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Welcome English Language Arts Sara Meskin Alyssa Jenkins.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome English Language Arts Sara Meskin Alyssa Jenkins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome English Language Arts Sara Meskin Alyssa Jenkins

2 Terra Nova English: Excellence  Diverse course offerings (College- prep English, Enriched/Honors, Advanced Placement, Film as Literature)  Rigorous (Demanding writing program, high-quality literature, Common-Core aligned)  Superior (AP pass rates 20+% higher than national average)

3 8 th grade Enriched English testing  Students wishing to get into 9 th grade Enriched English must take an entrance test. Failure to take this test will result in no entrance.  If your student doesn’t pass the test, he or she can still enter the honors program at 10 th grade, as long as he or she meets the requirements.

4 Testing Dates for Enriched English  May 3 at 9:00am OR  May 17 at 9:00am Students should arrive between 8:30 and 8:45. Testing will be in the English wing (3 rd floor) They need to bring: blue or black pens, college-ruled paper, and a #2 pencil. No materials will be available. Placement notification will be mailed by June 13.

5 Test for Enriched English Two parts to the test:  Reading Comprehension Students must read a text and then answer a series of multiple choice questions testing their comprehension of the material.  In-class Essay Students read a short passage and then respond to an essay prompt. (Want to prepare for the essay? Look up “Schaffer paragraph” on Wikipedia.)

6 Summer reading for 9 th graders  English 9: Buddha Boy by Kathe Koja Assignment: Read the novel. Take careful notes to help you study for the test and essay you will write in August.  English 9E: Buddha Boy and A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith Assignment: Read both novels. For Buddha Boy, write a dialectical journal; this will help you with the test in August. Instructions will be handed out when the counselors come to your school for scheduling. For A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, take careful notes to help you with the test and essay you will write in August.

7 Freshmen Year options  Enriched English: English 9E Students gain admission by passing the Enriched English test in May. Students must earn a grade of B- or higher both semesters of their freshmen year in order to be recommended for sophomore enriched English.  College Preparatory: English 9 Students not in English 9E will be in this class. Students must receive an A- or higher both semesters of their freshmen English class and get a teacher recommendation in order for them to transition into sophomore enriched English.  Academic Literacy A support class for struggling freshmen students. Placement determined by counselors. Concurrent enrollment with English 9.

8 Freshman Novels  Of Mice and Men*  Romeo and Juliet *  Ender’s Game*  House on Mango Street*  The Odyssey/Mythology*  Absolutely True Autobiography of a Part- Time Indian  Les Miserables**  Oliver Twist** * Core Novels ** Enriched English

9 English Curriculum Map Grade 9 Weeks 1- 6Weeks 6-12Weeks 12 - 18 Focus: Essay Writing Types of Essays: 1. Narrative 2.Expository 3.Persuasive 4.Literary Analysis Essay Basics: 1.Thesis 2.Topic Sentence 3.C.D. / Evidence 4.C.M. / Analysis 5.Body Paragraph 6.Conclusion Common Assessment: Writing Assessment: Focus: Plot Structure Literary Elements 1. Exposition / Basic Situation 2.Rising Actions/ Complications 3.Climax 4.Falling Actions 5.Resolution 6.Conflicts 7.Personification 8.Mood 9.Imagery 10.Flashback Common Assessment: Writing Assessment: Focus: Characterization Literary Elements 1. Characterization 2.Motivation 3.Round 4.Flat 5.Dynamic 6.Static 7.Main Character 8.Subordinate Characters 9.Protagonist 10.Antagonist Common Assessment: Writing Assessment:

10 Weeks 18 - 24Weeks 24 - 30Weeks 30 – 36 Focus: Literary Analysis Essay Basics: 1. Direct Quote 2.Paraphrase 3.Summary 4.Citation 5.Thesis Statement 6.Integrating Quotes 7.Transitions 8.Lead-Ins 9.Quo, Par, Punc. “(13). Common Assessment: Writing Assessment: Focus: Theme & Narration Literary Elements: 1.Theme 2.Tone 3.Diction 4.Voice 5.Narration Common Assessment: Writing Assessment: Focus: Research Writing Essay Basic Abilities: 1. Evidence 2.Primary Source 3.Secondary source 4.MLA Citation 5.Work Cited 6.Credible 7.Plagiarism 8.Methods Common Assessment: Writing Assessment:

11 Sophomore Year choices  Enriched English: English 10E In addition to the coursework in English 10, students in 10E read A Tale of Two Cities and two additional novels. Students are expected to read independently over vacations, as well.  College Preparatory: English 10 This class is aligned with the World History, Cultures, and Geography class that all sophomores take; literature focuses on Western civilization and includes literature like All Quiet on the Western Front, Macbeth, Catcher in the Rye, and Night.

12 Junior Year choices  AP Language and Composition  Honors English (English 11H)  College Preparatory (English 11) Electives  Journalism 1 (newspaper) Priority goes to seniors, but juniors are encouraged to apply for class.  Yearbook  Film as Literature (may not be taken both junior and senior year)

13 Senior Year choices  AP Literature and Composition  Honors English (English 12H)  Expository Reading and Writing (ERWC) – College Preparatory  Film as Literature Electives  Journalism 1 and 2  Yearbook

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