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By: Tyler McIntosh.  Slopes and junk…  Linear equations  And finding that x thingy. And the y one 2.  And then there was relations and functions.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Tyler McIntosh.  Slopes and junk…  Linear equations  And finding that x thingy. And the y one 2.  And then there was relations and functions."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Tyler McIntosh

2  Slopes and junk…  Linear equations  And finding that x thingy. And the y one 2.  And then there was relations and functions.

3  =) M=y2-y1/x2-x1

4  Variable cannot have an exponent greater 1  Variable cannot be multiplied together.  Variable cannot be in the denominator  Variable cannot be under a radical.  This is determined by a vertical line test  =)

5  Which is composed of an x axis and a y axis that meet at the origin (0,0) and divide the plane into four quadrants.

6  You have a relation=which is a set of ordered pairs.  The domain and range, the domain is the set of all the x coordinates in a ordered pair.  The range is the set of all the second coordinates… the y coordinates.

7  The x and y coordinates are also known as the independent variable and the dependant variable, x being the independent and y being the dependant.

8  Is one complex mother…  It has no operations other than addition, subtraction, and multiplication of a variable by a constant.  A linear function is a function whose ordered pairs satisfy a linear equation.

9  The slope of a line is the ratio of the change in x coordinates/the change of the y coordinates.  Graph method= plot the points, count the rise, count the run, then you put the rise over the run.

10  Is the measure of how much a quantity changes, on average, relative to the change in another quantity, often time… so yea

11  The end…  -mines better than Jeannie Sue's

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