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What is Old is New Again: Readapt Strategies to Engage Students in Leadership, Social Justice, and Sustainability Tyler Gailey Assistant Director for Residential.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Old is New Again: Readapt Strategies to Engage Students in Leadership, Social Justice, and Sustainability Tyler Gailey Assistant Director for Residential."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Old is New Again: Readapt Strategies to Engage Students in Leadership, Social Justice, and Sustainability Tyler Gailey Assistant Director for Residential Life Clemson University

2 Before Fall 2012 – Residential Life at Clemson University had three main pillars: social justice, leadership, and sustainability. In addition, each residence hall used a programming model to interact and work with residents. Background

3 Fall 2012 – Spring 2013: A team came together for the year to work on the implementation of a residential curriculum for Fall 2013 Observation – not only students, but staff saw social justice, leadership, and sustainability as three separate things. Background

4 Professional staff, graduate assistants, and resident assistants were surveyed in Fall 2012 about their knowledge and comfort level with sustainability. One question that was asked was : does sustainability relate to social justice and leadership? For leadership – most said they believe so. For social justice – most said no. Background


6 “Curriculum takes advantage of teachable moments.” – Patricia King, University of Michigan Background

7 Our teachable moment…

8 A New Beginning in Residential Life at Clemson University: Residential Experience Model (REM)

9 Residential Life Philosophy Statement We believe that an intentional residential experience is transformative.


11 How can students achieve these goals? Programming ModelCurricular Model “Wellness wheel” of topics that can be covered at any time Defined goals and defined strategy – follows a clear flow Reactive, based on interest of staff and incidents in community Proactive, based in professional assessment and understanding of needs RAs implement program topics/ideas – a buffet table of programming Professionals implement and follow guidelines, RAs connect to residents to resources Group focused, either “join in or miss out” Emphasis on individual learning, building rapport with each resident Delivery relies on attendance/stand alone sessionsOutcome based, highly intentional interactions

12 REM Sequenced Learning Outcomes


14 Are there ways that you can readapt the conversation?

15 Questions? Comments? Compliments

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