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STEM Internship Program Employer Workshop This publication/event was developed with the support of a Hispanic Serving Institution STEM and Articulation.

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Presentation on theme: "STEM Internship Program Employer Workshop This publication/event was developed with the support of a Hispanic Serving Institution STEM and Articulation."— Presentation transcript:

1 STEM Internship Program Employer Workshop This publication/event was developed with the support of a Hispanic Serving Institution STEM and Articulation Program from the U.S. Department of Education.

2 WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION BY Dr. Paul Murphy Dean, Academic Affairs Director, HSI STEM and Articulation Grant

3 Thank You to our Sponsors! This program would not have happened without the generosity of our sponsors. Put Sponsor Logo here!

4 Workshop Goals Define Internship What is HSI STEM? How are we different from other programs on campus? What to consider when designing your internship program. Program Logistics – How does this work? Internship Timeline

5 An Internship: Is a time-limited experience that can range from one month to one year, but usually lasts about three months. Includes an intentional “learning plan” that is structured into the experience. Promotes academic, career and/or personal development. Typically includes learning objectives, observations, reflections, evaluation and assessment. Balances the intern’s learning goals with the specific work the organization needs completed. May be part-time or full-time. Has an existing employee working in the department/position to mentor and supervise the intern.

6 Who We Are HSI STEM: Umbrella for all support services and resources for STEM Major/Transfer students MESA, Bridges to the Baccalaureate, STEM Transfer Program, Enology/Viticulture and Industrial & Manufacturing Technology Career/Job Placement Center (CJPC): Career Assessment Testing Job Placement Services Career Technical Education (CTE): AA/AS degree Programs Certificated Programs Cooperative Work Experience (CWE): CWE 149, CWE 302 Must be working Earn up to 3 units per semester 16 unit maximum Earn units toward major

7 Designing Your Internship Program Understanding your organization and its needs Giving your internship purpose What type of work does an intern expect? Choosing the right length and type of internship Creating an internship job description Providing compensation

8 Recruiting and Hiring Your Intern AHC does the Recruiting! Career Fairs Faculty Referrals Online Job Postings Postings in Print Announcements via social media You do the Hiring! Evaluating resumes and applications What to consider The interview process The rejection We Want You!

9 Making the Most of the Internship Program Orientation Training and Supervision Activities Beyond Work Tasks Working with College Students

10 Expectations


12 Student Readiness Advising & building internships into the student education plan Talking in terms of level, not years Appropriate terms for interning 2 nd summer – emerging/solid sophomore 3 rd &/or last summer – concluding sophomore/transfer ready (entering junior)

13 Expected Academic Achievement Emerging/Solid Sophomores: Basic communications skills: writing (composition, technical), critical thinking, and oral One year of Calculus and possibly Linear Algebra/Differential Equations One year of General Chemistry Most Engineering Physics (or well underway) Material Science (Engineering majors) Cellular Biology (Life Science majors) Transfer ready add: Electrical circuits (Engineering majors) Strengths of materials (Engineering majors) Statics and Dynamics (Engineering majors) Mat Lab (Engineering majors) Botany (Life Science majors) Zoology (Life Science majors) Organic chemistry (Life Science majors)

14 Diverse Applicant Pool Average age Ethnicity Life experienced vs. traditional student Confidence levels Professional preparation Community loyalty Family demands and support Geographic limitations Have had a strong STEM support system at AHC

15 Evaluating Your Intern and Program Creating and building a successful internship program is just the beginning. Evaluating your internship program on a regular basis will make it more effective. Provide informal evaluations throughout the internship. Provide formal mid-term and final evaluation. What if an Internship is not working out?

16 Internship Timeline Feb 18: Employer-prepared internship job description due March 24th: Student resumes due & Employers begin review April: Employer-scheduled student interviews May: Internship offers & rejections distributed May 21st: Last day of school June: Internships begin After the initial start of the program, the schedule is 100% flexible. As long as the intern is an AHC student, we ask for continued involvement with our evaluation process.

17 Program Break Please return at 11:10 Thank you!

18 Why Offer an Internship Program Rising labor costs Gaining fresh perspectives Discovering future business leaders Helping to increase Persistence Rates of students seeking undergraduate degrees STEM students are more likely to persevere in their field of study, after participating in an internship program. A year round source of highly motivated pre-professionals College students are qualified candidates that can fill both entry-level and special skills set needs. Interns can help with projects and reduce workload A flexible, cost-effective work force that does not require a long-term employment commitment Provide freedom for professional staff to pursue creative or more advanced projects A proven, cost-effective way to recruit and evaluate potential employees

19 Welcome to the STEM Industry Leaders “Open” Discussion Panel Panelists List names and organizations they represent here.

20 What do you believe AHC Faculty and Staff need to know to help our students prepare for internships? What qualities do you believe students need to develop more, to be competitive in STEM internships and the industry in general? 21 st Century Skills (soft skills) is a growing debate amongst STEM industries in terms of student applicants. What are your opinions regarding the development of soft skills and how do you recommend Faculty and Staff support these developments?

21 What do you predict are the 3 most important changes to the STEM industry that will affect students pursuing internships? Describe the best intern you have ever worked with. What experiences did they have? What qualities or 21 st Century skills did they exhibit? What was the most important quality they brought with them to the internship? What’s one or two things you wish you had learned prior to starting your STEM career?

22 What specific AHC laboratory experiences (equipment knowledge; skills, etc.) can AHC instructors provide to make students highly marketable for both an internship and job market? How do we support female students’ educational concerns and maintain female interest in STEM?

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