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1 Committee for Autism and Mental Health Advocacy In partnership with the NYS Subcommittee on Autism Retention Committee for Autism and Mental Health Advocacy.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Committee for Autism and Mental Health Advocacy In partnership with the NYS Subcommittee on Autism Retention Committee for Autism and Mental Health Advocacy."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Committee for Autism and Mental Health Advocacy In partnership with the NYS Subcommittee on Autism Retention Committee for Autism and Mental Health Advocacy In partnership with the NYS Subcommittee on Autism Retention Chair: Assemblyman Mark J. F. Schroeder December 4, 2009 Erie County Community College - South 4/21/2015

2 2 Improving systems of care for individuals and their families with autism spectrum disorder, mental health, and neuro-behavioral disorders. Autism Speaks Committee for Autism and Mental Health Advocacy

3 3  Create timely and efficient systems of care for all children with autism spectrum and mental health needs;  Achieve effective cost savings to reinvest in education, prevention, and early intervention; and  Address unmet needs of underserved children, adolescents, and families. Committee for Autism and Mental Health Advocacy Action Steps 2009-2012 Work on legislation to:

4 4  Bill Number A. 8996, sponsored by Schroeder in the Assembly: Education Committee; and  Bill Number S. 5986, sponsored by Stachowski in the Senate: Rules  Bill Number S. 5986, sponsored by Stachowski in the Senate: Rules Committee. NYS Legislature 2009-2010 Mandated Teacher Training Bill

5 5  Expands current law to mandate autism spectrum training for all special and general education NYS teacher candidates seeking certification. NYS Legislature 2009-2010 Mandated Teacher Training Bill

6 6  Recognizes students who demonstrate signs of autism spectrum disorders; and  Trains teachers to use evidenced- based instructional practices for students with autism. NYS Legislature 2009-2010 Mandated Teacher Training Bill

7 7  Bill Number A. 9075, sponsored by Schroeder in the Assembly: Health Committee; and  Bill Number S. 6200, sponsored by Stachowski in the Senate: Rules Committee. NYS Legislature 2009-2010 Behavioral Health Wrap-Around Project Bill

8 8  Creates opportunities to demonstrate that blended funding will support efficient systems of care for all children with behavioral health challenges; and  Calls for the NYS Health Commissioner to fund mental health wrap-around demonstration projects. NYS Legislature 2009-2010 Behavioral Health Wrap-Around Project Bill

9 9  Blends Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, Office of Mental Health, Dept. of Health, and other funding streams to improve outcomes for children, adolescents, and families; and  Coordinates supports and services for children, adolescents, and families across different service systems. NYS Legislature 2009-2010 Behavioral Health Wrap-Around Project Bill

10 10  Efficiently assists children and families from high risk or crisis to stabilization;  Decreases utilization of high cost out-of -home services; and  Increases utilization of home, community, and school based supports and services. NYS Legislature 2009-2010 Behavioral Health Wrap-Around Project Bill

11 11 NYS Legislature 2009-2010 Behavioral Health Wrap-Around Project Bill  Needed because children and adolescents with behavioral health issues in New York are getting passed around between various mental health, health, social services, and educational systems, rather than the right care in the right place at the right time to improve outcomes.

12 12  Bill Number A. 8998, sponsored by Schroeder in the Assembly: Health Committee; and  Bill Number S. 5985, sponsored by Stachowski in the Senate: Rules Committee. NYS Legislature 2009-2010 Children’s Mental Health Passport Bill

13 13  Creates a voluntary universal consent form to enable the efficient transfer of health and mental health records among providers; and  Allows for continuous, informed, coordinated care for children, adolescents, and families. NYS Legislature 2009-2010 Children’s Mental Health Passport Bill

14 14  Bill Number A. 8251, sponsored by Schroeder in the Assembly: Health Committee; and  Bill Number S. 6201, sponsored by Stachowski in the Senate: Rules Committee. NYS Legislature 2009-2010 Mandatory Pediatric Identification Bill

15 15  Directs Commissioner of Health and Commissioner of OMRDD to jointly promulgate rules and regulations requiring pediatric health care providers to screen children beginning at the age of 18 months for autism spectrum disorders during each wellness and preventative care examination. NYS Legislature 2009-2010 Mandatory Pediatric Identification Bill

16 16  Mandates routine use of ASD screening tools at regular times during important stages in a child’s development; and  Mandates steps for referring children for further evaluation if the screen shows they are at risk for ASD. NYS Legislature 2009-2010 Mandatory Pediatric Identification Bill

17 17  Bill Number A. 8625A, sponsored by Schroeder in the Assembly: Ways and Means Committee; and  Bill Number S. 5831A, sponsored by Huntley in the Senate: Rules Committee NYS Legislature 2009-2010 Cost Analysis of Early Diagnosis Bill

18 18  Bill Number A. 8625A, sponsored by Schroeder in the Assembly: Ways and Means Committee; and  Bill Number S. 5831A, sponsored by Huntley in the Senate: Rules Committee. NYS Legislature 2009-2010 Cost Analysis of Early Diagnosis Bill

19 19  Directs the Commissioner of OMRDD to study and report the costs to the state for the early diagnosis of ASD and the long term treatment for individuals with ASD. NYS Legislature 2009-2010 Cost Analysis of Early Diagnosis Bill

20 20  Estimate the future cost to the state associated with the increased demand for state services that will be needed to accommodate the tremendous growth in the number of individuals being diagnosed with ASD; and  Estimate the amount of current and future costs to the state reasonably expected to offset by insurance coverage and benefits to individuals with ASD. NYS Legislature 2009-2010 Cost Analysis of Early Diagnosis Bill Mandates that the Commissioner of OMRDD:

21 21 The functioning of children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder, mental health, and neuro- behavioral disorders, along with their families and caregivers in New York, will continue to suffer and reach crisis levels unless government agencies, private agencies and family advocacy groups join forces on how to best serve them via agency collaborations across systems. Call to Action

22 22 Contact Bill Champions:  Teacher Training  Gregg Davis & Kathy Doody  Wrap-Around Demonstration Model  Dr. Michael Cummings Commissioner Phil Endress  Mental Health Passport  Max Donatelli  Early Screening  Jana Mertz  Costs of Autism  Christine Hoff 716-646-3226 ubcommunitypsychiatry@ya 716-858-6264 716-828-9477 716-878-7417 716-648-7356 Call to Action

23 23 What can YOU do to help?  Host a meeting;  Send an individual letter of support;  Solicit letters of support from your employer or organization;  Visit with your legislators in WNY  Assist with phone calling; and/or  Attend a lobby day. Call to Action

24 24  Learn what YOU can to do help individuals and their families with autism spectrum disorder, mental health, and neuro- behavioral disorders.  Please visit the tables set up in the hallway and across the hall to sign in and receive specific information on each of the proposed NYS legislature bills. Call to Action

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