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Professional Conduct Personal Health. What ’ s Health ??? Freedom from disease But More: Vitality Energy Serenity Happiness.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Conduct Personal Health. What ’ s Health ??? Freedom from disease But More: Vitality Energy Serenity Happiness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Conduct Personal Health

2 What ’ s Health ??? Freedom from disease But More: Vitality Energy Serenity Happiness

3 Health A state of mental & physical “” well being ””

4 DA ’ s GOAL To achieve good health for themselves & their pts

5 Some Steps to Achieve Good Health a- Observe good personal hygiene b- Eat a well balanced & nutritious diet c- Take sufficient sleep & rest d- Avoid stress e- Keep immunizations & routine health check up to date f- Take sensible steps to minimize risk of accidents

6 DAs are : Professional Health Care Workers

7 Ways to Achieve a healthy Society by the DAs a- Taking Positive Action …. through their own work …. e.g. Infection Control Measures b- By setting a good example

8 Disease The various structural or physical disorders of tissues or organs which impair their function, and give rise to the signs of ill health

9 Hygiene The science of health through cleanliness

10 Aetiology / Etiology The cause of a disease

11 Some Causes of Disease a- Infections : Micro-organisms b- Infestation : Macro-organism c- Genetic : inherited via genes of either parent d- Congenital : Damage occurring during gestation or at birth e- Lifestyle/Environmental: Resulting from such factors as malnutrition f- Combination or Multifactorial: Resulting from a combination of the above factors g- Unknown : Still subject for research

12 Human beings are very Complex 1- Physically 2- psychologically 3- Socially & Culturally

13 SO AS A HEALTH CARE WORKER It ’ s not sufficient to only understand how one part of the body functions

14 Can we Prevent disease? Is Prevention better than cure? Is there a difference between Prevention and Cure ?

15 The answer is YES But not in all cases However Where disease is preventable it would be foolish not to do it

16 CURE Second Best

17 Some ways of preventing diseases: a- Hygiene: Public Health Measures Clean water supply, sewage disposal, garbage collection, food handling laws, pest control Personal Measures: Hygiene in the home, and individual personal hygiene

18 Some ways of preventing diseases: b- Immunization & Health screening programmes can eradicate or control some diseases, and aid early diagnosis c- Safety measures & EDUCATION can help to prevent accidents d- Good Maternity Services & Health education can reduce genetic and congenital disease e- Public Health Education Programmes can inform the general public on health matters

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