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Interests + abilities + values + experience = Career Choice Interests - a quality that attracts your attention and makes you want to learn more about.

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Presentation on theme: "Interests + abilities + values + experience = Career Choice Interests - a quality that attracts your attention and makes you want to learn more about."— Presentation transcript:


2 Interests + abilities + values + experience = Career Choice Interests - a quality that attracts your attention and makes you want to learn more about something or to be involved in Abilities – talent, skill, or proficiency in a particular are of interest Values - a person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life. Experience - Active participation in events or activities, leading to the accumulation of knowledge or skill

3 Interests Math Medicine Engineering Criminal Justice Acting Journalism Auto mechanic Chef Trades Business Science Social Studies English Law

4 Abilities Athletic Creative Leadership Math Numbers School Curiosity

5 Values money Family People Time Working at night Outdoors Indoors

6 Career Cruising What is Career Cruising  It is an Internet-based exploration and planning tool used by your son or daughter to explore career and college options and develop a career plan. Career Cruising can be accessed from school, from home, or wherever your son or daughter has access to the internet.

7 Career Cruising at LP  9 th grade – Introduction to Career Cruising and interest inventory research one career  10 th grade – Introduce career clusters/pathways and compare two careers in the same cluster. Research the importance of course selection for junior and senior year.  11 th grade – Introduce college search and explore options for after high school and begin building a resume  12 th grade – Students continue to use career cruising to finalize their career options either on an individual basis of with their counselor.

8  Parents can access Career Cruising at  Username = lphs541  Password = cavs

9 16 Career Pathways

10 Job Shadowing Experience  Job Shadowing is a popular on the job learning, career development, and leadership development intervention....

11 Job Shadowing Contacts  On  Counseling tab  Files and Forms/ Job Shadow Careers

12 Illinois Valley Community Hospital Maureen Rebholz (815)223-3300 Illinois Valley Community College Cathy Buck (815)224-2720 Carus Chemical Company Keegan Pikula (815)223-1500 LetterKraft Printers Sid Huss (815)223-0391 Connecting Point Jeff Borelli (815)223-1053

13 Steps to Job shadow  Find an employer or employers to job shadow.  Use parents and their friends as a resource to help.  Choose from the list of employers available in the Counseling office or online.  Students and or parents should contact employers to set up time. This time should not be scheduled during school hours.  Students should research the business they are going to by going to the business website.  Prepare a list of questions to ask the business person they are job shadowing  Make sure to dress appropriately while job shadowing.  Ask if there are any specific dress requirements for their business.  Sometimes dress clothes can be a safety hazard.  Be sure to follow experience with a thank you note for their time.

14 What Parents can do  Be informed about what the school is doing in regard to careers and how that information affects your student.  Check the website regularly  Look at the Counseling calendar to see what is coming up.  Have your son/daughter ask counselors for job shadow data base. This is a list of area employers that have agreed to allow our students to job shadow.  Brainstorm potential job shadowing experiences among family and friends.  Help your son/daughter prepare questions to ask the employer.  Encourage your son/daughter to be mindful and respectful of the employers time. Remind them that that they are representing themselves and LaSalle-Peru High School

15 Thank you for your time

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