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Getting The Word Out!. What is Dual Enrollment?  Courses that earn credit at both the secondary & postsecondary institutions at the same time for the.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting The Word Out!. What is Dual Enrollment?  Courses that earn credit at both the secondary & postsecondary institutions at the same time for the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting The Word Out!

2 What is Dual Enrollment?  Courses that earn credit at both the secondary & postsecondary institutions at the same time for the same class  These courses make up a technical certificate of credit (TCC) or diploma  The TCC or diploma leads into one or more programs with multiple exit points at the postsecondary institution

3 What is a Blitz? 1. a. A blitzkrieg. b. A heavy aerial bombardment. 2. An intense campaign: a media blitz focused on young voters. 3. Football - A sudden charge upon the quarterback by one or more of the linebackers or defensive backs when the ball is snapped.

4 Why Are We Blitzing these Students?  Inform high schools about program offerings at the postsecondary institution  Inform students about program offerings  Inform parents about program offerings If you don’t tell them, how will they know?

5 Why Dual Enrollment?  Helps students earn high school credit and start college early  Many TCC’s can be completed in one school year on block scheduling

6 Why Dual Enrollment?  Helps students learn more about the careers they are interested in and possibly narrow down choices to specific fields

7 Why Dual Enrollment?  Helps students stay interested & engaged in school – And that’s a good thing! VS

8 Getting Started!  Get Post Secondary Administration on Board with the Blitz  Determine industry needs in your area  Decide which dual enrollment programs will be offered based on industry needs  Are the dual enrollment program courses articulated to secondary courses?  Are there enough instructors to support teaching the dual enrollment classes?  Is the post secondary institute willing to send instructors to participate in the Blitz to sell the classes?

9 Getting Started!  Once Your Post secondary Administration is on Board with the Blitz Plan:  Coordinate a planning date for your Blitz with high school and post secondary institution  Ask post secondary administration to commit to sending a panel of instructors to represent each program  Choose dynamic representatives that will actively sell their programs to teens! This is no time to impersonate a bump on a log!

10 Presenting Your Blitz to High School Administrators  Form a Dual Enrollment team : postsecondary administration, Tech Prep Coordinator/ECP Manager, Dual Enrollment Coordinator  Present Dual Enrollment offerings including a schedule of the individual courses to be taught for the school year  Explain that these programs lead to additional postsecondary programs and are supported by industry needs in the high school community  Set up a Blitz date to present program information to students

11 What’s Next?  Announce Your Pending Arrival!  Send a letter to each student’s parent/guardian  Include: Date /time of Blitz Names of programs to be presented Brief program information Contact information  Send a copy of the letter to the high school administration so they can field calls from inquiring parents

12 The Blitz  Excited postsecondary instructors arrive with information/visuals ready to present their programs  Students gather according to plan in either:  Small rotating groups in a library or classroom  One large group in a large setting  Career fair style presentation in a rotunda or gym  Previous successful dual enrollment students have a positive impact on younger students when discussing their experiences in dual enrollment classes! Invite them to speak in their uniforms or any special gear required for the dual enrollment class if they are available.  Give students book costs and other out of pocket charges up front  Allow time for Q&A.

13 Cleaning Up After the Blitz  Decide how much information is needed and WHEN it is needed from all high schools and students BEFORE they can be enrolled in dual enrollment classes:  Application  Financial aid/copies of SSN cards if required by financial aid  Permission forms  Class schedule approved by counselor  Testing requirements – retesting plan for those who don’t qualify for class  Roster for each dual enrollment class from high school

14 Lessons Learned  Be ready for an influx of students:  Had to offer more classes of the same course to accommodate the number of interested students because of clinical restrictions (PCA)  Had to hire more instructors to accommodate the increased class load  Finding additional qualified instructors became problematic in rural areas  Post secondary institute had to make the decision whether or not to use full-time faculty to cover these classes  Be aware that students may tip the scales from high school career tech classes to dual enrollment classes:  Small high schools may limit dual enrollment participation to protect Career Tech programs  Enrollment numbers may fluctuate wildly while schools make room for dual enrollment classes  Remain calm and give the secondary school time to sort things out  BUT – be sure to establish and keep your deadlines

15 Results of the Blitz: Raw data Blitz Day Number % of Blitz Number in Interest Enrolled Interest10 th grade School #132 26 81%195 School # 2 NA* 28 ---220 School #3 67 15 22%220 School #432 16 50%210 School #577 25 32%120 School #686 38 44%236 School #733 30 90% 75 School #8 NA* 9 ---130 * NA numbers reflect schools whose counselors collected the initial numbers for processing

16 Results of the Blitz: Overall increase in enrollment by 14% 06/07 07/08 % Change School # 1 (block schedule – 1 yr DE) 1726 +53% School # 2 (6 period day – 2 yr DE) 4328-34% School #3 (mod. Block 06/07, to block 07/08) 23 15 -35% School #4 (block schedule – 1 yr DE) 1116 +46% School #5 (block schedule – 1 yr DE) 1725 +48% School #6 (block schedule – 1 yr DE) 2738 +41% School #7 (6 period day – 2 yr DE) 1730 +77% School #8 (block schedule-1 yr DE) 10 9-10%

17 Contact Information: Cliff Sandifer, Recruiter Heart of Georgia Technical College 560 Pine Hill Road Dublin, GA 31021 478-296-6143 Robbie Hobbs, Manager Education & Career Partnership 560 Pine Hill Road Dublin, GA 31021 478-274-7765

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