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The Life and Times Abridged by Josh K*. Camacho, PhD. *that is not my middle initial.

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Presentation on theme: "The Life and Times Abridged by Josh K*. Camacho, PhD. *that is not my middle initial."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Life and Times Abridged by Josh K*. Camacho, PhD. *that is not my middle initial


3 Johnny Boy was born March 29, 1790, in Greenway, Virginia. He was raised under the belief that the Constitution must be follow word-by-word. Like most… “great”… people… John Tyler never strayed from this belief. He spent his childhood on the Greenway Plantation, a huge mansion built by his father, with his seven siblings. Look at that class. Look at it.

4 At age twelve, Tyler entered the prestigious College of William and Mary. He graduated in 1807 when he was only seventeen years old. After graduation, Tyler went on to study law with his father, John Tyler, Sr. The young Tyler proceeded to practice law in Richmond, Virginia. In 1816, Tyler was elected into the U.S. House of Representatives following the death of Rep. John Clopton.

5 Tyler Does More Stuff. SWAG

6 After leaving the House, Tyler went on to become the Governor of Virginia. The Whigs nominated him for vice presidency in 1840, hoping they could get support from southerners who were in favor of states-rights. As you can see, he won the election. President Harrison was deadly shortly after, however, and Tyler had to step up his game as the new President of the United States,

7 During his time in office, Tyler had problems attempting to compromise on the banking system. A bill that would’ve solved this issue was ready to pass, but Tyler vetoed it on the grounds of states’ rights. Because of this, Tyler was expelled from the Whig Party. Tyler also vetoed a tariff bill, which caused Congress to launch the first impeachment resolution against him, claiming that Tyler misused his veto powers. This failed to remove Tyler from office, however.

8 Despite a negative public image, Tyler wasn’t all bad. The “Log-Cabin” bill allowed a settler to claim up to 160 acres before it was publicly for sale, and later pay merely $1.25 an acre for it, which would be $20 in today’s economy. Because his Whig cabinet left during the Impeachment Crisis, he filled in the vacant slots with southern conservatives. Finally, in 1845, Tyler’s term was at its end.

9 Can this dude just die already? I mean, c’mon…

10 In 1861, at the Civil War’s beginning, Tyler attempted to lead a compromise movement. When that failed, he helped create the Southern Confederacy. He passed away in 1862 as a member of the Confederate House of Representatives.

11 tyler tyler



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