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Rutherford B. Hayes High School Scheduling Future Sophomores 2015-2016 Class of 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Rutherford B. Hayes High School Scheduling Future Sophomores 2015-2016 Class of 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rutherford B. Hayes High School Scheduling Future Sophomores 2015-2016 Class of 2018

2 Scheduling can be stressful BUT It doesn’t need to be. Pay close attention and take some notes.

3 Counselor Phone #’s and E-mail A – G Mr. Brown833-1025 brownma@ H-O Mrs. Pollard833-1026 P-Z Miss Burwinkel833-1024 College &Mrs. Conant833-1024 Career

4 FreshSophJuniorSenior Required English English 9 English 10 English 11English 124 MathAlg. 1Geom.Alg. 2Elective4 Science Physica l Science Biology Science Elective 3 Social Studies World Studies U.S. Studies Govt / Econ3 PE / Health PE/ Health PE.5 /.5 Music/Art/DACC Fine Art 1 Electives 5 Pass PARCC Tests Total Credits21 Required Courses

5 New State Graduation Tests PARCC

6 This criteria is in addition to the DCS requirements for graduation.  English 4 units  Mathematics 4 units ( including Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II or equivalent and another higher level course)  Science 4 units (including Physics 1 & Chemistry)  Social Studies 4 units  Foreign Language 3 units (including at least 2 units in each language studied)  Fine Arts 1 unit  Grade Point Average3.5 on an unweighted 4.0 scale  ACT/SAT Score 27 ACT / 1210 SAT (excludes scores from the writing sections)* HONORS DIPLOMA College prep students must meet 7 of 8 criteria. Career-tech requirements are slightly different You do not need to take Honors courses to qualify for Honors Diploma

7  Check your school email! It has been emailed to you!  If you need further descriptions of all the courses, you may access the course curriculum book on-line at:  Click through ---   Counseling  Course & Scheduling Information  2015-2016 Course Handbook

8 GPA Ranking GPA SCALE HAS CHANGED BEGINNING WITH THE CLASS OF 2014 Course grades are based on + / - scale. We will be using the following scale to compute GPA’s. AP Courses are weighted 1 point for grades C- or above. A+98-100%4.0 A93-97%4.0 A-90-92%3.7 B+88-89%3.3 B83-87%3.0 B-80-82%2.7 C+78-79%2.3 C73-77%2.0 C-70-72%1.7 D+68-69%1.3 D63-67%1.0 D-60-62%.7 F0-59%0

9 Weighted Grades  AP classes are weighted for grades of C- or higher. This means that an A = 5 pts. B = 4 pts. etc. for AP classes only  GPA’s can be over 4.0  Valedictorian – 1 st highest class GPA.  Salutatorian – 2 nd highest class GPA

10  AP Language & Composition  AP Literature & Composition  AP Calculus AB  AP Calculus BC  AP Statistics  AP Biology  AP Chemistry  AP Environmental  AP Physics 1  AP Physics 2  AP European History  AP US History  AP Government  AP Psychology  AP Art History  AP Studio Art *AP Science courses will be 2 periods long due to lab requirements **Applications can be found on the web. Due no later than February 12

11  Math - Excursions in Math & Blended College Algebra (CCP) (Alg.1, Geometry and Algebra 2 are all prerequisites)  Science – Microbiology (.5 credit), Materials in Engineering Science, AP Physics 1 & 2  English – English 10 Honors can be taken by itself Introduction to Acting formerly Acting Acting Ensemble – Audition Only Speech is now called Public Speaking, News Design and Photojournalism (must be taken with Talisman)  Business – Finance Fundamentals, Computer Applications is discontinued  Math - Excursions in Math & Blended College Algebra (CCP) (Alg.1, Geometry and Algebra 2 are all prerequisites)  Science – Microbiology (.5 credit), Materials in Engineering Science, AP Physics 1 & 2  English – English 10 Honors can be taken by itself Introduction to Acting formerly Acting Acting Ensemble – Audition Only Speech is now called Public Speaking, News Design and Photojournalism (must be taken with Talisman)  Business – Finance Fundamentals, Computer Applications is discontinued

12 Hybrid Courses Hybrid courses are taught partly online and partly in the classroom. Students may not be required to report to the course daily but will have coursework to complete on their own on that day. Hybrid Courses will be offered in: Earth Science College Algebra Health Fitness/PE Student Technology Trainers Leaders of Tomorrow

13 Credit-Flex  Students may now earn credits in non-traditional ways through Ohio legislation.  These ways include:  Virtual Learning  Test-Out  Independent Study, which may include: distance learning, educational travel, independent study, an internship, music, arts, after-school/tutorial program, community service or other engagement projects and sports  For additional information:  Costs  Deadlines (June 1st!)  Applications  Visit our website

14 VHS  VHS stands for Virtual High School  Available for enrichment opportunities  Courses are available to students who have a desire to learn elective curriculum that is not available here at Hayes. However they do not replace courses available. Visit for course offerings.  See the Counseling website to learn more and to access the on-line application.

15 o CBI 10 · You will be given time and guidance as you explore your interests, receiving an individualized assessment of your career interests and aptitudes · Visit and learn about opportunities at career labs at both of our campuses that best match your talents and interests · Part of your lab time is dedicated to individualized tutoring and time-management training  · Explore a wide-range of career tech programs while receiving academic support o Career Focus: You will be prepared to apply for a 2-year program at DACC. Upon completing your graduation course requirements, you will possess the personal development and academic skills needed to enroll into a 2 or 4 year college and prepare for a successful career.

16 Applications  AP Classes  Virtual High School –VHS  Student Technology Trainers  Leaders of Tomorrow  Talisman  World Language 1 All the above applications are only electronic and can be found on the school website. They are due no later than February 12  Study Hall Option - Paper application Open only to students taking 6 courses including an AP or CCP course

17 Physical Education Waiver o Students may opt to waive their PE classes by participating in & successfully completing two seasons of an OHSAA approved sport or Marching Band o At the conclusion of each athletic season, the Athletic Dept. and Marching Band Director (fall only) will provide the Counseling Office with a list of students who completed the season. The students will be awarded one PE waiver on their high school transcript. At the conclusion of each school year, the AFJROTC instructor will provide the Counseling Office with a list of students who completed a full year of AFJROTC. These students will also be awarded a PE waiver on their high school transcript. Students not wishing to take part in the PE waiver should submit a letter to their high school counselor. o PE coursework beyond the 2 required semesters will not count towards elective credit.

18 Students will now only be able to drop courses ONE time during their high school career without penalty after the first two weeks of the start of a course. A “W” indicating Withdrawal from the course will be entered on the transcript. This does not affect the GPA. All courses dropped after this option is used, will result in an F. This will be entered on the transcript and will affect the GPA. If a student has dropped courses prior to the 2013-14 school year, he/she will still be granted the one-time “W” option.

19 The following restrictions are placed upon this choice:  No required core course may be taken pass/fail.  No more than one credit may be elected in a given subject area during the four years of high school.  PowerSchool will indicate actual grade percentage earned.  A student may choose to return to the standard letter grade anytime prior to the end of the course. If this option is selected, the student is responsible for making the request in writing to their Guidance counselor by the end of the course. The student will then receive a letter grade for the final grade of the course. When the student drops the pass/fail option, they may not use the pass/fail option for another course in that school year.  Application must be returned to guidance no later than the end of course’s 1st Term.

20  APEX is the program used for credit recovery.  APEX will no longer be offered for new credit.  The passing grade required for all APEX coursework is a 70%  If you are currently struggling, there is plenty of time to earn your credits. APEX is not the answer. A failing grade in any course will follow and affect you in your future education goals. If you are concerned about your current classes, please make time to talk to your teachers before or after school. You may also schedule an appointment with Mrs. Scott (Ms. Darcy).

21 Scheduling Think about your 4-year plan. Be sure you consider what you want your senior year to look like. Decide on what classes you want to take next year. PE & Health are important especially if you want to attend the Career Center. Be sure you have enough classes for graduation, honors diploma, athletic eligibility, etc. Check out the Course Handbook on-line at: Discuss your choices with your parents. Make a list of questions to discuss with your School Counselor when you schedule.

22  Your current teachers will make recommendations for the courses you should take. Your AO teacher will shares these with you.  Your counselors will be scheduling with you during your Academic Options class on your assigned date.  During scheduling, time will be limited. You MUST have your courses scheduled into PowerSchool by your assigned date.  Talk with your parents this week regarding your schedule for next year.  What is your 4 year plan?  Consider what you would like to take during your future years.  If you have questions, ask your assigned counselor during scheduling.  During individual scheduling, time will be limited. Please have decisions made beforehand.  Your current teachers will make recommendations for the courses you should take. Your AO teacher will shares these with you.  Your counselors will be scheduling with you during your Academic Options class on your assigned date.  During scheduling, time will be limited. You MUST have your courses scheduled into PowerSchool by your assigned date.  Talk with your parents this week regarding your schedule for next year.  What is your 4 year plan?  Consider what you would like to take during your future years.  If you have questions, ask your assigned counselor during scheduling.  During individual scheduling, time will be limited. Please have decisions made beforehand.

23 Scheduling Date 6 th Period AO (Room 6007--Brown & Pollard Students LRC Lab--Burwinkel Students (with assistance from Conant) Jan 26 Arnette Jan 27 Baker Jan 28 Morman Jan 29 Haynes Jan 30 Ruffin Feb 2 Manley Feb 3 Lee Feb 4 Howes Feb 5 Scocozzo Feb 6 Leasure Feb 9 Bagley Feb 10 Luksic Feb 11 Codding Feb 12McGrew, Heminger, Minardi, Codrea & Margraf

24 All Course Applications are due February 12, 2015 Course selection sheets and PowerSchool entry are due when you meet with your counselor on your scheduling date You will receive your schedules in August. You will have 3 until 3 PM on August 11, 2015 to change your schedule. You may only change your schedule one time. NO REQUESTS WILL BE HONORED AFTER THIS DATE. YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO FOLLOW YOUR SCHEDULE THE FIRST 3 DAYS OF SCHOOL

25 Powerschool Scheduler Students will be able to register for classes through Powerschool You must access this now prior to your assigned AO scheduling day when you meet with your counselor. Your counselor will verify the classes you have signed up for during your meeting.




29 Remind Class of 2018 Text @pacerpride to 81010

30 Planning and preparedness can make next year’s scheduling a success!!!

31 Curriculum Night at Hayes January 28 @ 7:30 p.m. Students and parents welcome

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