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AGROFORESTRY AT THE 1890 LAND GRANT UNIVERSITIES _home.htm Photos: Courtesy of NAC and UMC-Agroforesrty.

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Presentation on theme: "AGROFORESTRY AT THE 1890 LAND GRANT UNIVERSITIES _home.htm Photos: Courtesy of NAC and UMC-Agroforesrty."— Presentation transcript:

1 AGROFORESTRY AT THE 1890 LAND GRANT UNIVERSITIES _home.htm Photos: Courtesy of NAC and UMC-Agroforesrty

2 Agroforestry systems provide cost-effective ways to diversify farm and ranch production to increase income, while simultaneously providing key ecosystem services that reduce water pollution, improve air quality, and prevent soil erosion. Agroforestry plantings sequester carbon as they grow and when tallied across our nation’s vast agricultural landscape they can significantly help to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Agroforestry can help connect rural and urban efforts to maintain green infrastructure in our increasingly fragmented landscapes and, thereby, provide critical wildlife habitat and integrate the management of rural and urban stormwater runoff in a watershed. Why Agroforestry? National Agroforestry Center Working Trees

3 1890 Land Grant Institutions Have targeted their Research and Extension programs quite well to reach non-traditional audiences. Have targeted the hard-to reach, non-traditional, limited-resource farmers, woodland owners and families.

4 1890 Land Grand Universities Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical Alcorn State University University Arkansas in Pine Buff Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Fort Valley State University (Georgia) South Carolina State University Tennessee State University Virginia State University West Virginia State University

5 1890 Land Grand Universities (cont..) Lincoln University (Missouri) Langston University (Oklahoma) Delaware State University North Carolina Agriculture and Technical Univ. Tuskegee University Prairie View A&M University (Texas) Southern University (Louisiana) Kentucky State University University of Maryland Eastern Shore

6 Leadership Steering Committee Dr. Gwendolyn Boyd Dr. Kome Onokpise Dr. Rory Fraser Dr. Fulbert Namwamba Dr. Joshua IdassiDr. Rao Mentreddy Dr. George Brown Dr. Greg Ruark* Dr. Jill Auburn* Dr. Catalino Blanche* Dr. Dyremple Marsh Mr. Bruce Wight* Mr. Richard Straight* Partners and collaborators (State and Federal) * USDA - CSREES & NRCS

7 Leadership Steering Committee Gwen Fulbert Greg Jill

8 History At the 1 st World Congress of Agroforestry - June 27 to July 2, 2004 at Orlando, FL - Pre-conference Planning Meeting National Agroforestry Center Director - Locating to the campus of AL A&M - To build an agroforestry momentum in SE - Continue expand efforts among the 1890 LGUs and 1890 Agroforestry Consortium

9 Specific Deliverables Successful development of the following: 1.Vision and Mission Statements 2.Marketing Plan 3.Communication Plan 4.By-Laws 5.Calendar of events and a Legacy Corner 6. Website for the Consortium currently at: _home.htm

10 To build a team of 1890 Land Grant Professionals that will provide leadership in agroforestry research, education and extension throughout the 1890 land Grant System To assist a growing number of limited resource and underserved landowners in the South and elsewhere who are seeking a wider choice of sustainable, economically feasible land management alternatives Vision and Mission

11 COMMUNICATIONS PLAN OBJECTIVES 1. To develop, produce, package and disseminate information materials related to the activities of the 1890 Agroforestry Consortium 2. Maintain an effective internal communications mechanism 3. Market the vision and mission of the consortium 4. Strengthen and expand the communication plan of the consortium through strategic alliances with partners Sample of Deliverables

12 ARTICLE I. NAME, OFFICES AND OBJECTIVES Section 1. NAME--The name of this organization shall be the 1890 Agroforestry Consortium, hereinafter referred to as the “Consortium”. Section 2. OFFICES–The Consortium shall at all times maintain a registered office in the State of Alabama and a registered agent at that address but may have other offices located within or without the State of Alabama as the Executive Committee may determine. Section 3. PURPOSE-- The Consortium is formed to develop and advance agroforestry research, teaching and extension activities among the 1890 Land-grant universities and Tuskegee University using multi-disciplinary teams of faculty, staff and students working in partnership with government agencies and other entities. Section 4. STATUS—The Consortium intends to become a Non-Profit Corporation as specified in U.S. Code Title 26, Subtitle A, Chapter 1, Subchapter F, Part 1, Section 501, Subsection (c)(3). ARTICLE II. MEMBERSHIP AND STATUS Section 1. MEMBERSHIP ELIGIBILITY-- Membership shall be open to all persons and organizations that share a commitment to the development and enhancement of agroforestry activities among the 1890 Land-grant universities and Tuskegee University, and who can bring valuable resources to the Consortium in support of its Purpose, Goals and Objectives hereinafter referred to as the PGOs. Section 2. BECOMING A MEMBER OF THE CONSORTIUM-- An individual or group may become a member of the Consortium by: 1. Being nominated and endorsed by a current member of the Consortium at a regularly scheduled business meeting and by completing a membership application certifying that the applicant would support the PGOs of the Consortium; 2. Agreeing to provide a minimum annual membership contribution (dues) in an amount determined by the Consortium’s Advisory Board; 3. And, if joining after the first year of incorporation, by agreeing to pay an additional one-time joining fee in an amount determined by the Consortium‘s Advisory Board; Section 3. STATUS-- All members shall be considered in good standing as long as they remain committed to the PGOs of the Consortium and maintain their annual membership contribution. Any member may discontinue Consortium membership by so advising the Consortium Executive Committee in writing. No portion of an annual membership contribution made by a departing member will be refunded. Consortium By-Laws

13 Alabama A&M Silvopasture applied research at Apes, AL Agroforestry curriculum for Undergraduate and Graduate Landownership workshops for underserved and limited resources audience in the South Five successful Agroforestry Consortium Workshops using the major Agroforestry Practices curricula from USDA-NAC and NRCS in Huntsville, AL Tour the 1890 Research, Teaching and Extension Activities

14 Silvopasture applied research at Quincy, FL Agroforestry curriculum for Undergraduate Various collaborative outreach initiatives with USDA-NRCS Diverse groups in most workshops Tour the 1890 Research, Teaching and Extension Activities Florida A&M

15 Southern University Green Infrastructure applied research Agroforestry curriculum for Graduate students GIS workshops for different audiences involved in Green Infrastructure and Storm Water Control Initiatives Tour the 1890 Research, Teaching and Extension Activities

16 Tennessee State University Applied research in Agroforestry Demonstration plots in Eastern Black Walnuts Assessing the growing potentials of various Christmas tree species in Tennessee On farm demonstration in Forest farming Shiitake mushroom and golden seal production Various in-service workshops targeting County Extension agents and Area Foresters Tour the 1890 Research, Teaching and Extension Activities

17 Small Ruminants Applied Research and Outreach Programs Langston University, OK Kentucky State University Florida A&M Tennessee State University Tuskegee University Alabama A&M and etc. Tour the 1890 Research, Teaching and Extension Activities Apes, AL - Goats

18 Goat/Tree Project Provide underserved and small forestland owners with an opportunity to diversify their on-farm income. Provide small forestland owners with a regular short-term type of income. Determine if silvopasturing goats in forested areas constitute a viable land management alternative for small landowners.

19 Goat/Tree Project Provide technical assistance through seminars, workshops, trainings, and demonstration. Provide financial assistance for starting a silvopasture business. Provide marketing assistance through our cooperative development program.

20 Site Preparation

21 Silvopasture Fencing Training

22 Silvopasture Demonstrations

23 Silvopasture Trainings & Demonstrations

24 Success Stories Timbertop Farm Ashland City, TN SARE Grant FSO6 – 200 recipient of $10,000.00 Examined the problem of fungi infection to shiitake mushroom logs in their indoor facility Inoculated logs shiitake mushroom logs were infected by a fungus: Trichoderma (very destructive)

25 Successful Stories Trichoderma Trichoderma first appeared on the sealing wax of the drilled inoculated holes A green looking mold, form a white ring, rot in the drilled holes, bark begin to crack or fall off, thus destroying the shiitake mycelium. The destroyed bark would make way for other fungi to infect and feed on the log. The end result is a log that does not produce or is short lived in producing the shiitake mushroom.

26 Must identify the infection, study the life parameters Separate the non-infected logs and make adjustments Infection problem appear within the first six months of inoculation Failure to do so will result in loss of the shiitake log Timbertop Farm logs showing signs of infections within the first three months after inoculation Timbertop Farm Tips

27 Calendar of Events ( Workshops and Conferences ) April 8-9, 2008: Logic Model and Multistate Agroforestry Projects Washington DC, USDA-CSREES – (Dr. Catalino) May 1-3, 2008: Medicinal Plants and Mushroom – Birmingham, AL Contact: Dr. Rao Mentreddy – AL A&M August 2009: 2 nd World Agroforestry Congress, Nairobi, Kenya


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