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MAP-Works: Fall 2013 Transition Survey Results. Cohort Definitions First Year: FT/F admit type; No Prior admission at UAA or its sites & has earned fewer.

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Presentation on theme: "MAP-Works: Fall 2013 Transition Survey Results. Cohort Definitions First Year: FT/F admit type; No Prior admission at UAA or its sites & has earned fewer."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAP-Works: Fall 2013 Transition Survey Results

2 Cohort Definitions First Year: FT/F admit type; No Prior admission at UAA or its sites & has earned fewer than 30 postsecondary credits at UAA since high school graduation as of Fall 2013. Sophomore: All degree seeking students under 60 credits who do not fall in the FT/F cohort. Juniors: All other students attending courses at UAA (regardless of degree status.

3 Response Rates (as of 10/9/13) Survey Launch has been extended until 10/13/13. Still time to speak with your students! Overall R.R. = 1289/5635 = 22.8% First Year R.R. = 580/1608 = 36.1% Sophomore R.R. = 709/4027 = 17.6%

4 Our Students: Top 5 Issues First Year Cohort Sophomore Cohort

5 Opportunities Study Groups Financial Aid/Literacy Work Shops Questions: How do your students study? Has it changed? What do we currently offer? How can we modify to meet students needs?

6 Our Students: Perceptions of Campus First Year Cohort Sophomore Cohort

7 Our Students: Goals & Expectations All Surveyed Students

8 Our Students: Goals & Expectations First Year Cohort Sophomore Cohort

9 Our Students: Academics All Surveyed Students

10 Our Students: Academics First Year Cohort

11 Our Students: Academics Sophomore Cohort

12 Our Students: Peer/ Co-Curricular All Surveyed Students

13 Our Students: Peer/ Co-Curricular First Year Cohort

14 Our Students: Peer/ Co-Curricular Sophomore Cohort

15 Our Students: How do you know you matter at UAA? First Year Cohort: 38% (N=113) expressed that they don’t feel that they matter; 27% (N=78) felt a sense of respect, care, support, and concern from the University, Faculty, & Staff to success 14% (N=40) felt they matter because of UAA’s welcoming environment and a personal sense of belongingness or connectedness to the University

16 Our Students: How do you know you matter at UAA? First Year Cohort Continued: 9% (N=25) felt their personal motivation to succeed makes them matter 7% (N=22) felt they matter purely because they pay tuition to UAA 5% (N=16) felt they matter because of their person contribution and role at UAA

17 Our Students: How do you know you matter at UAA? Sophomore Cohort: 36% (N=113) expressed that they don’t feel that they matter; 26% (N=83) felt a sense of respect, care, support, and concern from the University, Faculty, & Staff to success 14% (N=44) felt they matter purely because they pay tuition to UAA

18 Our Students: How do you know you matter at UAA? Sophomore Cohort Continued: 10% (N=32) felt they matter because of UAA’s welcoming environment and a personal sense of belongingness or connectedness to the University 7% (N=23) felt their personal motivation to succeed makes them matter 6% (N=20) felt they matter because of their person contribution and role at UAA

19 What’s Next? Creating this report for your areas Upcoming Trainings: Tuesday, October 8, UC 113, noon-1pm Wednesday, October 9, SU Leadership Lab, noon-1pm Wednesday, October 16, UC 114, 10- 11am Tuesday, October 22, UC 113, 3-4pm Wednesday, October 23, SU Leadership Lab, 3-4pm Use your data ASAP!

20 Thank you for your continued support! See you @ our next monthly meeting: November 7, 2013 10:00am Lyla Richards Conference Room

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