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CALPRO, Corley & Shaewitz, 050103 1 Promoting CALPRO Using Social Marketing Principles to Promote CALPRO Products and Services Dahlia Shaewitz Mary Ann.

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Presentation on theme: "CALPRO, Corley & Shaewitz, 050103 1 Promoting CALPRO Using Social Marketing Principles to Promote CALPRO Products and Services Dahlia Shaewitz Mary Ann."— Presentation transcript:

1 CALPRO, Corley & Shaewitz, 050103 1 Promoting CALPRO Using Social Marketing Principles to Promote CALPRO Products and Services Dahlia Shaewitz Mary Ann Corley

2 CALPRO, Corley & Shaewitz, 050103 2 What is Social Marketing? The marketing of ideas and beliefs A program planning process that promotes voluntary behavior change of a specific audience A social-change management technology William Smith, Social Marketing Academy for Educational Development Washington, DC

3 CALPRO, Corley & Shaewitz, 050103 3 Social Marketing is NOT Advertising Bumper Stickers Slogans A Short-term Effort

4 CALPRO, Corley & Shaewitz, 050103 4 Social Marketing Works By Offering benefits that people want; Reducing barriers that people face; and Persuading, not just informing.

5 CALPRO, Corley & Shaewitz, 050103 5 3 Key Ideas of Social Marketing 1.Segmentation of Audience: Understand and segment the various audiences for your products/services. Those most ready to change their beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors present the best opportunities to you. 2.Exchange: Identify the benefits of your products/services for specific audiences. People do things in exchange for benefits they hope to receive. 3.Persuasion: Don’t talk information; talk emotion. Outline the benefits to potential users.

6 CALPRO, Corley & Shaewitz, 050103 6 Benefits to Users of CALPRO 1.Enhanced knowledge and skills of  Administrators leading to smoother and more effective operation of adult education program or school.  Teachers leading to more effective instructional practices that, in turn, lead to increased student learning gains. 2.Opportunities for networking/sharing with others in similar roles 3.Access to up-to-date, research-based information via CALPRO publications, Website, and workshops and institutes.

7 CALPRO, Corley & Shaewitz, 050103 7 Segmenting the Audience Adult education instructors, administrators, and support staff in:  Adult schools and adult education agencies  Small Schools  Correctional facilities  Community-based organizations  Other organizations receiving federal or State funding for adult education programs

8 CALPRO, Corley & Shaewitz, 050103 8 Promoting CALPRO: Background Established in March 2001; Until now, has focused on developing products, providing services, and building an infrastructure; Now has turned its attention to broadening its name recognition as the “one-stop center for professional development for California’s adult educators.”

9 CALPRO, Corley & Shaewitz, 050103 9 Current Promotional Opportunities Use of CALPRO logo/name in all mailings, flyers, e- mail, Web pages; CALPRO workshops and exhibits at State and regional conferences; Online needs assessment of users’ professional development needs; Semi-annual newsletter; Coordination of CDE’s Programs of Excellence; Leadership Institute and others, such as GED/HSD Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Institute; Timely response to inquiries

10 CALPRO, Corley & Shaewitz, 050103 10 Challenges to Enhancing CALPRO Recognition Size of State: Distances that some users must travel to attend CALPRO workshops; Diversity of regions and populations: Needs may differ from one region to the next; Diversity of agency structures: One size does not fit all related to development of new products; Large number of newly appointed administrators and teachers: Need to provide basic info on adult ed means that it takes longer to build capacity Regional Resource Centers in 7 of the State’s 11 regions: LAUSD, northern counties, and CBOs are underserved.

11 CALPRO, Corley & Shaewitz, 050103 11 The CALPRO PR Plan Strategy 1 – To promote a uniform product A.Ensure all new products promote the CALPRO name and logo B.Revise current RRC products for consistency and to reflect the CALPRO name and logo

12 CALPRO, Corley & Shaewitz, 050103 12 The CALPRO PR Plan Strategy 2 – to promote/publicize CALPRO successes and upcoming events A.Draw more viewers to the Website  Placement of CALPRO poster in adult ed agencies to draw users to CALPRO Website  Seeding search engines

13 CALPRO, Corley & Shaewitz, 050103 13 The CALPRO PR Plan Strategy 2 – to promote/publicize CALPRO successes and upcoming events (Cont.)  Post testimonials and pictures on the website Leadership Institute graduates’ testimonials and photos; Workshop photos to emphasize personal contact with students; Programs of Excellence highlighted with photos and descriptions of award-winning programs

14 CALPRO, Corley & Shaewitz, 050103 14 The CALPRO PR Plan Strategy 2 – to promote/publicize CALPRO successes and upcoming events (Cont.) B.Enhance the CALPRO conference exhibit  “Did You Know?” easel  Teacher’s Tips  CALPRO online (live site or saved screens) C.Consider development of a cross- promotional flyer or poster highlighting the four CDE Leadership Projects

15 CALPRO, Corley & Shaewitz, 050103 15 The CALPRO PR Plan Strategy 3 – to reach out to underserved audience segments A.Host focus groups to assess needs of users/potential users in underserved programs such as those in Northern California, LAUSD, and CBOs (through a partnership with California Literacy); A.Plan at least one activity (such as the upcoming Region I conference in Eureka) for each audience segment;

16 CALPRO, Corley & Shaewitz, 050103 16 The CALPRO PR Plan Strategy 3 – to reach out to underserved audience segments (Cont.) C.Review and adapt CALPRO publications and workshops for specific audiences (e.g., CBOs); D.Develop workshop flyers to attract specific audiences (e.g., small schools, CBOs)

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