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Template Review of Northeast Texas 2012 Ozone Season Presentation to the NETAC Policy and Technical Committees June 13, 2013 Sue Kemball-Cook, Wilson Santamaria.

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Presentation on theme: "Template Review of Northeast Texas 2012 Ozone Season Presentation to the NETAC Policy and Technical Committees June 13, 2013 Sue Kemball-Cook, Wilson Santamaria."— Presentation transcript:

1 Template Review of Northeast Texas 2012 Ozone Season Presentation to the NETAC Policy and Technical Committees June 13, 2013 Sue Kemball-Cook, Wilson Santamaria and Greg Yarwood ENVIRON

2 2 Today’s Presentation Update on ozone Design Values and trends Implications for attainment Review of 2012 ozone season

3 Northeast Texas CAMS Monitors 3

4 In 2012, 4 th high value decreased relative to 2011 for all three monitors 4

5 5 All three monitors attain the 2008 NAAQS using 2008-2010 data Longview does not attain if 2009-2011 or 2010-2012 data are considered

6 4 th High Ozone Values Needed to Attain the NAAQS in 2013 Table shows 4 th high value needed in 2013 for monitor to achieve current NAAQS of 75 ppb –4 th high of 67 ppb or lower at Longview produces DV that attains Lowest 4 th high at C19 was 71 ppb in 2008 6

7 2012 Temperatures 7 2012 was the warmest spring on record in Texas Texas temperatures were warmer than usual in summer

8 2012 Days with 8-hour Ozone > 75 ppb 8 Maximum 8-hour Ozone (ppb) DayLongviewTylerKarnack June 26828471 June 277980 August 9687577 August 10708070 August 11837666 August 14785862 4 th high value787672 Shading shows monitor with highest daily maximum 8-hour ozone on that day

9 2012 Days with 8-hour Ozone > 75 ppb 9


11 June 26, 2012 High ozone at Tyler and Longview High regional background ~65 ppb Late afternoon peak at Tyler is likely due to Tyler urban plume Little SO 2 at Tyler and Longview Back Trajectories Ending at 4pm LongviewTyler 1-Hour Ozone

12 12 Longview Karnack Tyler Location8hr-O 3 (ppb) 1hr-O 3 (max-ppb/time) Longview8293/ 3pm Tyler84107/ 4pm Karnack7173/ 9am,10am June 26 HYSPLIT Back Trajectories

13 June 27, 2012 High ozone at all three monitors Very high (~75 ppb) background ozone Morning power plant impact at Longview Back Trajectories Ending at 4pm LongviewTyler 1-Hour Ozone

14 Location8hr-O 3 (ppb) 1hr-O 3 (max-ppb/time) Longview7982/ 11am, 1pm, 3pm Tyler8086/ 1pm Karnack8087/ 4pm June 27 HYSPLIT Back Trajectories 14 Longview Karnack Tyler

15 August 9, 2012 Very high (~70 ppb) background ozone Unusual wind speed/direction Small amounts of SO 2 present at Longview and Tyler indicate power plants contribute but are not primary cause of high ozone Back Trajectories Ending at 5 pm LongviewTyler 1-Hour Ozone

16 Location8hr-O 3 (ppb) 1hr-O 3 (max-ppb/time) Longview6874/ 4pm Tyler7583/ 3pm Karnack7783/ 5pm August 9, 2012: HYSPLIT Back Trajectories 16 Longview Karnack Tyler

17 August 10, 2012 Very high (~65 ppb) background ozone Wind shift Late afternoon Longview peak may be HRVOC impact Early morning SO 2 impacts at Longview and Tyler, but little SO 2 present during ozone peaks Back Trajectories Ending at 5 pm LongviewTyler 1-Hour Ozone

18 August 10: HYSPLIT Back Trajectories 18 Longview Karnack Tyler Location8hr-O 3 (ppb) 1hr-O 3 (max-ppb/time) Longview7075/ 4pm Tyler8084/ 5pm Karnack7076/ 3pm

19 August 11, 2012 16 hours back trajectories ending at 4 pm Background ozone ~65 ppb Stagnant winds SO 2 at Longview indicates power plant contribution in late afternoon Back Trajectories Ending at 5 pm LongviewTyler 1-Hour Ozone

20 Location8hr-O 3 (ppb) 1hr-O 3 (max-ppb/time) Longview8392/ 4pm Tyler7684/ 2pm Karnack6671/ 3pm,4pm August 11: HYSPLIT Back Trajectories 20 Longview Karnack Tyler

21 August 14, 2012 Background ozone ~60 ppb SO 2 at Longview indicates power plant contribution to late afternoon peak Back Trajectories Ending at 1 pm LongviewTyler 1-Hour Ozone

22 Location8hr-O 3 (ppb) 1hr-O 3 (max-ppb/time) Longview7884/ 1pm Tyler5869/ 4pm Karnack6267/ 5pm August 14: HYSPLIT Back Trajectories 22 Longview KarnackTyler

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