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Managing Stress 8E Principles and Strategies for Health and Well-Being Brian Luke Seaward, Ph.D. Unless otherwise noted, all images were supplied by Brian.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Stress 8E Principles and Strategies for Health and Well-Being Brian Luke Seaward, Ph.D. Unless otherwise noted, all images were supplied by Brian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Stress 8E Principles and Strategies for Health and Well-Being Brian Luke Seaward, Ph.D. Unless otherwise noted, all images were supplied by Brian Luke Seaward. Credit: © Inspiration Unlimited. Used with permission.

2 Chapter 14 Creative Problem Solving

3 “Make it a practice to keep on the lookout for novel and interesting ideas that others have used successfully. Your idea only has to be original in its adaptation to the problem you are working on.” — Thomas Alva Edison

4 Figure 14.2. Creativity isn’t a gift for a chosen few, it’s a birthright for everyone. How can you best make your creative efforts serve you in times of stress? Photo © Mike Blake/Reuters/Landov

5 Figure 14.3. If you think you’re not creative you’ll prove yourself right! You may not be a Steve Jobs, but everyone has the makings of a creative person... including you! Photo © Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

6 The Creative Process Primary Creativity Right Brain

7 The Creative Process Primary Creativity Right Brain Secondary Creativity Left Brain

8 The Creative Process Primary Creativity Right Brain Secondary Creativity Left Brain Creativity is a “whole brain” process

9 The Roles of Creativity The Explorer The Artist The Judge The Warrior

10 The Explorer

11 The Artist

12 The Judge

13 The Warrior

14 Source: © Isabella Bannerman. Reprinted with permission.

15 Obstacles to the Creative Process

16 Roadblocks to creativity typically involve fear-based, ego-produced thoughts that inhibit the creative problem-solving process from ever getting off the ground.

17 Von Oech’s Roadblocks 1. The Right Answer 2. I’m Not Creative 3. Don’t Be Foolish 4. To Err Is Wrong

18 Von Oech’s Roadblocks 1. The Right Answer 2. I’m Not Creative 3. Don’t Be Foolish 4. To Err Is Wrong VanGundy’s Roadblocks 1. Perceptual Roadblocks 2. Emotional Roadblocks 3. Intellectual Roadblocks 4. Cultural Roadblocks 5. Environmental Roadblocks

19 From Creativity to Creative Problem-Solving

20 Figure 14.8. The creative process is rarely a linear process.

21 Figure 14.9. The Map of Creative Problem-Solving

22 Creative Problem-Solving

23 1. Description of the Problem

24 Creative Problem-Solving 1. Description of the Problem 2. Generate Ideas

25 Creative Problem-Solving 1. Description of the Problem 2. Generate Ideas 3. Idea Selection and Refinement

26 Creative Problem-Solving 1. Description of the Problem 2. Generate Ideas 3. Idea Selection and Refinement 4. Idea Implementation

27 Creative Problem-Solving 1. Description of the Problem 2. Generate Ideas 3. Idea Selection and Refinement 4. Idea Implementation 5. Evaluation and Analysis

28 Creativity in the 21st Century Job Market

29 “Because knowledge is available on every Internet-connected device, what you know matters far less than what you can do with what you know. The capacity to innovate—the capacity to solve problems creatively or bring new possibilities to life, and skills like critical thinking, communication and collaboration are far more important than academic knowledge.” — Thomas Friedman, NY Times Columnist

30 Creativity in the 21st Century Job Market Essential questions to ask yourself for today’s job market:

31 Creativity in the 21st Century Job Market Essential questions to ask yourself for today’s job market: 1. What is your passion? 2. What are your resources? 3. How can you turn your passion into a viable product? 4. How can you use your networking skills to promote yourself? 5. How can you invent (or reinvent) yourself How can you make yourself relevant in the world you live in?

32 Best Application of Creative Problem-Solving


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