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PART II 1 PARCC 101 and Aligning Expectations for College Readiness and Success.

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Presentation on theme: "PART II 1 PARCC 101 and Aligning Expectations for College Readiness and Success."— Presentation transcript:

1 PART II 1 PARCC 101 and Aligning Expectations for College Readiness and Success

2 What Is PARCC? The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers:  Made up of 20 states  Developing common, high-quality math and English language arts (ELA) tests for grades 3–11  Computer-based and linked to what students need to know for college and careers  For use starting in the 2014–15 school year 2

3 Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) 5

4 PARCC is an innovative assessment system aligned to the Common Core State Standards that will provide clear signals about college and career readiness prior to high school graduation 4

5 PARCC Goal: College Access and Success 5 Identify a set of core competencies that represent a baseline of college and career ready academic standards Develop innovative assessment system aligned to the standards - – to help ensure new standards reach every classroom. And – to provide clear signals to educators, parents and students about college readiness prior to high school graduation Establish a College and Career Ready Determination Assessment accepted and used by postsecondary faculty and administrators that guarantees student placement into entry-level, credit-bearing college courses without the need for remediation. Provide early interventions, tools and transition courses to ensure students meet postsecondary goals.

6 Getting All Students College and Career Ready 6 K–2Grades 3–8 High School Voluntary K–2 assessment being developed, aligned to the Common Core State Standards Timely data showing whether ALL students are on track for college and career readiness College readiness score to identify who is ready for college-level coursework Success In first-year, credit-bearing, postsecondary coursework Targeted interventions and supports: State-developed 12th- grade bridge courses Ongoing student support/interventions Professional development for educators

7 Assessments ELA/Literacy and Mathematics, Grades 3–11 7 Beginning of School Year End of School Year Diagnostic Assessment Mid-Year Assessment Performance- Based Assessment End-of-Year Assessment Speaking and Listening Assessment OptionalRequired Key: Flexible administration

8 Development of the PARCC Assessments: The Role of Postsecondary Faculty, Leaders and Policy Makers 8

9 What is Different About PARCC’s Development Process? 9 PARCC states first developed the Model Content Frameworks to provide guidance on key elements of excellent instruction aligned with the Standards. Then, those Frameworks informed the assessment blueprint design. Aligned evidence statements and task models followed. So… PARCC is designing the assessments around exactly the same content shifts the standards expect of teachers and students. PARCC is communicating in the same voice to teachers as it is to assessment developers

10 State Led Design and Development 10 PARCC Assessments developed by the states for the states State K-12 and postsecondary educator and content expert test development State developed college-ready standards State led engagement process: Higher Education and K-12 State- developed CCRD and on- track measures Educators in the PARCC consortium can trust that test items reflect the Common Core State Standards and the quality expectations of teachers in their states

11 Governing Board: Christopher Koch, State Superintendent of Education, Illinois State Board of Education Advisory Committee on College Readiness: Sheila Simon, Lieutenant Governor, State of Illinois PARCC K-12 State Leads/Governing Board Deputies: Dan Long, PARCC Project Director, Illinois State Board of Education Susie Morrison, Deputy Superintendent, Illinois State Board of Education Mary O’Brian, Director of Assessment, Illinois State Board of Education Higher Education Leadership Team Members: Daniel Cullen, Deputy Director, Illinois Board of Higher Education Brian Durham, Senior Director for Academic Affairs, Illinois Community College Board More than 60 Illinois State Educators, Administrators and Policy Makers are Assisting in Developing the PARCC Assessments 11

12 Through state level engagement efforts, almost 800 state postsecondary institutions and systems have been involved in the development of the PARCC assessment: – Item review Teams – Higher Education Leadership Team – Educator Leader Cadres PARCC ACCR and Higher Education Leadership Team played an integral role in defining and adopting the College and Career Readiness Determination for placement into entry- level, college-credit bearing courses Postsecondary Engagement 12

13 Sample Items: Mathematics and English Language Arts/Literacy 13

14 Part A Which of the following sentences best states an important theme about human behavior as described in Ovid’s “Daedalus and Icarus”? a.Striving to achieve one’s dreams is a worthwhile endeavor. b.The thoughtlessness of youth can have tragic results.* c.Imagination and creativity bring their own rewards. d.Everyone should learn from his or her mistakes. Part B Select three pieces of evidence from Ovid’s “Daedalus and Icarus” that support the answer to Part A. a.“and by his playfulness retard the work/his anxious father planned” (lines 310-311)* b.“But when at last/the father finished it, he poised himself” (lines 312-313) c.“he fitted on his son the plumed wings/ with trembling hands, while down his withered cheeks/the tears were falling” (lines 327-329) d.“Proud of his success/the foolish Icarus forsook his guide” (lines 348-349)* e.“and, bold in vanity, began to soar/rising above his wings to touch the skies” (lines 350-351)* f.“and as the years went by the gifted youth/began to rival his instructor’s art” (lines 376-377) g.“Wherefore Daedalus/enraged and envious, sought to slay the youth” (lines 384-385) h.“The Partridge hides/in shaded places by the leafy trees…for it is mindful of its former fall” (lines 395-396, 399) Grade 10 Evidence-Based Selected- Response Item 14

15 Part A What does the word vanity mean in these lines from the text “Daedalus and Icarus”? “Proud of his success, the foolish Icarus forsook his guide, and, bold in vanity, began to soar” (lines 345-349) a.arrogance* b.fear c.heroism d.enthusiasm Part B Which word from the lines from the text in Part A best helps the reader understand the meaning of vanity? a.proud* b.success c.foolish d.soar Grade 10 Evidence-Based Selected- Response Item 15

16 High School Illustrative Sample Item 16 Seeing Structure in a Quadratic Equation

17 Aligns to the Standards and Reflects Good Practice 17

18 Timeline Through First PARCC Administration in 2014-2015 PARCC Tools & Resources College-ready tools released Partnership Resource Center launched Professional development modules released Diagnostic assessments released Pilot/field testing begins Expanded field testing of diagnostic assessment Optional Diagnostic and Midyear PARCC Assessments Spring 2013 Summer 2013 Winter 2014 Spring 2014 Summer 2014 Fall 2013 Fall 2014 PARCC Assessment Implementation Expanded field testing K-2 Formative Tools Released Winter 2015 Spring 2015 Summative PARCC Assessments (2014-15 SY) Standard Setting in Summer 2015 18

19 PARCC Assessment Priorities from the Postsecondary Perspective 19 1.Assess the full range of the Common Core Standards. 2.Guarantee students placement into entry-level, credit-bearing courses in ELA and Mathematics without remediation by developing a College and Career Ready Determination recognized by postsecondary institutions. 3.Provide clear signals to students about college and career readiness prior to high school graduation. 4.Incorporate these indicators into a system of tools and transition courses, aligned to the PARCC assessments, to support students in meeting postsecondary goals.

20 20 The College and Career Ready Determination will guarantee students placement into entry-level, credit-bearing courses without the need for remediation.

21 Background: Policy-Level Performance Level Descriptors 21 PARCC states will use 5 achievement levels for grades 3-8 and HS in ELA/literacy and mathematics Each of the proposed performance levels includes: – Policy claims, which describe educational implications for students at a particular performance level. – General content claims, which describe academic knowledge and skills students across grade levels performing at a given performance level are able to demonstrate. Level 4 will be the threshold for earning the College and Career Ready Determinations on the designated high school assessments

22 Two College and Career Ready Determinations: – English language arts/literacy – Mathematics Students who receive a CCRD will have demonstrated the academic knowledge, skills, and practices necessary to enter directly into and succeed in entry-level, credit-bearing courses at public postsecondary institutions without the need for remediation. Students who achieve the CCRD will be guaranteed exemption from remedial course work in that content area. The PARCC Governing Board and ACCR approved the final policies during a special October 25, 2012 session. Policies are located at Background: College- and Career-Ready Determination (CCRD) Policy 22

23 A College and Career Ready Determination on the PARCC assessments indicate: Mastery of the core competencies in the Common Core State Standards identified by postsecondary education faculty as prerequisites for and key to success in entry- level, credit-bearing courses in English and mathematics Readiness for placement into entry-level, credit-bearing courses in ELA and mathematics A College and Career Ready Determination will not: Determine admission to college or university Replace college/university tests to place students into higher level mathematics and English courses Address non-traditional students who delay enrollment CCRD: Placement NOT Admission 23

24 24 Ensure the CCRD is embraced by postsecondary faculty and administrators by continuing to validate the assessment through targeted research and evaluation.

25 The following statement was approved for use to inform standard-setting (determining cut scores for PARCC performance levels) and to conduct future studies to validate the efficacy of the CCR Determinations. – Students who earn a PARCC College- and Career-Ready Determination by performing at a Level 4 in Mathematics and enroll in College Algebra, Introductory Statistics, and technical courses requiring an equivalent level of mathematics have approximately a 0.75 probability of earning college credit by attaining at least a grade of C or its equivalent in those courses. – Students who earn a PARCC College- and Career-Ready Determination by performing at a Level 4 in ELA/literacy and enroll in College English Composition, Literature, and technical courses requiring college-level reading and writing have approximately a 0.75 probability of earning college credit by attaining at least a grade of C or its equivalent in those courses. Standard-Setting/Validation Studies of the CCRD 25

26 PARCC research strategy is to collect evidence to inform, establish, and evaluate the success of methods, practices and processes to ensure that necessary conditions and outcomes are satisfied to ensure the assessment system is implemented with fidelity. To set college-ready performance standards on the high school assessments, PARCC will use evidence from research such as: — Concurrent validity studies Compare performance on PARCC with ACT/SAT/COMPASS/Accuplacer — Predictive validity studies Connect success of students on PARCC to performance in first-year courses — Judgment studies Rate importance of CCSS standards and test items in comparison with first-year course content — Alignment studies Examine relationship between first course content and content PARCC measures Research Strategy for Validation of CCRD 26

27 27 Engage postsecondary leaders from the local, state, and national levels in the development and adoption of the PARCC assessments and in interventions that increase access to postsecondary opportunities for all students

28 Development and Adoption of the PARCC Assessments 28 Requires creation of state mechanisms and infrastructures to facilitate postsecondary input into PARCC’s work and postsecondary adoption of the PARCC CCRD as an indicator of college readiness: —Governance Plan —State Specific Action Plan —Collaborative Platforms/Mechanisms of Communication

29 Development and Adoption of the PARCC Assessments Align first-year courses with CCSS – Analyze consistency in the definition of 1st-year, credit bearing courses in mathematics courses across colleges and states (range is from intermediate algebra to calculus) Establish consistent policies across postsecondary systems in your state about: – Placement – College readiness standards – College credit articulation – Align teacher preparation and alternative certification programs with content and instructional shifts of the CCSS 29

30 Aligning Teacher Preparation Programs To strengthen alignment between pre-service and in-service training, higher education and K-12 can collaborate to create professional development around the standards by: —Involving higher education faculty members in the fields of arts and sciences, mathematics, and education in the development of professional development modules —Designing modules might include tasks, lesson plans, and standards mapping exercises —Coordinating development of these modules allows for the possibility of faculty at partner institutions of higher education to administer or teach the modules to their K-12 peers 30

31 Arts and Science faculty teaching entry level English and Math courses review the Common Core State Standards and the assessment items in the PARCC assessment Faculty review PARCC assessment to determine if assessment measures “proficiency” of key Common Core Standards Faculty review PARCC assessment as “next generation assessment” to measure proficiency of knowledge and of learning Higher education institutions determine students proficient on PARCC at level 5 or 4 are college and career ready and may enroll in entry level, credit bearing course without remediation Professional Development Arts and Science Faculty 31

32 32 Develop a system of tools and transition courses, aligned to the PARCC assessments, that support students in meeting postsecondary goals.

33 Develop Cross-Sector Interventions In collaboration with K-12 counterparts: —Determine the use of the PARCC assessment in identifying struggling students —Develop a system to support identified students during their senior year —Build unified State Longitudinal Data Systems and define common metrics to link K12 and postsecondary student performance Support students through cross-sector intervention: —Dual enrollment/Early College —Transition/bridge courses —Remediation reform 33

34 PARCC Progress Update 34 September 2013

35 In the Last Year… 35 January 2013 Formed Executive Committee For Streamlined Decision Making March 2013 Assessment Administration Capacity Planning Tool Released Estimated Time on Task Released Item Development Research with 2,300 Students in 6 states PARCC Non-Profit Formed April 2013 Added Project Management & Procurement Capacity Draft Performance Level Descriptors Released for Comment Draft Accommodations Manual Released for Comment Test Blueprints & Evidence Statements Released June 2013 Item Tryout Studies with 4,800+ Students in 4 States Guidance on Participation in Field Test and Practice Tests July 2013 Final Subject- and Grade-Level Performance Level Descriptors Adopted First Edition of PARCC Accommodations Manual Estimates for Summative Assessment Costs Released Diagnostic & Formative Assessment RFPs Released

36 Looking Ahead: 2013 36 Fall 2013 Schools and Districts Notified of Selection for Field Testing Sample Items Re-Released on Technology Platform Design of Student Score Reports Released Minimum Technology Specifications, version 3.0 Training Materials for IEP Writing Teams on Accommodations Manual Educator Leader Cadre October Convening Timeline / Plan for Student Registration for Operational Testing Winter 2013-2014 Specifications for Online Testing Portal Released Final Information about Field Testing Final Information about Timing of Data Return

37 Looking Ahead: 2014 and Beyond 37 Spring 2014 Field Test Administration (May-June) Practice Test Available Standard-Setting Methodology Released Summer 2014 Final Information about Methodology for Calculating Student Scores Final Test Security Policies Released Final Registration Timeline and Process for Operational Testing Released Final Technology Specifications Released Fall 2014 Operational Assessment Administration Manual Forms Construction for Operational Administration Complete Winter 2014-2015 1 st Operational Assessment – Fall 2014 Block Schedule Administration of PBA and EOY Spring 2015 1 st Operational Assessment – Spring 2014 Administration of PBA and EOY Summer 2015 Student Performance Levels and Associated Cut Scores for all Grades and for College- and Career-Ready Determination (Standard-Setting)

38 Illinois’ Timeline SYIll SY 2010-2014 Illinois Focus on CCSS Implementation SY 2012-13 Illinois Begin Discussion of College and Career Ready Definition SY 2011-15 Participation in Development of PARCC Assessment SY 2014-15 PARCC Fully Developed for administration of PARCC assessments by states SY 2010-11 Illinois Adopts Common Core State Standards Summer 2015 Set achievement levels, including college-ready performance levels

39 39 Benefits of CCSS to Higher Education Better information about the preparation of incoming students -Better use of 12 th grade Improved preparation of incoming students – from all states -Increased academic rigor in entry-level, credit-bearing courses Reduced remediation rates -Increased funding may be redirected to support credit-bearing courses Increased degree attainment rates -Increased capacity – colleges can admit more students Better options for academic interventions to ensure students remain on- track to college readiness

40 40 Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers

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