserved by virtue of ethnic minority status, others because they are immigrant populations or live in rural areas. The majority of the targeted populations, but not all, are low-income.

13 Maternal and Child Health Research Program Does the MCH Research Program fund studies on special needs populations? Autism Spectrum Disorders Developmental Disabilities ADHD/ADD Asthma Chronic conditions associated with preterm birth or low birthweight

14 Maternal and Child Health Research Program What topics are funded in the MCH Research Program? Health Care Systems & Delivery Medical Home Prenatal health & Pregnancy Outcomes Nutrition & Obesity Parenting & Child Development School Outcomes & Services

15 Maternal and Child Health Research Program Health Promotion Illness & Injury Mental Health & Wellbeing Behavioral Health Developmental Disabilities & Special Health Care Needs Culture & Context

16 Maternal and Child Health Research Program The Combating Autism initiative funds research on evidence-based interventions to improve the health and well-being of children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders and other developmental disabilities.

17 Maternal and Child Health Research Networks Autism Intervention Research Network on Physical Health (AIR-P) The purpose of AIR-P is to establish and maintain a network infrastructure from which to conduct research on evidence-based practices for interventions to improve the physical health and wellbeing of children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and other developmental disabilities.

18 Maternal and Child Health Research Networks The Autism Intervention Research Network on Behavioral Health (AIR-B) The purpose of AIR-B is to establish and maintain a network infrastructure from which to conduct research on evidence-based interventions to improve the behavioral, mental, social, and/or cognitive health and well-being of children and adolescents with ASD and other developmental disabilities.

19 Maternal and Child Health Research Networks Pediatric Research in Office Settings (PROS and ePROS) Networks The PROS Network is the national practice-based research network of the American Academy of Pediatrics. The mission of PROS is to improve the health of children and enhance primary care practice by conducting national collaborative practice-based research.

20 Maternal and Child Health Research Networks Pediatric Research in Office Settings (PROS and ePROS) Networks The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Pediatric Research Network (ePROS) is a multi-million dollar subnetwork of PROS that will conduct comparative effectiveness research in pediatric primary care sites around the United States through the use of certified Electronic Health Records to address critical child health issues and generate new knowledge to improve pediatric practice.

21 Maternal and Child Health Research Networks Life Course Research Network (LCRN) The Life Course Research Network advances public health research on the epidemiology, social determinants, origins, and impacts of health disparities from a life course perspective.

22 Maternal and Child Health Research Networks Pregnancy-related Care Research Network The Pregnancy-related Care Research Network of the American College of Obstetricians and gynecologists (ACOG) conducts research to improve the health and health care of women across the life- span, with a focus on reproductive health care.

23 Maternal and Child Health Research Networks Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN) PECARN is the first federally-funded multi- institutional network for research in pediatric emergency medicine in the United States. The goal of this network is to conduct meaningful and rigorous multi-institutional research into the prevention and management of acute illnesses and injuries in children and youth across the continuum of emergency medicine health care.

24 Maternal and Child Health Research Networks Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics Research Network (DBPNet) The purpose of DBPNet is to establish a multi-center scientific and clinical research network that will address health issues for children with the most significant developmental disorders, including children with autism spectrum disorder and other related developmental disabilities.

25 Maternal and Child Health Research Networks Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics Research Network (DBPNet) continued Goals: (1) provide an infrastructure to support rapid scientific discovery; (2) conduct ongoing, interactive, and collaborative activities among network members; (3) identify cutting edge research projects and leverage network capacity to compete for grant opportunities from other federal agencies or private foundations; (4) foster research and mentorship opportunities for new investigators; and (5) enrich the field with peer reviewed publications.

26 Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Research Initiatives MIECHV Research Program supports applied research relating to evidence-based home visiting programs. Home Visiting Research Network grant supports the creation of an interdisciplinary, multicenter research forum for scientific collaboration and infrastructure building related to home visiting research

27 Health Professions Workforce Training Programs HRSA/BHPR’s primary purpose is to support training for health professionals Research-related activities are often integral components of health professions training HRSA/BHPr supports training in several fields, including medicine, dentistry, nursing, public health, behavioral health, geriatrics, and allied health

28 Health Professions Training Center of Excellence Program supports activities to enhance the academic performance of underrepresented minority (URM) students, support URM faculty development, and facilitate research on minority health issues.

29 Health Professions Training Ruth L. Kirchstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Institutional Training Grants develop or enhance postdoctoral research training opportunities for individuals who are planning to pursue careers in primary care research. NRSA postdoctoral fellows are students as they participate in training programs with curriculum, requirements, and evaluation criteria. Research opportunities for fellows typically span 2 – 3 years.

30 Office of Rural Health Policy Rural Health Research Center (RHRC) Cooperative Agreement Program Recipients establish RHRCs which conduct and disseminate policy-relevant, rural health services research on issues of national significance with a specific topic of concentration.

31 Healthcare Systems Bureau Social and Behavioral Interventions to Increase Solid Organ Donation Support sound applied research efforts to test the effectiveness of strategies that increase deceased organ donation and increase the knowledge of the process, risks, advantages and disadvantages of deceased and living donations among patients and potential donors.

32 Finding HRSA Opportunities HHS Grants Forecast The Department of Health and Human Services’ Grants Forecast is a database of planned grant opportunities proposed by its agencies. Each Forecast record contains actual or estimated dates and funding levels for grants that the agency intends to award during the fiscal year. Forecast opportunities are subject to change based on enactment of congressional appropriations. Register for email notifications from

33 Finding HRSA Opportunities HRSA Web site - HRSA posts all open funding opportunities online at Technical assistance resources for applicants are available under “How to Apply” at

34 Protecting Human Subjects Training is available online at:

35 Financial Conflict of Interest HHS requires awardees and investigators to comply with the requirements of 42 CFR part 50, Subpart F, "Responsibility of Applicants for Promoting Objectivity in Research for which PHS Funding is Sought." A Final Rule amending this PHS regulation (and the companion regulation at 45 CFR part 94, "Responsible Prospective Contractors," imposing similar requirements for research contracts) was published on August 25, 2011 in the Federal Register ( 25/pdf/2011-21633.pdf). 25/pdf/2011-21633.pdf

36 Program Integrity Responsible stewardship of taxpayer dollars Eliminate Improper payments Reduce the risk of waste, fraud, and abuse Programs operate effectively and efficiently Foster innovation, collaboration and creativity Honest disclosure of potential conflicts of interest The right people receive the right services and benefits

37 Contact Information Michael J. Nelson Associate Administrator Office of Federal Assistance Management Health Resources and Services Administration 301/443-6808 301/443-6686 (FAX)

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