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Taiga Biome Ryan, John M., Tylor, and Nithya. Location The Taiga biome stretches over Eurasia and North America. The Taiga is located at the top of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Taiga Biome Ryan, John M., Tylor, and Nithya. Location The Taiga biome stretches over Eurasia and North America. The Taiga is located at the top of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taiga Biome Ryan, John M., Tylor, and Nithya

2 Location The Taiga biome stretches over Eurasia and North America. The Taiga is located at the top of the globe below the Tundra. The Taiga is the biggest biome in the world.

3 Climatogram It is generally cold in the Taiga Biome

4 Food Web The main predators are the lynx and the wolf, and the smaller animals are located at the bottom.

5 Taiga Animals This is a picture of two grizzly bears its special because it shows the true meaning of brother hood and shows how these animals interact with each other. The bald eagle is the animal that represents America it also is a very populated animal in the Taiga biome. If you look past the vicious stare this bobcat is actually pretty small but is one of the main predators in his ecosystem....

6 Animals Gray wolves can live in almost any biome as long as it includes a good food supply and it has a cold climate. The Canadian lynx is not a very commonly found animal, although its almost identical to a normal house cat.

7 Plants White Fur This tree can grow up to 60-100 feet tall and can live up to 300 years. Siberian Spruce This tree can grow up to about 30 meters and is a very populated tree in our biome

8 Plants Paper Beach Paper beach trees have bark that peals horizontally that looks like paper. Eastern red Cedar These trees commonly grow to around 10-50 feet.

9 Natural Resources Some natural resources in Taiga include oil and Metal, people in this location heavily rely on Taigas resources.

10 Major Place Of Interests One major place of interest in the Taiga biome, is the boundary waters canoe, wilderness area, Minnesota. This is a zone between a deciduous forest and a boreal forest. It consists of beautiful lakes and 1500 miles of canoe route.

11 Major Landforms One major landform in the Taiga Biome is part of the Rocky Mountains, other landforms are some of the Great lakes are Superior, Michigan, Huron, and Erie

12 Vocabulary Word Epiphyte-Is a plant common to the taiga biome. It is above the ground, and it feeds of nutrients from the rain, dust, and air. Epiphyte are a very interesting group of plants.


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