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Telehealth and Distance Learning: Taking the KUMC to Schools Across the State KUMC Faculty Retreat September 19, 2008 Kathy Davis, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Telehealth and Distance Learning: Taking the KUMC to Schools Across the State KUMC Faculty Retreat September 19, 2008 Kathy Davis, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Telehealth and Distance Learning: Taking the KUMC to Schools Across the State KUMC Faculty Retreat September 19, 2008 Kathy Davis, Ph.D. (913) 588-6305

2 The Need Kansas - large rural make-up Challenges in providing accurate information to rural schools, enabling them to plan for the unique needs of kids with chronic illness –broad geographic range –each child/needs very different, even w/same diagnosis Need to find a way to disseminate information to schools of students with chronic or acute illness/injury

3 Connected Kansas Kids In the beginning…… –Program to provide K-12 education professionals with education and training regarding the needs of students with chronic physical or mental health conditions Student specific Staff development

4 Made possible by…..

5 In conjunction with….

6 And the University of Kansas

7 Utilizing Technology Telemedicine Interactive distance learning Internet connectivity Website

8 Original Goals of CKK To serve rural and medically underserved areas To connect educators and health care providers to aid in effective planning for students with chronic illness

9 First 3 years of project Staff development –ITV presentations from KUMC to schools –50 topics Chronic illness Special education law Special topics Website – focus on education & coping with chronic illness –Child, parents, siblings, peers, educators, etc.

10 Connected Kansas Kids (CKK) KU Medical Kansas Center Schools

11 Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

12 Interactive Distance Learning (IDL) Consortia in Kansas Many schools in these consortia; additional schools operating independently 287 school districts in Kansas utilize IDL

13 Responding to Schools’ Requests Additional topics for education professionals Health topics of interest for students Later, e-mentoring program for high school students interested in careers in health care

14 Health Care Shortage in U.S. Rural population in US – 20%; 61 million Less than 9% of physicians practiced in nonmetropolitan counties (1) Health care labor shortage expected to last through 2050 By 2010, US will need 1.7 million nurses; 635,000 will be available (2) 1.Ricketts TR III, ed. Rural Health in the United States. Oxford University Press; 1999. 2. Buerhaus P, Staiger DO, Auerbach DI. Implications of an aging registered nurse workforce. Journal of the American Medical Association. 2000;283:2948-2954.

15 At KU Medical Center The KU Medical Center recognizes the importance of meeting the wide range of health care needs in Kansas – from the critical need for primary care in rural and other underserved areas of the state, to the urgent need for highly specialized knowledge to provide the latest preventive and treatment techniques available. KU Medical Center

16 Once again….. KU Medical Kansas Center Schools

17 Birth of New CKK Offerings –Health Careers Promotion –Health Topics of Interest for Students

18 Health Careers Promotion Presented by professionals at KUMC –Very positive response –Team approach One Health Career presentation/month One Health Topic of Interest presentation/month Up to 4 schools per presentation –Interaction with presenter –Interaction between schools

19 Presenters Physicians Nurses Physical therapists Occupational therapists Speech/language pathologists Dietitians Respiratory therapists Physician assistants Social workers Clinical lab scientist

20 Health Careers Careers in: –Pulmonology –Surgery –Clinical lab science –Emergency medicine –Trauma Medicine –Rehabilitation Medicine –Dietetics and Nutrition –Psychology and Psychiatry

21 Health Careers in Emergency Medicine

22 Outcomes – Student Responses Increased interest in health careers 92% Information helpful in determining what courses to take in high school 92% Satisfied with quality of instruction 100% Would recommend to others 100% Convenient method of instruction 100% Comfortable w/ method of instruction 100%

23 Health Topics of Interest for Students Effects of Nicotine Protect Your Bones and Joints (PB&J) Methamphetamines Bullying Responsible Decision Making Exercise and Fitness Obesity and Diabetes Prevention Depression, Anxiety and Stress

24 Outcomes – Student Responses Increased understanding of health issue 100% Would like to take more courses over ITV 100% Satisfied with quality of instruction 100% Would recommend to others 100% Convenient method of instruction 94% Comfortable w/ method of instruction 100%

25 CKK E-Mentoring 96 mentoring pairs –Medical student mentors –Urban underserved and rural area high school mentees Advanced science courses Interest in career in medicine

26 Current Funding

27 6-week curriculum –Breaking the ice –Creating a resume –Letters of recommendation –Life as a medical student –Career options –Paving the way/resources

28 E-mentoring Wrap-Up: Sawbones Lab

29 Connected Kansas Kids Website –Health information –Health career information (Fall 2008) Interactive Televideo Presentations –Staff development topics for education professionals –Health topics of interest –Health career promotion E-mentoring project

30 New in Fall 2008 Center for the Comprehensive Care of Children with Chronic Conditions (C6) –Educators –Child care providers –Clergy/spiritual leaders –Coaches –Scout leaders –Etc., etc., etc.

31 On the horizon “Live from the OR” High definition interactive televideo Internet2 Pre/post teaching Virtual field trip to the OR Live interactions with surgeon, others

32 For more information Kathy Davis (913) 588-6305

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