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MAGE mid-term meeting Strasbourg – 2004, September 23 rd MAGE mid-term report CETP research activities.

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Presentation on theme: "MAGE mid-term meeting Strasbourg – 2004, September 23 rd MAGE mid-term report CETP research activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAGE mid-term meeting Strasbourg – 2004, September 23 rd MAGE mid-term report CETP research activities

2 MAGE mid-term meeting Strasbourg – 2004, September 23 rd Participating scientists Michel Menvielle, professor, 25% Gérard Chanteur, senior scientist, 40% Post-doc: few candidates, no Post-Doc for the time being; posted anew Centre d’études des Environnements Terrestre et Planétaires CETP/IPSL UMR CNRS/UVSQ 8639 Financial supports : MAGE, CNES, INSU-CNRS

3 MAGE mid-term meeting Strasbourg – 2004, September 23 rd Structure of planetary interiors Tasks 4 and 7 Thermal & mineralogical structure (LPG Nantes) Geophysical signature of structural models (processed data) (all teams) Synthetic geophysical network data set (raw data) Electromagnetism (St-Maur des Fossés) Geodesy (Bruxelles) Seismology (Nantes) stochastic inversion (all teams)

4 MAGE mid-term meeting Strasbourg – 2004, September 23 rd Electromagnetic impedance determination from magnetic recordings at a network of stations by means of wave-vector determination (I. Lemperger PhD thesis, L. Szarka & M. Menvielle supervisors) Structure of planetary interiors Apparent resistivity sounding curve and individual resistivity estimations for North America triangle Tasks 4 and 7

5 MAGE mid-term meeting Strasbourg – 2004, September 23 rd Mars ionized environment The interplanetary magnetic field is draped around the Martian obstacle and forms a bow shock and a magnetic pile-up boundary in qualitative agreement with MGS observations. R. Modolo et al. (COSPAR04-A-03046 / Poster Session C3.1/B0.7/D3.3) V E  B V  E B Global 3-D hybrid simulation of the ionised environment of Mars. (R. Modolo thesis, G. Chanteur supervisor) Tasks 5 and 7

6 MAGE mid-term meeting Strasbourg – 2004, September 23 rd Perspectives Earth-like planetary mantle structure: improvement of the inversion method and study of other Earth-like planets Use both MGS magnetic recordings and the Mars environment model to get information on the magnetic external sources in the Mars ionized environment (post-doc activity) Assessment with terrestrial data of the method of determination of the electromagnetic impedance Z(  ) by means of space-time frequency filters. Development of new MCMC algorithms for Z(  ) inversion

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