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National Society of Black Engineers NSBE Retention in 5 Minutes! Presented by National Society of Black Engineers.

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Presentation on theme: "National Society of Black Engineers NSBE Retention in 5 Minutes! Presented by National Society of Black Engineers."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Society of Black Engineers NSBE Retention in 5 Minutes! Presented by National Society of Black Engineers

2 What is the current retention rate of Blacks in Engineering from their freshman to sophomore year? 40% Trivia Time!

3 National Society of Black Engineers The purpose of the NSBE Retention Program is to improve the four year and five year graduation rates of Blacks in the field of engineering. This initiative allows NSBE to counteract the most devastating statistics surrounding Blacks in higher education, more specifically in engineering: on average, nearly sixty percent of Black freshman in engineering do not successfully complete their freshman year. NSBE Retention Program Purpose/Relevance

4 Structure NSBE Retention Program National Society of Black Engineers Skill Development Soft Skills Interactive Development Mentorship Advisor Counselor Role Model Motivator NSBE Study Hall Collaborative Study Facilitated Study Accountability

5 National Society of Black Engineers Breakout Session Chapter A –Chapter can’t find a good day because of schedules clashing Chapter B –MEP office already has mentor program set up Chapter C –Chapter only has 10 GB members –Shortage of upperclassmen Chapter Exercise

6 National Society of Black Engineers Soft Skills –Time management –Classroom skills Interactive Development –4 year planning –Goal Setting Workshop Occurrence: Once a month Skill Development Examples

7 National Society of Black Engineers Roles of a mentor –Academic and Social Advisor –Counselor/Motivator –Role Model Mentor-Mentee relationships –How to cultivate? Mentorship Examples

8 National Society of Black Engineers Collaborative Study –Study “jams”, homework sessions, etc –Geared toward ALL chapter members –Collaboration with other academic societies. Facilitated Study –Have 1 or 2 “subject matter experts” available to provide assistance Recommended Occurrence: As often as possible NSBE Study Hall Example

9 National Society of Black Engineers Chapter Test Bank!! –Check campus honor policy National Programs Fund Minority Engineering Program (MEP) Local Alumni! Campus Career Services NSBE Retention Program Resources!!

10 National Society of Black Engineers Registration –Register your chapter under “Submissions” on IMPak Evaluation –ICD questions –Attendance records Awards –1 st place: $5000 –2 nd place: $2500 –3 rd place: $1250 –ExxonMobil IMPACT Award: $10,000 NSBE Retention Program Documentation & Awards

11 National Society of Black Engineers NSBE Retention Program Mentorship Skill Development NSBE Study Hall NSBE Retention Program Summary

12 National Society of Black Engineers Regional –Regional AEx/Programs chair (insert email addresses here) National –Jasmine Keene, National AEx Chair ( –Matthew McFarland, National Programs Chair ( Contact US

13 National Society of Black Engineers THANK YOU! We drop knowledge. NOT Classes

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