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Realizing the College Dream A College Going Curriculum Center for Educational Partnerships Funded by the ECMC Foundation.

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Presentation on theme: "Realizing the College Dream A College Going Curriculum Center for Educational Partnerships Funded by the ECMC Foundation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Realizing the College Dream A College Going Curriculum Center for Educational Partnerships Funded by the ECMC Foundation

2 What is college-going culture? College Talk Clear Expectations Information and Resources Comprehensive Counseling Testing and Curriculum Faculty Involvement Family Involvement College Partnerships Articulation The environment, attitudes, and behaviors in schools and communities that support and encourage students and their families to obtain the information, tools, and perspective to ensure access to and success in post-secondary education.

3 Why strengthen college-going culture in our schools and communities? College-ready rates differ disproportionately by student/family income level and racial/ethnic group.

4 In California Students Lack Information Less than 1% of California’s students know the curriculum requirements for college. More than half of students overestimate community college costs by 5x. About a third of students think four-year colleges cost 5x more that they actually do.

5 Common Student Misconceptions About Preparing for College Meeting my high school graduation requirements will prepare me for college. It’s better to take easier classes and get better grades. My senior year in high school doesn’t matter. I don’t have to worry about my grades, or the kind of classes I take, until my sophomore year.

6 Realizing the College Dream A Teacher-Advisor Guide A curriculum guide that supports teachers, counselors and youth-development specialists in their work to increase the expectations of attending college by low-income and first generation college students and their families. The lessons and workshops provide students with an opportunity to think of themselves as future college students and to debunk the myth that they can’t afford college.

7 Realizing the College Dream Three Premises All students should graduate from high school with a college-preparatory curriculum that enables them to take advantage of all options in postsecondary education or in a career. No matter what their futures may bring, as adults these students will benefit from the academic rigor found in college-preparatory work. In this time of high-stakes exams, economic hardship and changing demographics, it is important for students to understand how today’s challenging course work means a brighter future not only for themselves, but for their families and communities.

8 Realizing the College Dream Five principles Educate students and their families about the social and financial benefits of a college education, and provide information about financial aid ; Sequence the course and workshop content and instructional strategies to be age-appropriate—lessons can be modified for elementary, middle, and school age students, as well as community college students; Expose students to college students, faculty, and campus life; Create instructional strategies that are hands-on and interactive, with the content and skills aligned with national standards and curriculum; and Use the materials in a variety of settings (classroom, after-school, Saturday programs, informal educational settings, or include short segments of the lessons in advisories or homeroom settings).

9 Realizing the College Dream Four Sections The first three sections introduce a set of lessons and workshops that contain nine elements: –Introduction –Learning goals –Target audience –Timing –Materials needed –Activities –Extensions, bibliography and websites (as appropriate) –National curriculum and content standards –Lesson-specific handouts for duplication or overhead The fourth section, the Appendices, contain a handout for use throughout the curriculum The More You Learn, The More You Earn, a template for an Individual Academic Action Plan, My Portfolio, Financial Aid Terminology, and sample Program Evaluation Tools.

10 Section A Thinking of Yourself as a College-Bound Student Workshops/lessons for Middle to High School Students (can be modified for Elementary level) 1.Dream a Little Dream: Imagining My Future 2.Exploring Career Options 3.College 101: Researching Colleges and Universities 4.The Life and Challenges of a First-Generation College Student 5.Mock College Admissions

11 Section B Debunking the Myth that You Can’t Afford College Workshops/lessons for High School and Community College Students 1.Debunking the Myths of Financial Aid: A Workshop for Students and Families 2.Being a Wise Borrower: The Importance of Managing Your Money 3. Who Wants to Spend $20,000? 4. Comparing Financial Aid Packages

12 Section C Getting Involved and Staying Involved Presentations for Families 1.Preparing for College: A Guide for Families 2.Planning and Presenting a Financial Aid Night for Students and Families

13 Section D Appendices A.The More You Learn, The More You Earn B.Individual Academic Action Planning C.My Portfolio D.Financial Aid Terminology Chart E.Program Evaluation Tools

14 Power Point Resources At the web site: Under Realizing the College Dream there are a set of power points that can be downloaded and used with students and their families (some are in Spanish and English)

15 Lesson Review What do you like the most/the least about the lesson? How could you see using this material? How would you get started?

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