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Sophomore Parent College Night. Tonight’s Agenda… Overview – 4 year plan Standardized tests and score reports What’s next? How to “speak” Naviance Transcript.

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Presentation on theme: "Sophomore Parent College Night. Tonight’s Agenda… Overview – 4 year plan Standardized tests and score reports What’s next? How to “speak” Naviance Transcript."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sophomore Parent College Night

2 Tonight’s Agenda… Overview – 4 year plan Standardized tests and score reports What’s next? How to “speak” Naviance Transcript details & planning ahead for college

3 SO FAR: Freshman Year Explore Testing and Interpretation Placed in UC/CSU curriculum Two visits with Ninth Grade counselor for planning Scheduled for next year’s classes Naviance training in SPEECH CLASS – everyone has an account including parents “College going culture” throughout the school

4 SO FAR: Sophomore Year PSAT Testing and Interpretation. Two visits with 10 th grade counselor. Emphasis on student involvement (Clubs!) Continued Naviance training including resume. Working on during English – please help your student update yearly! Scheduled for classes next year with college requirements in mind. Monthly college newsletter and college bound activity announcements to students and parents.

5 UP NEXT: Junior Year PSAT Testing and interpretation Update Naviance and career/college major search Junior Parent Night**Parent/Student Surveys Individual family meetings – second semester *College list, tours, and English class activities SAT/ACT Testing mainly in second semester THE CLASS (optional) – summer before 12 th grade – 5 day hands-on college workshop Monthly newsletter and activity announcements, all year

6 UP NEXT: Senior Year Beginning with Junior Parent Night and Junior second semester activities, the senior year college activities really begin Therefore it is important that students begin the actual senior year with their grades intact, a good resume of service and activities, and at least one round of test scores YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS PROCESS – we are here to help your sons and your family throughout the senior year. THERE IS A COLLEGE FOR EVERYONE!

7 Things to Remember This is a developmental process, it is very early to make permanent decisions about the future You may be more “ready” to discuss college right now than your son. Keep it light Make an “appointment” with your student to discuss college (i.e. Thursday nights from 6-7p during dinner) You can start researching the $ now, but do not (if possible) lay it out now to your son Visits and National College Fair – April 23. Dr. Rey and Fr. Kirk trips and family options *Read emails! DO NOT COMPARE YOUR SITUATION WITH OTHERS. Every student and family is unique If you have questions, please ask us—we would rather you had correct information, than guessing. Let’s communicate

8 Practice Standardized Tests Taken each year to prepare students for the official SAT and/or ACT 9 th – Practice ACT (2013 Explore) 10 th – Practice SAT (PSAT) in fall 11 th – Practice SAT (PSAT + NMSQT) in fall & official SAT in spring/summer 12 th – Official SAT in fall & college applications in fall Test can be taken through December of Senior year

9 PSAT/NMSQT Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test Purpose: familiarity with the questions and exact directions students will see on the official SAT Taken Fall of 10 th & 11 th Scores handed back in December NMSQT: 11 th grade students with qualifying scores are eligible for the National Merit Scholarship

10 What the scores tell us… Indicate specific areas of focus Critical Thinking Writing Mathematics Motivate students to set attainable academic goals Encourage students to think about college and plan ahead

11 Current Test Prep Princeton Review for PSAT, SAT, & ACT Reduced cost Located on campus Look for email announcements! The future of test prep is still somewhat unclear due to changes in the SAT beginning in Spring 2016 Stay tuned!




15 Thank you for coming! Freshman Counselor: Timothy Golden (619) 282-2184 ext. 5523 Sophomore Counselor: Julia Mekrut (619) 282-2184 ext. 5578 Junior Counselor: Jerry Rey (619) 282-2184 ext. 5531 Senior/College Counselor: Nancy Caine (619) 282-2184 ext. 5537

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