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2  Born April 22, 1902 in Chicago, IL  A.B. from Doane College (Crete, NB) in 1921  A.M. from University of Nebraska in 1923  Ph.D. from University of Chicago in 1927  Associate Professor of Education at University of North Carolina 1927-1929  Professor of Education at Ohio State University 1929-1938

3  Chairman of the Department of Education at the University of Chicago 1938-1948  Dean of Social Sciences 1948-1953  First Director Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences 1953-1966  Served on many educational, governmental, and research agencies throughout his life  Died February 18, 1994 at the age of 91

4  Experimental project conducted in early 1930’s  High schools redesigned curriculum based on student needs and abilities.  Compared schools with new student centered curriculum with that of schools using just college prep curriculum.

5  Students from schools with new curriculum did just as well at college and better in employment opportunities in general.  Earliest example of meeting the needs of diverse learners  Curriculum writing now starts by identifying objectives then planning how to teach and meet those objectives

6  Wrote Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction in 1949  This book highly influenced instructional design process  This introduced his Ends-Means Model for curriculum design

7 ENDS Establish objectives MEANS Develop and write curriculum and activities Design Process 1.What is the purpose of instruction? (Objectives) 2.What activities or experiences should be provided to meet those objectives? 3.How can the instruction be organized effectively? 4.How can instruction be evaluated or assessed?

8  All decisions about the ends of instruction, or objectives, should be made before designing the means, or curriculum, that accomplish them  Instructional activities and materials are designed to facilitate learning and used to achieve objectives  Directly relates instruction with outcomes

9  Involved in education for 72 years  Influenced the careers of Benjamin Bloom, Hilda Taba, Edgar Freidenburg, and many others  Help in beginnings of the National Academy of Education, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, and the National Assessment of Educational Progress  Consulted five presidents of the United States on educational issues

10 Hershbach, D. (1992). Technology and Efficiency: Competencies as Content. Journal of Technology Education, 3, 1-5. Retrieved from Meek, A. (1993). On Setting the Highest Standards: A Conversation with Ralph Tyler. Educational Leadership, 50, 83-86. Retrieved from 50/num06/On_Setting_the_Highest_Standards@_A_Conversation_w ith_Ralph_Tyler.aspx Ralph W. Tyler Biography. Encyclopedia of World Biography. Study Guides, Lesson Plans, Book Summaries and More. Thomson Gale.(2005-2006). Web. 28 May 2010. Retrieved from Shultz, C. & Kim, S. (2008). Authentic Problem-based Collaborative Learning Practices for Professional Development in Teacher Education. Connexions. Retrieved from

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