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Da Vinci Charter Academy Incoming 10 th Grade Parent Night.

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Presentation on theme: "Da Vinci Charter Academy Incoming 10 th Grade Parent Night."— Presentation transcript:

1 Da Vinci Charter Academy Incoming 10 th Grade Parent Night

2  Restorative Practices at DVCA  Sophomore Year Overview  Graduation Requirements  Eligibility for UC/CSU Eligibility (a-g reqmts)  Summer School  Internship Program  Counseling Program  Music Program Auditions  Upcoming DVCA events Planning for Sophomore Year

3 Restorative Practices SOCIAL DISCIPLINE WINDOW The fundamental unifying hypothesis of restorative practices is that "human beings are happier, more cooperative and productive, and more likely to make positive changes in their behavior when those in positions of authority do things with them, rather than to them or for them.“ (Wachtel, 2005).

4 Restorative Practices Continuum Affective statements: using “I” statements and feelings to humanize speaker and describe how someone is being impacted by behavior/situations. Affective questions: open ended questions designed to encourage people to share their thoughts and feelings about a conflict situation and also understand the impact this situation has had on others.

5  Susan Kirby – Internship Coordinator  45 hours of after school work experience  2.5 Practical art credits  Partnerships in the community Internship Program

6 Step #1: Students receive materials on February 24. Step # 2: Fill out Sophomore course request sheet (CRS) and Four Year Plan by reading catalog and reviewing transcript Step #3: Students obtain signatures from teachers and parent Step #4: Students sign up for courses on Q SudentConnect account (pins and passwords distributed with CRS ). Step #5: Turn in hard copy in PE classes on March 12 Scheduling Process

7 Da Vinci High School

8 Music Auditions Applications available in Davis High Front Office and at: Symphonic Band, Symphony Orchestra, Baroque Ensemble: March 2- 6 Jazz Band: March 11 – 13 Advanced Treble Choir, Madrigals, Jazz Choir: March 9 - 12 For more information, go to: · Advanced Treble Choir - · Jazz Choir - · Madrigal Singers - www.davismadrigals.com



11  Community Colleges – over 100 campuses in California  California State University – 23 campuses  University of California – 9 campuses  Private Colleges, Out-of-State, Military Academics/Enlistment  Work force, travel, gap year Begin to plan for your future!

12  Leadership, sports, or outside activities  Number of college prep courses beyond the minimum required  Character on and off campus - Facebook, Twitter, e- mail, etc. What else matters?

13  Remediation courses  Notify your counselor to adjust your schedule if your summer school plans change  Questions? See Ms. Ebbe Summer School

14  Freshman and Sophomore Year Naviance Family Connection- interest inventories One on one meetings with counselor  Junior Year Naviance Family Connection College & Career exploration College Information Nights for parents and students One on one meetings with counselor  Senior Year Senior Information Night Student workshops, college visits One on one meetings with counselor Counseling Program

15  Counselors distribute Course Request Sheet & Catalog in Biology - February 24  DVJH & Emerson Open House/ Galapagos Night (9 th graders) March 12 6:00 p.m.  DVHS “Party Like It’s 1929” (11 th graders) February 20 6:30 p.m.  DVHS Open House/WWI Museum Night (10 th graders) March 5 6:30 p.m.  10 th Grade Course Request Sheets Due March 12 (Register in Q StudentConnection by March 12) Save the dates…

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