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Presentation on theme: "“INTRADAY TRADING SECRETS”"— Presentation transcript:

VACHANA INVESTMENTS PVT LTD # 412, Soundarya Sampige Complex, 8TH Cross, Malleshwaram, BANGALORE -3. “INTRADAY TRADING SECRETS” CA.RUDRAMURTHY.B.V ACA, MCOM, MFM, M-PHIL, PGDBA, PGDMM Research Head: Vachana Investments Pvt Ltd. Ph: /

2 What Differentiates between Winning and Losing in Trading ?????


4 Symptoms of a Losing Trader ?????
Having no TRADING PLAN. Using Successful Strategies that don’t suit your Personality. Having Unrealistic assumptions. Taking foolish risk. Not having any rules to follow.

5 Symptoms of a Losing Trader ?????
Not being flexible to market conditions. Failing to take responsibility for your results. Getting addicted to volatility. Not having a process to keep track of performance. Not controlling emotional risk.

6 Symptoms of a Successful Trader !!!
Have a TRADING PLAN. Use Strategies that suit your Personality. Have a Realistic expectation. Take Calculated Risk. Have Trading rules before taking positions.

7 Symptoms of a Successful Trader !!!
Be flexible to market conditions. Take responsibility for your results. Trading should be a Profession and not hobby or place of excitement. Keep track of performance. Control your emotional risk.

8 Rudramurthy’s Day Trading Sutras!!!
Day trading should be a Profession and not a hobby. Successful Day trading requires great Money Management Skills. There should be a Definitive Basis for Day trading and it should not be Instinctive. High level of Flexibility and Emotional Control. Understanding Yourself is more important to understand Markets.

9 Rudramurthy’s Day Trading Sutras!!!
Your trading models are the footprints of money. Determine the Entry, Target, Stops and time frames before entering into the Potent trade and stick to it come what may. What markets are doing is more important than Why it is doing so. Never argue with markets and try finding reasons for trading against what the ticker says.

10 Rudramurthy’s Day Trading Sutras!!!
Don’t Imagine, Guess and Hope to trade, just believe on the model and process the data. Monitoring the Performance on Expected lines is very important. Failure to accept your mistake and taking small losses quickly will be the biggest sin what a trader can ever commit. Switching Time Frames is very dangerous. It is a rationalized way of correcting your earlier mistakes.

11 Rudramurthy’s Day Trading Sutras!!!
When you are in form trade BIG but when you are not in form, reduce the quantity of your trade by atleast half and also the frequency of your trade. If you don’t know what to do with an initiated trade and that too if it is a losing one, answer is EXIT. Don’t try the escape route by searching all possible reasons to hold your trade.

12 Rudramurthy’s Day Trading Sutras!!!
When you Buy for Day trade place stop below Today’s low or Yesterday low whichever is lower and When you Sell it should be above Today’s high or Yesterday High whichever is higher. Also you can keep low of 4 Bar before your entry bar as stop on your intraday longs and high of 4 Bar before your entry bar as stop on your intraday shorts. (5 or 15min bar can be used)

13 Rudramurthy’s Day Trading Sutras!!!
Keep a trading journal and write your comments on that days experience. Note reasons for your profits or losses and improvise on the same. Inactiveness is the best tool what successful traders have on their winning positions and hyperactive when they are at losses. Don’t take small profits when you are sure of big profits and cut your losses as small as possible.

14 Rudramurthy’s Day Trading Sutras!!!
When you lose over 5times in a row then you require a relook into your trading. When you are ill, confused, uncertain, have personal problem and you are trading on hope, then you require a break from trading. Professional traders Sell HOPE and Average traders Buy HOPE. To become successful trader you should work hard, study markets, practice, review, analyzse and organize your trading skills.

15 Rudramurthy’s Day Trading Sutras!!!
It is good to BUY once it trades above prior days HIGH and best advised to SELL once it trades below prior days LOW. Day traders can never make profit by Buying Low and Selling High method! So never catch a falling knife or Sell a Flying Knight! Rather do the reverse. Successful traders make it Happen whereas Losing traders let it Happen.

16 Rudramurthy’s Day Trading Sutras!!!
Buy Intraday when the stock/index is trading above the open and it is on the uptrend. Sell Intraday when the stock/index is trading below the open and it is on the down trend. Look at buying 52 Week highs and Selling 52 Week lows. Look at heavy weights like Reliance, Infosys, SBI, HDFC, ICICI etc if are up for the day, look at buying opportunity in nifty and viceversa.

17 Rudramurthy’s Day Trading Sutras!!!
Narrow range indicate low volatility and they are always followed by big move on either side. Narrow ranges are more powerful when they occur rarely after a series of normal or wide ranges. Look at Buying a Narrow Range Bar after several bar declines and it is above open.

18 Rudramurthy’s Day Trading Sutras!!!
Look at Selling a Narrow Range Bar after several bar declines and it is below open. Look to BUY above the high of the bottoming bar after a several bar drop. Look to SELL below the low of a topping bar after a several bar advance.



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