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Published byDavion Royster Modified over 10 years ago
M ASTER S CHEDULE C OLLECTION Web Ex Presentation March 22, 2011
A GENDA ● SCED Course Codes ● Discuss FAQs submitted after VESIS and through ResultsHelp ● Questions?
SCED B ACKGROUND ● National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) published these codes so that school divisions could use them for reporting longitudinal data ● SCED allows for the standardization of reporting courses across schools, divisions and states ● More courses identified than in the Virginia Course Codes ● Two manuals: Prior to Secondary and Secondary SCED Codes
SCED S UBJECT A REA ● First two digits of the SCED Code Examples: 73 – Non-scheduled class (Prior to Secondary) 01 – English (Secondary) ● Identifies the type of course being taught ● This field is mandatory even if you are using VA Course Codes in the Master Schedule Collection!
SCED I DENTIFIER ● Second part of the SCED code (three-digits) Examples: (53)231 – Grade 1 Science (04)056 – AP European History ● Courses descriptions are general, but with enough specificity to clearly identify the course from other courses in the subject area
SCED C OURSE L EVEL ● Indicates the level of rigor for a course ● Five options B = Basic/Remedial G = General/Regular E = Enriched/Advanced H = Honors X = No specified level of rigor ● Divisions may identify what course level best identifies each course they offer ● Most courses will be G = General/Regular
SCED C OURSE C REDIT ● For Secondary courses ● Identifies the amount of Carnegie unit credit available for the course ● Must have the decimal in the field (x.xx format) ● Examples: 1.00 – English 11 course 0.50 – Keyboarding course
SCED G RADE S PAN ● For Prior-to-Secondary courses ● Four digit code First two digits indicate the lowest grade level that the course would be appropriate for Last two digits indicate the highest grade level that the course would be appropriate for ● Most courses will have the same grade level for the highest and lowest grade level identified ● Examples: Grade 2: 0202 VA Studies taught in both 4 th and 5 th grades: 0405
SCED S EQUENCE ● Describes how divisions may “break up” the curriculum of a course ● Report “part n of m parts” ● Will vary across the state as divisions teach different courses differently ● Examples: Algebra I could have a sequence of “1 1” in one school division but a “1 2” (or “2 2”) in another school division Carpentry I could have a sequence of “1 3” in a school that teaches all three levels but a “1 2” in a school that only teaches two levels
SCED S EQUENCE Please clarify how we identify if a course needs to have a SCED Sequence other than 1 1. ● Used for semester/trimester classes or other classes broken into parts Example: Algebra I or World History ● If SCED Code is the same in the crosswalk for different levels of the course, a sequence would be used Example: CTE Courses like Masonry I-III (all SCED Code 17008) ● No need to use sequence other than 1 1 for courses already broken down by SCED Example: Spanish I
SCED R EPORTING ● In order to transition from VA Course Codes to SCED in the IPAL, some procedures have been put into place ● These procedures ensure that your division’s Highly Qualified status is not jeopardized in the reporting of SCED
SCED P ROCEDURES 1. Use the SCED/VA Course Code crosswalk to identify the SCED codes for the courses that align to VA Course Codes 2. If there is no VA Course Code for a course your division offers, go into the SCED manual and choose the SCED Code that best aligns to your course 3. Send the SCED Code and Course Name to ResultsHelp 4. EIM will forward these courses to Licensure and Instruction so they can identify license endorsements needed for the course in order to correctly report IPAL
R EPORTING T EACHERS DOE has said we only have to report one teacher per section. Does this mean we don’t have to report collaborative teachers in the D Record? ● Every teacher (with the exception of those teaching in regional programs) needs to have a B and at least one D Record ● Collaborative teachers should be reported in the D Record with the courses they teach. However, students may not be linked to these teachers in the F Record this year
R EPORTING C ENTRAL O FFICE P ERSONNEL Should we report Central Office personnel on the Master Schedule Collection? ● Central Office Personnel do NOT need to be reported in the Master Schedule Collection ● These personnel will be reported in the IPAL survey on SSWS
H IGHLY Q UALIFIED T EACHERS Who will be responsible for the Highly Qualified status of the staff at regional centers? We are responsible for reporting their information but will it affect us if these teachers aren’t highly qualified? ● No, it will not affect the division’s Highly Qualified status as long as you report correctly ● Make sure you report regional program information with the regional program’s serving division and school codes!
F ULL T IME E QUIVALENT The FTE is in the B Record of IPAL. Which assignment does this refer to since the assignments are in the D Record? ● The FTE is the total amount of time that the teacher spends in the classroom teaching all subjects ● Example: A teacher teaches Chorus in the morning (0.5 FTE) at a middle school and in the afternoon (0.5 FTE) in the high school 0.5 + 0.5 = 1.00
S UMMER S CHOOL Since we don’t offer summer school, some of our students attend summer schools offered by neighboring counties. Who includes this information on the MSC? ● The LEA that is hosting the summer school will report all the students who are enrolled in the course, even if they are from outside the division ● Example: Students from Frederick County take summer school in Clarke County. Clarke County will report the summer school classes/teachers/students even if some of the students are from Frederick County.
D UAL E NROLLMENT R EPORTING We contract with a community college for dual enrollment courses. The student takes the class at their home school and tuition is paid by the county. The teacher is a teacher employed by the county and teachers both dual enrollment and regular courses. How would the D/E Records be reported? ● The E Record is not required since the employee is employed by the school division and has a license
D UAL E NROLLMENT S CENARIO Section ID Serving Division Serving School SCED Subject Area SCED Course Identifier SCED Course Level SCED Available Credit SCED Sequenc e VA State Course Code Local Course Code Local Course Title BiologyI-DE021061003051E1.001 DE4310Biology I A student is taking dual enrollment Biology I at Thomas Dale High School (0610) in Chesterfield County (021). This class is offered through John Tyler Community College but is taught by a Thomas Dale HS teacher. C Record D Record Section ID Serving Division Serving School Teacher License Prefix Teacher LicenseNumber Local Provider ID Teacher Role Code Defined Class Type Highly Qualified Flag Flexibility Criteria Flag BiologyI-DE0210610 CP111111111 12345 1YN
D UAL E NROLLMENT S CENARIO A student is taking dual enrollment Biology at Thomas Dale High School (0610) in Chesterfield County (021). This class is offered through John Tyler Community College but is taught by a Thomas Dale HS teacher. F Record Section ID Local Provider ID State Testing ID Local Student ID Final Grade Virtual Course Indicator Dual Enrollme nt Flag BiologyI-DE12345101222267812345B+NY
E LEMENTARY SCED C ODES How should we report Elementary SCED codes for scheduled classes? ● Use the SCED codes available in the Prior to Secondary SCED manual Example: 2nd grade (VA Course Code: 0002) Reading: SCED Code 51042 Language Arts: 51030 Math: 52032 Science: 53232 Social Studies: 54432 ● SCED reporting procedures apply to Elementary Courses!
E LEMENTARY S CHOOL S CENARIO A student is enrolled in a 2 nd Grade Reading class at Hillsville Elementary School (1170) in Carroll County (018). There is not a specific VA Course Code for this subject. C Record Section ID Serving Division Serving School SCED Subject Area SCED Course Identifier SCED Course Level SCED Available Credit SCED Sequenc e VA State Course Code Local Course Code Local Course Title Reading02-1018117051042G02021 0002RGrade 2 Reading Section ID Serving Division Serving School Teacher License Prefix Teacher LicenseNumber Local Provider ID Teacher Role Code Defined Class Type Highly Qualified Flag Flexibility Criteria Flag Reading02-10181170 CP222222222 6789 1YN D Record
E LEMENTARY S CHOOL S CENARIO Section ID Local Provider ID State Testing ID Local Student ID Final Grade Virtual Course Indicator Dual Enrollme nt Flag Reading02-16789101222267812345ENN A student is enrolled in a 2 nd Grade Reading class at Hillsville Elementary School (1170) in Carroll County (018). There is not a specific VA Course Code for this subject. F Record
P RE -K R EPORTING How should we report Pre-Kindergarten classes? Do we need to report Pre-K students in the MSC? ● Report Pre-K classes and teachers, but not students ● Use the SCED code for a non-scheduled Pre- Kindergarten class (73029)
P RE -K R EPORTING S CENARIO Section ID Serving Division Serving School SCED Subject Area SCED Course Identifier SCED Course Level SCED Available Credit SCED Sequenc e VA State Course Code Local Course Code Local Course Title Prek-0009114014073029GPKPK1 0002RPre- Kindergarten Section ID Serving Division Serving School Teacher License Prefix Teacher LicenseNumber Local Provider ID Teacher Role Code Defined Class Type Highly Qualified Flag Flexibility Criteria Flag Prek-00091140140 CP333333333 98765 1YN C Record D Record This record is for a Pre-Kindergarten class at Harry E. James Elementary School (0140) in Hopewell City (114). No F Records are required for this record.
W EBINAR S CHEDULE ● Thursdays from March 24 th through April 14 th : Regional webinars ● March 30, 2011: Regional Programs webinar ● April 12, 2011: Student Growth Information webinar ● TBA: IPAL webinar
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