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Fall Sophomore Classroom Guidance Steps to the Future.

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Presentation on theme: "Fall Sophomore Classroom Guidance Steps to the Future."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall Sophomore Classroom Guidance Steps to the Future

2 If you want a copy of this lesson This PowerPoint and other great information is posted on our School Counseling web page Graduation Requirements handout Sophomore Lesson PowerPoint

3 Students with last names: A-E - Kathryn Sax F-Le - Leslie Shearstone Li-R - Angie Bruce S-Z - Jamie Hamrick/ Rebecca Horovitz Career/College Center- Caroline Catts

4 Essential Questions How can I plan for my future?

5 Important info to review Graduation and promotion requirements Understanding different GPA’s HOPE Scholarship

6 Graduation Requirements RequirementsCredits Language Arts4 – Lit/Comp courses including Ninth Lit. and Amer. Lit. Math4 – CCGPS Algebra, Geometry, Advanced Algebra, 4 th Math Science4 – Biology/ Chem. or Env. Sci./ Physics/ 4 th Sci. Social Studies3 - World Hist., US Hist., Econ/Gov Health/Personal Fitness1 (.5 credit each) World Lang and/or Fine Art and/or CTAE 3 *** Electives4 (any) Total Credits23 *** Students planning to enter or transfer into a four-year college/university must take a minimum of two units of the same World Language

7 Georgia High School Graduation Tests (GHSGT) End of Course Testing Requirement The Georgia Department of Education has established the following rules for graduation testing and EOCT requirements for students who entered ninth grade in 2011-12 school year and beyond EOCT scores are posted on your transcript Students must pass all EOCT coursework EOCT tests will count for 20% of the final grade All Students must pass the GHSGT in Writing – taken fall of junior year (5 opportunities to take it before graduation)

8 To be a junior 10 credits need to be earned by August for you to be in the 11th grade. You must also have earned 2 credits each: 2 English 2 Math 2 Science If a student does not meet these requirements, the student remains a 10th grader the following school year

9 Cobb Virtual Academy (CVA) – Georgia Virtual School (GAVS)– (only an option if a course is not on CVA) Summer School Night School (credit recovery only) NovaNet (credit recovery only) Cobb Virtual Academy (CVA) – Georgia Virtual School (GAVS)– (only an option if a course is not on CVA) Summer School Night School (credit recovery only) NovaNet (credit recovery only) What if I can’t fit in everything I want? (or need to re-take something)

10 Athletic Eligibility ATHLETES! to be eligible to play you must: have passed 2.5 units of credit the previous semester have earned 11 units total by Aug. of junior year

11 Options after high school Work Trades Apprentice programs Technical colleges Two-year colleges Four-year colleges Military Other

12 Advantages of going to a trade school or apprenticeship program Cost It is going to cost you less money to go to a trade or apprenticeship program. Hands-on Learning This is valuable experience that employers like and is not done in the traditional college setting. Your teachers have worked in the field that they are teaching You will be applying your classroom knowledge to real world situations You will be learning from someone who has real world experience

13 Education is important and…….. There is no reason that everyone should be expected to follow the same path to a degree Higher education should be a matter of personal choice and readiness We all take different roads to success and do need post-secondary training to be successful, but we don’t all need college.

14 When you need information We have many great resources on our School Counseling Website Explore your options after high school Career interest inventories and information College admission predictors Tons more! Pope School Counseling Website

15 What factors do colleges consider? Secondary factors: Rank Essays Leadership and commitment Recommendation letters Interviews Extenuating circumstances Secondary factors: Rank Essays Leadership and commitment Recommendation letters Interviews Extenuating circumstances Primary factors: Grades Rigor SAT/ACT scores Primary factors: Grades Rigor SAT/ACT scores Secondary factors usually don’t override grades/test scores, however, ALWAYS check with the intended college for what they consider important – every college is different!

16 GPA – not all the same GPA Overall vs. Core Weighted vs. Unweighted GPA is one of the most important factors in college admissions because it is a good gauge of your day in and day out effort in school

17 Pope Transcript and GPA There are two GPA’s listed on your transcript: Weighted Overall It is used mostly for Pope High School class ranking and Honor Graduate determination Unweighted Overall does not include AP and Honors weighting Includes ALL courses taken including electives

18 Pope Transcript

19 HOPE Scholarship The HOPE Scholarship pays a large portion of tuition for any public college in Georgia You must graduate high school with a 3.0 GPA in all CORE subjects You must also meet a rigor requirement

20 HOPE Rigor Requirement Many students will meet this requirement by taking courses such as Advanced Algebra, Pre Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, Level 2 and higher of For. Lang, core AP courses, Dual Enrol.

21 HOPE GPA = money for college Your HOPE GPA listed on your Pope transcript! It is based on ONLY academic grades English, Math, Science Social Studies, Foreign Language Honors courses are NOT weighted

22 HOPE GPA = money for College Only AP and Dual Enrollment courses receive.5 extra quality points up to 4.0 Middle school credits are not included You will get a detailed HOPE report in February

23 Georgia’s HOPE Scholarship Program HOPE Scholarship Qualifications: Covers partial tuition for GA colleges 3.0 High School CORE GPA To keep, student must maintain a 3.0 in college Zell Miller Scholarship Qualifications: Covers full-tuition for GA public colleges 3.7 high school CORE GPA SAT CR + M = 1200 or ACT 26 Composite on one test sitting Student must maintain a 3.3 in college. Drop to regular HOPE as long as 3.0 is maintained

24 What is the HOPE Grant? The HOPE Grant is available to students who attend a Technical College in Georgia to pursue a diploma or certificate (not a degree) There is NO GPA requirement for the first 30 hours. The HOPE Grant pays a portion of tuition. Must maintain a 2.0 after first 30 hours to keep The HOPE Grant is available to students who attend a Technical College in Georgia to pursue a diploma or certificate (not a degree) There is NO GPA requirement for the first 30 hours. The HOPE Grant pays a portion of tuition. Must maintain a 2.0 after first 30 hours to keep

25 Chat Tech is a great option for students seeking an affordable education! Consider Chattahoochee Technical College’s Technical Specialist Certificate – The HOPE Grant will cover your tuition for this program AND…… 2 and 4 year colleges in Georgia will accept 27 general education courses in the Technical College System of Georgia Credits are Transferable toward the basic courses all students must take to earn a 4-year college degree

26 Is there HOPE for me?

27 To create your GAcollege411 account We ask that you use the following when creating your GAcollege411 account to check your HOPE status Username: 0102938smith Lunch ID last name all lowercase no spaces Password: whatever you will remember!

28 PSAT – use your results!! PSAT measures "developed reasoning," which are the skills that students develop not only in school but also outside of school. Attend the PSAT Results Information Meeting – Tues. Dec. 10 th 7:00pm Score reports will be returned that evening! We will analyze your academic progress Discus ways you can improve your results

29 Learn about College Credit Now Dual Enrollment is when students attend a postsecondary institution part or full-time during their junior and/or senior year of high school. Students will receive high school credit and college credit simultaneously for courses taken on the college campus

30 What Options Do Students Have? College Credit Now Dual Enrollment ACCEL Move On When Ready and Advanced Placement!

31 Dual Enrollment –a good deal! Tuition, materials and mandatory fees are paid through local/state system funds Does not cut into your HOPE scholarship allotment Check college’s website – search under “dual enrollment” or “college credit now” for their deadlines and admission requirements Pros and cons exist – see our Dual Enrollment info link on the school counseling website for more info

32 Complete your sophomore Bridge Bill activity Login using the login info card we gave you Update your email address

33 Bridge Legislation – Dual Enrollment check-off Step 1: Go to My Plan on the top and click on the arrow to the left Step 2: Select My Goals & Plans Step 3: Select Career Planning Activities Step 4: Select Add an Activity Step 5: Select “Learned about Dual Enrollment” from the drop down menu Step 6: Enter “College Credit Now” under Title/Organization Step 7: Select Oct. 2013 for both start and end dates Step 8: Click Save

34 Career Cruising – Use it!!

35 High School Timeline

36 No man really becomes a fool until he stops asking questions. Charles Steinmetz

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