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By Laurie Halse Anderson Recommended by Rudy Garcia,Robin Godoy, Michel Garcia, Luis A.

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Presentation on theme: "By Laurie Halse Anderson Recommended by Rudy Garcia,Robin Godoy, Michel Garcia, Luis A."— Presentation transcript:

1 by Laurie Halse Anderson Recommended by Rudy Garcia,Robin Godoy, Michel Garcia, Luis A.

2 Who is the main character?  Name: Tyler miller  Age: 17  Talents, Skills, Important Traits:  Three Descriptive Adjectives:  “People had ignored me when I was nerd boy, but that changed after I got arrested ” (Anderson 1).

3 Who is a supporting character?  Name: Bethany  Age: 17  Talents, Skills, Important Traits: she is hot  Three Descriptive Adjectives: smart, active, likes to party  “” (Stratton ).

4 What is the story about?  Setting (Time, Place, Environment, Etc.): beginning of school year, school and Tyler's house, fall  Main Conflict: the main conflict is that Tyler likes Bethany but she is not sure she likes him back.

5 What is one of the major themes?  Definition of Theme:  Courage-“I grabbed the front of parker’s shoulder pads, lifted him off the ground, and slammed him against lockers…” (Anderson 69)  Love-“thought I’d come see you for a change. So, um, you going to the game tonight. Cause I am. You big dummy, I want you to go with me.” (Anderson 110 /111 ).

6 What is one important scene?  One important scene is that Tyler is now standing up for him self.  We choose this scene because he is believing in him.

7 Visual Image from an important scene  “I grabbed the front of parker’s shoulder pads, lifted him off the ground, and slammed him against the lockers” (Anderson 69). this is important because he show couage.

8 What connections can you make to this book?  Compare to another book or to a current media/local/world situation: after class, t plowed my way down the hall,feeling the eyes, trying to play Hannah's game.  Explain: one time me and my brother were walk down the hall and I was trying to play round truth or dare with this girl.

9 Why should you read this book?  One reason to read this book because it is good to read.  This book is for young adults  This book is funny and interesting to read.

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