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Project Human Resource Management
Supervision Dr. Naill Momani Brepared By Ayman Aljenedi Mohammed Algwazi Reda Al Sulaimani, KAU, EMBA, PMP Course
Introduction: Project Human Resource Management Includes the process that organize, manage, and lead the project team. The Project Team Is comprised of the people with assigned roles and responsibility for completing the project. The Type and number of project Team members can change Frequently as the project Progresses. The project Management team Is a subset of the project team and is responsibility for the project management and leadership activities such as Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring, Controlling, Closing the various project phases. KAU, EMBA, PMP Course
Project Human Resource Management Process:
2- Acquire Project Team 1-Develop HR Plan P.H.R.M. Process 3- Develop Project Team 4- Manage Project Team KAU, EMBA, PMP Course
Project Human Resource Management Process:
The project management process are usually presented as discrete process with defined interfaces while, in practice, they overlap and interact. Examples of interactions that require additional planning include: - After initial team member create a work breakdown structure, additional team member may need to be acquired. - In additional team members are required, their experience level, or lack , could increased or decrease project risk. KAU, EMBA, PMP Course
1-1 Develop Human Resource Plan.
- Develop Human Resource Plan is the process of identifying and documenting project roles, responsibilities, and required skills, reporting relationships, and creating a staffing management plan. - Human resource planning is used to determine and identify human resources with the necessary skills required for project success. - The human resource plan documents project roles and responsibilities, project organization charts, and the stuffing management plan including the timetable for stuff acquisition and release. - Effective human resource plan should consider project cost, schedules, risks, quality, and budget and plan for these factors and develop human resource options. KAU, EMBA, PMP Course
1-2 Develop Human Resource Plan.
Inputs 1-Activity resource requirement. 2- Enterprise environmental factors. 3- Organizational process assets. 1- Organization charts & position description. 2- Networking. 3- Organizational theory. 1- Human Resource plan. Tools &Techniques Outputs KAU, EMBA, PMP Course
1-3 Develop Human Resource Plan.
1-Activity resource requirement: Human resource planning uses activity resource requirements to determine the human resource needs for the project. 2- Enterprise environmental factor that can influence the develop human resource plan process. 3- Organizational process assets that can influence the project team with the develop human resource plan process 1- Organization charts & position description: various formats exist to document team member roles & responsibilities such as hierarchical, matrix, and text-oriented. 2- Networking: is the formal &informal interaction with other in an organization, industry, or professional environment. 3- Organizational theory: provides information regarding the way in which people, team, and organization units behave. Inputs Tools &Techniques KAU, EMBA, PMP Course 7
1-4 Develop Human Resource Plan.
1- Human Resource plan: provides guidance on how project human resources should be defined, staffed, managed, controlled, and eventually released, it includes: - Roles and Responsibilities( Role, Authority, Responsibility, and competency). - Project Organization Charts. - Staffing management plan: - Staff acquisition. - Resource calendar. - Staff release plan. - Training needs. - Recognition & Rewards. - Complains & Safety. Outputs 8
2-1 Acquire Project team. Acquire Project Team is the process of confirming human resource availability and obtaining the team necessary to complete project assignment. It is important that the following factors are consider during the process of acquiring the project team: Project manger should effectively negotiate and influence others, who are in position to provide the require human resource for the project. Failure to acquire the necessary human resource may affect project schedule, budget, customer satisfaction, quality, and risks. If the human resource for the project not available, the project manager or project team may be required to assign alternative resources. KAU, EMBA, PMP Course
2-2 Acquire Project team. 1- Project Management Plan.
2- Enterprise environmental factors. 3- Organizational process assets. 1-Pre-assignmet. 2- Negotiation. 3- Acquisition. 4- Virtual Team. 1- Project staff assignment. 2- Resource calendars. 3- Project management plan updates. Inputs: Tools& Techniques Outputs: KAU, EMBA, PMP Course
2-3 Acquire Project team. 1- Project Management Plan: provide guidance on how project HR should be identified, staffed, managed, controlled, and eventually released. 2- Enterprise environmental factors that can influence the acquire Project Team process. 3- Organizational process assets that can influence the acquire project team process, but not limited to, organization standerd policies, processes, and procedure. 1-Pre-assignmet. 2- Negotiation. 3- Acquisition. 4- Virtual Team. Inputs: Tools& Techniques 11
2-4 Acquire Project team. 1- Project staff assignment: when the project team assigned, the documentation of the assignments includes a project team directory, memos to team members, and names inserted into other parts of the project management plan. 2- Resource calendars document the time periods that each project team member can work on the project such as vacation, schedule conflicts, commitment to other projects, and team member availability. 3- Project management plan updates. Outputs: 12
3-1 Develop Project Team. Develop project team is the process of improving the competencies, tem interaction, and the overall team environment to enhance project performance. Project mangers should acquire skills to identify, build, maintain, motivate, lead, and inspire project team to achieve high team performance and meet the project’s objectives. Because the differentiation among the project team, the project management team should capitalize on culture differences, focus on developing and sustaining the project team throughout the project life cycle, and promote working together interdependently in a climate of mutual trust. Objectives of developing a project team include: Improve knowledge and skills. Improve feeling of trust and agreement among team members. Create a dynamic and cohesive team culture to improve both individual and team productivity, team spirit, and cooperation. KAU, EMBA, PMP Course
3-2 Develop Project Team. 1- Project staff assignments.
Inputs: 1- Project staff assignments. 2- Project management plan. 3- Resource calendars. 1- Interpersonal skills. 2- Training. 3- Team building activities. 4- Ground rules. 5- Co-location. 6- Recognition and rewards. 1- Team performance assessment. 2- Enterprise environmental factors updates. Tools& Techniques: Outputs: KAU, EMBA, PMP Course
3-3 Develop Project Team. Inputs: 1- Project staff assignments documents identify the people who are on the team. 2- Project management plan identifies training strategies and plans for developing the project team. 3- Resource calendars identify times when the project team members can participate in team development activities. 1- Interpersonal skills 2- Training. 3- Team building activities. 4- Ground rules. 5- Co-location. 6- Recognition and rewards. Tools& Techniques: 15
3-4 Develop Project Team. 1- Team performance assessment criteria should be determine by all appropriate parties and incorporated in the develop project team inputs. - The evaluation of team effectiveness may includes indicators such as: - Improvement in skills. - Improvements in competencies. - Reduced staff turnover rate. - Increased team cohesiveness. 2- Enterprise environmental factors updates includes personal administration, updates for employee training records and skill assessments. Outputs: 16
3-5 Stages of Development Project Team:
1- Forming: this phase is where the team meets and learns about the project and what their formal roles and responsibilities are. 2- Storming: the begins to address the project work, technical decisions, and the project management approach. 3- Norming: team members begin to work together and adjust work habits and behaviors that support the team. 4- Performing: team that reach the performing stage function as a well-organized unit. 5- Adjourning: the team completes the work and moves on from the project. KAU, EMBA, PMP Course 17
4-1 Manage Project Team Manage Project Team is the process of tracking team members performance, providing feedback, resolving issue, and managing changes to optimize project performance. The project management team observes team behavior, manages conflicts, resolves issues, and appraises team member performance. Team management involves a combination of skills with special emphasis on communication, conflict management, negotiation, and leadership. Project manger should provide challenging assignments to team members, and provide recognition for high performance. KAU, EMBA, PMP Course
4-2 Manage Project Team Inputs: Tools& Techniques: Outputs:
1- Project staff assignments. 2- Project management plan. 3- Team performance assignments. 4- Performance reports. 5- Organizational process assets. 1-Observation and conversation. 2- Project performance appraisal. 3- Conflict management. 4- Issue logo. 5- Interpersonal skills. 1- Enterprise environmental factors update. 2- Organizational process assets updates. 3- Change requests. 4- Project management plan updates. Tools& Techniques: Outputs: KAU, EMBA, PMP Course
4-3 Manage Project Team Inputs:
1- Project staff assignments provides documentation which includes the list of project team members. 2- Project management plan contains the HR Plan, which includes roles, responsibilities, project organization, and the staffing management plan. 3- Team performance assignments by ongoing assessing the project team’s performance, action can be taken to resolve issues, modify communication, address conflict, and improve team interaction. 4- Performance reports provide documentation about the current project status compared to project forecasts. 5- Organizational process assets KAU, EMBA, PMP Course
4-4 Manage Project Team Tools& Techniques:
1-Observation and conversation are used to stay in ouch with the work and attitude of project team members. 2- Project performance appraisal conducting to clarification of roles and responsibilities, constructive feedback to team members, development of individual training plans. The need of the appraisal depends on the length of the project, complexity of the project, organizational policy, labor contract requirements, and the amount & quality of regular communication. 3- Conflict management. 4- Issue log: a written log documents and helps monitor who is responsible for resolving specific issues by a target date. 5- Interpersonal skills. 21
4-5 Manage Project Team Outputs:
1- Enterprise environmental factors update require updates such as input to organizational performance appraisal and personal skill updates. 2- Organizational process assets updates require update such as historical information, lessons learned documentation, and organizational standers processes. 3- Change requests: when staffing issues disrupt the project plan, a change request ca be processed through the perform integrated change control process. 4- Project management plan updates. 22
Test: 1) You are the project manager for the JHG Project. This project requires coordination with the Director of Manufacturing, Human Resources, the IT department, and the CIO. This is an example of what type of input to organizational planning? a) Organizational Interfaces. b) Technical Interfaces. c) Interpersonal Interfaces. d) Human Resources. Answer: A
2) Your project requires an electrician at month eight
2) Your project requires an electrician at month eight. This is an example of which of the following? a) Organizational Interfaces. b) Staffing Requirements. c) Contractor Requirements. d) Resources Constraints. Answer: B
3) You are the project manager in an organization with a weak matrix
3) You are the project manager in an organization with a weak matrix. Who will have the authority on your? a) The project manager. b) The customer. c) Functional management. d) The team leader. Answer: c
4- Which of the following is an example of theory X?
a) Self-led project teams. b) Micromanagement. c) Team members able t work on their own accord. d) EVM. Answer: B
5) You are the project manager of the PLN Project
5) You are the project manager of the PLN Project. The team members are somewhat ?afraid? of you as project manager because they see you as management. They know that a negative review from you about their project work will impact their yearly bonus. This is an example of which of the following? a) Formal power. b) Coercive power. c) Expert power. d) Referent power. Answer: b
6) You are the project manager of the MMB Project
6) You are the project manager of the MMB Project. The president of the company has spoken to the project team and told them the confidence and respect he has in you to lead the project to a successful completion. The project manager has what type of power on this project? a) Formal power. b) Coercive power. c) Expert power. d) Halo power. Answer; a
7) You are the project manager of the PUY Project
7) You are the project manager of the PUY Project. This project requires a chemical engineer for seven months of the project although there are no available chemical engineers within your department. This is an example of which of the following? a) Organizational interfaces. b) Staffing requirements. c) Contractor requirements. d) Recourses constraints. Answer: b
8) You are the project manager for the LMG Project
8) You are the project manager for the LMG Project. Your project will have several human resource issues that must be coordinated and approved by the union. Which of the following statements is correct about this scenario? a) The union is considered a resource constraint. b) The union is considered a management constraint. c) The union is considered a project stakeholder. d) The union is considered a project team member. Answer: c
9) You are the project manager of the PLY Project
9) You are the project manager of the PLY Project. This project is very similar to the ACT Project you have completed. What method can you do to expedite the process of organization planning? a) Use the project plan of the ACT Project on the PLY Project. b) Use the roles and responsibilities definitions of the ACT Project on the PLY Project. c) Use the project team structure of the ACT Project on the PLY Project. d) Use the project team of the ACT Project on the PLY Project. Answer: b
10) In your organization, management is referred to as coaches
10) In your organization, management is referred to as coaches. As a project manager, you are referred to as a project coach. A human resource document should be created to handle this scenario. What should it cover? A) How coaches are separate from managers. B) How coaches are the same as managers. C) How a coach is to complete his or her job. D) How the project team is to work for a coach. Answer: c
11) Management has requested that you create a chart depicting all of the project resource needs and the associated activities. Management is looking for which type of chart? A) A roles chart B) A roles matrix C) A roles and responsibilities matrix D) A Gantt chart Answer: c
12) Management has approached Tyler, one of your project team members
12) Management has approached Tyler, one of your project team members. Tyler is a database administrator and developer, whose work is always on time, accurate, and of quality. He also has a reputation of being a good guy and is well liked. Because of this, management has decided to move Tyler into the role of a project manager for a new database administration project. This is an example of which of the following? A) Management by exception B) The halo effect C) Management by objectives D) McGregor? s Theory of X and Y Answer: b
13) Susan is the project manager for the PMG Project
13) Susan is the project manager for the PMG Project. She makes all decisions on the project team regardless of the project team objections. This is an example of which of the following management styles? A) Autocratic B) Democratic C) Laissez faire D) Exceptional Answer: a
14) Which problem-solving technique is the best for most project management situations?
A) Confronting B) Compromising C) Forcing D) Avoidance Answer: a
15) Which theory believes that workers need to be involved with the management process?
A) McGregor's Theory of X and Y B) Ouch's Theory Z C) Herzberg's Theory of Motivation D) Expectancy Theory Answer: b
16) _______________ states that as long as workers are rewarded they will remain productive.
A) McGregor’s Theory of X and Y B) Ouchi’s Theory Z C) Herzberg’s Theory of Motivation D) Expectancy Theory Answer: d
17) You are the project manager for the GBK Project
17) You are the project manager for the GBK Project. This project effects a line of business and the customer is anxious about the success of the project. Which of the following is likely not a top concern for the customer? A) Project priorities B) Schedule C) Cost D) Personality conflicts Answer:d
18) You are the project manager for Industrial Lights Project
18) You are the project manager for Industrial Lights Project. You have been hired by your organization specifically because of your vast experience with the technology and with projects of this nature. The project is aware of your experience. You likely have what type of power on this project? A) Formal power B) Coercive power C) Expert power D) Referent power Answer: c
19) Which of the following is an example of coercive power?
A) A project manager that has lunch with the project team every Thursday. B) A project manager that will openly punish any team member who is late with an activity. C) A project manager that has worked with the technology on the project for several years. D) A project manager that is friends with all of the project team members. Answer: b
20) You are a project manager in a projectized organization
20) You are a project manager in a projectized organization. Your job as a project manager can be described best by which of the following? A) Full-time B) Part-time C) Expeditor D) Coordinator Answer: a
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