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UNDERSTANDING REALITIES OF LIFE A presentation by Kamaluddin Ali Muhammad Aga Khan university 15-10-2008.

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Presentation on theme: "UNDERSTANDING REALITIES OF LIFE A presentation by Kamaluddin Ali Muhammad Aga Khan university 15-10-2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNDERSTANDING REALITIES OF LIFE A presentation by Kamaluddin Ali Muhammad Aga Khan university 15-10-2008

2 BODY, MIND AND SOUL Human being is not only body but a combination of body, mind and soul. Human being is not only body but a combination of body, mind and soul. Health and sickness of body, mind and soul. Health and sickness of body, mind and soul. SDD (Spiritual Deficiency Syndrome). SDD (Spiritual Deficiency Syndrome). Psychosomatic diseases. Psychosomatic diseases.

3 WE ARE SPIRITUAL BEINGS We are not physical beings having some spiritual experience but we are spiritual beings passing through a temporal experience.

4 OUTER WORLD IS BASED ON INNER WORLD Our external world (body) is based on our internal world (spirit). Our external world (body) is based on our internal world (spirit). Body is based on soul. Body is based on soul. Language is based on meaning. Language is based on meaning. Our actions are based on thoughts. Our actions are based on thoughts. Our actual life is the life of thoughts. Our actual life is the life of thoughts. Intensity of a problem depends on our reaction to it. Intensity of a problem depends on our reaction to it.

5 LOOKING INWARD There are many simple facts of life which teach us the meaning of life but we are too busy looking outward failing to look inward. There are many simple facts of life which teach us the meaning of life but we are too busy looking outward failing to look inward. He who looks outward is asleep. He who looks inwards is awake. He who looks outward is asleep. He who looks inwards is awake.

6 HAPPINESS COMES FROM WITHIN The doors of happiness and satisfaction open inward and not outward. The doors of happiness and satisfaction open inward and not outward. Happiness is a byproduct and it comes to those who don't seek it. Happiness is a byproduct and it comes to those who don't seek it. Don't run after recognition. Let it follow you. Don't run after recognition. Let it follow you.

7 FIVE GOLDEN PRINCIPLES If you like something, and it is good and ethical, enjoy it. If you like something, and it is good and ethical, enjoy it. If you don't like something, avoid it. If you don't like something, avoid it. If you can't avoid it, change it. If you can't avoid it, change it. If you can't change it, accept it. If you can't change it, accept it. Accept it by changing your attitude towards it. Accept it by changing your attitude towards it.

8 THE SERENITY PRAYER "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.“ "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.“ Reinhold Niebuhr's so-called Serenity Prayer Knowing the difference is the most difficult part. Knowing the difference is the most difficult part.

9 LESSONS FROM LIFE Life is like a university, (but) we all have our own individual curriculum. Life is like a university, (but) we all have our own individual curriculum. God does not create copies. His each creation is unique and full of wisdom. It is foolish to compare. God does not create copies. His each creation is unique and full of wisdom. It is foolish to compare. Life is full of wisdom. Perspective is important. Example of embroidery. Life is full of wisdom. Perspective is important. Example of embroidery. Life is not fair but God is good. Life is not fair but God is good.

10 WISDOM OF CRISIS Adversities are teachers. Adversities are teachers. Blessing come in disguise. Blessing come in disguise. When things are good we live a superficial life. When times are difficult, we go into introspection, reflection, thinking and learning. Respect the crises. When things are good we live a superficial life. When times are difficult, we go into introspection, reflection, thinking and learning. Respect the crises. Language of God is different. Language of God is different.

11 BE TRUE TO YOURSELF To your own self be true. No compromise on integrity.(Example of nurse) To your own self be true. No compromise on integrity.(Example of nurse) Don’t try to be someone else. Don’t try to be someone else. No integrity gap between self and ego. No integrity gap between self and ego. All my life I wanted to be somebody, Now, I am finally somebody....but it isn't me. All my life I wanted to be somebody, Now, I am finally somebody....but it isn't me.

12 CHARACTER VS REPUTATION Focus on your character rather than on reputation. Focus on your character rather than on reputation. Action speaks louder than the words. Action speaks louder than the words. What others think of you is their problem not yours. What others think of you is their problem not yours. Keep the whole picture of life before you and not just one episode. Keep the whole picture of life before you and not just one episode.

13 SHARING Miracle of sharing. Miracle of sharing. Exhaling and inhaling. Closed fist. Exhaling and inhaling. Closed fist. Law of giving and receiving. Law of giving and receiving. Give the world the best you have and the best will come back to you. Give the world the best you have and the best will come back to you.

14 FIVE WAYS TO HAPPINESS Avoid worry Avoid worry Avoid hate/envy Avoid hate/envy Live simply Live simply Give more Give more Expect less Expect less

15 CONTENTMENT AND ACCEPTANCE Contentment Contentment Acceptance Acceptance Enlightenment is "the quiet acceptance of what is." Enlightenment is "the quiet acceptance of what is." Truly enlightened beings are those who refuse to allow themselves to be distressed over things that simply are the way they are. Truly enlightened beings are those who refuse to allow themselves to be distressed over things that simply are the way they are.

16 GRATITUDE Live a life full of gratitude. Live a life full of gratitude. Be thankful for what you have rather than complain for what you don’t. Be thankful for what you have rather than complain for what you don’t. Count your blessings. Count your blessings.

17 STAY CONNECTED WITH SELF Practice silence and solitude. Stay connected with the source of being. Practice silence and solitude. Stay connected with the source of being. All men's miseries come from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone. All men's miseries come from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone. Listen to the voice of intuition, it’s the voice of God within us. Listen to the voice of intuition, it’s the voice of God within us. Avoid materialistic lifestyle. Avoid materialistic lifestyle.

18 NO SELF PITY Don't regret, don't carry guilty feeling. Don't regret, don't carry guilty feeling. Forgive yourself before forgiving others. No one is perfect in this world. Forgive yourself before forgiving others. No one is perfect in this world. The blessing of forgetting. The blessing of forgetting. Don't carry ugly memories. Enjoy the pleasant ones. Don't carry ugly memories. Enjoy the pleasant ones.

19 PRAYER POWER Never forget power of prayer. Never forget power of prayer. Stay connected with the source of power in the universe. Stay connected with the source of power in the universe. When you pray, be prepared for the unexpected. When you pray, be prepared for the unexpected. This is not what I prayed for; but it is much better. This is not what I prayed for; but it is much better. We can’t understand the language of God. We can’t understand the language of God.

20 PERSONAL HUMILITY A central element in a truly religious outlook, it seems to me, is the quality of personal humility-a recognition that strive as we might, we will still fall short of our ideals, that climb as we might, there will still be unexplored and mysterious peaks above us. It means recognizing our own creature hood-and thus our human limitations.” (His Highness the Aga Khan, Evora, Spain,12-02-2006)

21 For KamalZar Collections Please visit

22 THANKS Special thanks to Mr. Amir Ali Kasim Ali (HRD, Itreb for Pakistan) for his help in preparing the presentation

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