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Published byJanae Patch Modified over 10 years ago
COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES Pre-Nursing Advising for Registration Spring 2013
College of Health Sciences Student Services Staff Laurie Richards, Student Services Specialist/Secretary Telephone: 574-520-4571, NS 456 Sarah Ambler, Academic Advisor Janet Gilroy, Director Danielle Chapman and Haley Miskin, Peer Mentors Office locations: NS 450. Hours posted on door.
PLANNING is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it.
Let Us Dispel The Rumors… “Why Should I register the week of October 29 – November 2 ?” Because you want the best selection of classes for spring. “Is it true that I cannot get permission for PHSL-P 261 or MICR-M 250/M255 without taking CHEM-C 102?” That is absolutely correct! Chem-C102 is the prerequisite for both P261 and M250/M255. “I want to set an advising appointment.” If you want an advising appointment to discuss registration, between now and October 26, you may call or stop by Laurie’s office to set an appointment. Tuesday’s are always walk-ins and beginning the week of October 29 – November 2 we will be conducting walk- in advising only. Remember, this is not a registration appointment. This is to discuss your schedule for spring.
Spring 2013 Registration Summary of Information to-date: Registration packet mailing (to be mailed by October 8, 2012) to assist you with checking your OneStart account and choosing your courses. Included in the packet are: Updated Plan of Study (POS) Course sequencing information Scholarship/Grant Information Student Nurse Association (SNA) information Any last minute, important information
Plan of Study (POS) Your plan of study shows you what courses you have taken and helps you project courses that you should consider registering for in Spring 2013. Details Placement Test Results Provides Science sequence. Remember 100 level = freshman, 200 level = sophomore etc. Courses highlighted are those courses you will be judged on for admission into the BSN program
Indiana University South Bend School of Nursing Bachelor of Science in Nursing NameName n/ a ID # cgpacgpa GenEDGenED n ur si n g antic gradu ation date Placement Test Results: English: 3 Math: 6; Reading: waived distinc tion* minor review date t gr a d e d e pt cr s e cr. Nursing required Gen Ed m in 2 7 NURSING MAJOR COURSES PHSLPHSL P261P261 5 PHSLPHSL P262P262 5 M IC R M250M250 3 M255M255 2 Fourth Semester 12 cr CHEMCHEM C102C102 3 NU RS B244B244 Compr ehensi ve Hlth Asses s. PSYPSY P103P103 3 NU RS B245B245 Health Assessme nt Practicum PSYPSY P216P216 3 NU RS B248B248 Scien ce & Tech of Nursin g 3 NU RS B249B249 Scien ce & Tech Practi cum NURSNURS B232B232 In tr o to N ur si n g NU RS B251B251 Funda mental s Clinic al Fundamental Literacies m in 1 6 Fifth Semester 13 cr ENGENG W1 31 3 NU RS H351H351 Alterat ions in Neuro - Psych3 SPCHSPCH S121S121 3 NU RS H352H352 Neuro - Psych Practi cum2 3 NU RS H353H353 Alterat ions in Health I3 COASCOAS Q110Q110 1 NU RS H354H354 Alt. in Health I Practi cum2 P HI L P140P140 3 NURSNURS B216B216 In tr o to P h ar m a c ol o g y 3 C S CI A106A106 3 Sixth Semester 13 cr Common Core-- one should be 390/399-level m in 9 NU RS H361H361 Alterat ions in Health II3 NU RS H362H362 Alt. in Health II Practi cum2 NU RS H366H366 Pediat ric Nursin g3 NU RS H368H368 Childb earing Famili es2 NU RS H369H369 Childbe aring Families : Clinical1 Seventh Semester 13 cr NU RS S470S470 Restor ative Hlth (Vis. Lit.) SOCSOC NU RS S471S471 Restor ative Hlth Practi cum NURSNURS B108B1082 NU RS S472S472 Health of the Comm unity Chem Requirement for those who do not have 5 cr. NU RS S473S473 Comm unity Practi cum n/ a CHEMCHEM C101C101 Eighth Semester 12 cr n/ a CHEMCHEM C121C121 NU RS S481S481 Nursin g Mana geme nt3 NU RS S482S482 Nursin g Mgmt Practi cum3 Placement Exam Courses NU RS S483S483 Practi ce Capst one3 n/ a MA TH M01 2 M004M004 3 cr. NU RS S485S485 Prof. Growth & Empowe rment3 n/ a MA TH M01 3 A100A100 4 cr. Vi s. Li t. n/ a MA TH M01 4 M107M107 3 cr. n/ a ENG W031 3 cr. pl a n c o m pl et e Summary Information ENG W130 3 cr. n/ a EDUCX100EDUCX100 U10 0 3 cr. 60600 = G e n er al E d u c at io n + O p e n El e cti v e s General Education n/ a EDUC X101 3 cr. 63630 = N ur si n g M aj or C o ur s e s 1231230 = D e gr e e T ot al ( M in i m u m 1 2 2 cr.) mum 123 credits Other Requirements Courses to be complet ed 1231230 # of credits completed @ IU* Pre Requisit es for Admissi on. * min 60 credits at IU to be eligible for distinction Placement Exam Results Courses highlighted in blue are the required courses for application to BSN. These will be calculated as application gpa and science gpa. Courses in yellow (on left side) are the required General Education courses and should be take n simultaneously with required prerequisites Required developmental courses based on Placement Exam Results. Last advisor to review record. Nursing courses once accepted into the BSN program. Once accepted, it will take 2 ½ years to complete your nursing degree. Pre-Nursing POS CHEM-C 101/121 required if earned a grade of C or below in HS (last 3 yrs.) or cannot remember basic principles & solving equations.
Pre-BSN POS for transfer students with 56+ credit hours in transfer. Highlighted courses are required prerequisite courses for admission into the BSN program. CHEM-C 101/121 may be a prerequisite to CHEM-C 102 if you do not have a full year of HS Chem with a grade of C or better within past 3 yrs., and can remember basic principles of chemistry. Required developmental courses based on placement exam results. Last advisor to review. Required Nursing courses once admitted into the clinical program. Once admitted, it will take 2 ½ years to complete nursing degree.
Second Degree BSN POS (formerly known as Accelerated BSN) All courses on the left side of the Plan of Study must be completed prior to beginning the clinical program. This is your application gpa. Also, a science gpa will be calculated from the science courses. Last advisor to review. Required Nursing and clinical courses once accepted into the Second Degree BSN program track. 123123123123
Pre-RN- BSN POS Last advisor to review record. Required Sciences & elective Required General Education Electives and Open Electives. Pre-RN-BSN students are ready to begin clinical program (online or in- class) once they have 6 credit hrs. or less of electives remaining to complete. Students must apply and be accepted to clinical program. Remaining Nursing and clinical once admitted. Credit awarded for previous ASN degree.
IU South Bend Bulletin Policies
REMEMBER… All courses for the Nursing degree require a grade of C or better. Grades of C- and below are deficient and must be repeated. If this pertains to you, please read the REPEAT Policy found on page 135 of the 2011-13 IU South Bend Bulletin.
IU South Bend 2011-2013 Campus Bulletin
Policies that Affect Enrollment Grade Replacement Policy You may grade replace three courses or a maximum of 10 credit hours. The second grade will be calculated in your cumulative- grade-point-average. You must request Student Services to process paperwork after you have received your grade and successfully completed the repeat. Email, call or stop in. The Registrar’s Office processes the paperwork and it can take up to two weeks for processing depending on the time of year. For more information refer to page 30 of the 2011 – 2013 IU South Bend Bulletin.
Policies You may withdraw from a course online (OneStart) through the 10 th week of the semester. Please check the Schedule of Classes or Registrar’s web site at: For refund dates see the Bursar’s web site: Implications of withdrawing: If receiving Financial Aid, withdrawing may impact aid package. Always check with the F.A. office prior to withdrawing. May place you “out-of-sequence” or push back your admission into clinical program.
Pre-Nursing Choosing Electives
Common Core Electives ( 190 & 390/399) Remember one of your Common Core Electives must be at a 390/399 level. Your Common Core Electives are N, T and A. One of which must be at the 390/399 level. All other General Education descriptions including approved courses can be found in the current IU South Bend 2011-2013 Bulletin, pages 35-40. A listing of electives (Non-Western Cultures, Common Core etc) being offered for spring 2013 will be posted on the General Education Committee web site at: educ/ educ/
Fulfilling Statistics Requirement You may choose one of the following courses to fulfill your Statistics requirement. Remember, all are at the 300 level. MATH-K 300 – Fall only NURS-H 355 – Fall, Spring and Summer PSY-P354 – Fall, Spring (occasionally summer) SOC-S 351 – Fall, spring (occasionally summer) Departmental permission must be secured for each of the above courses through the appropriate department. For NURS-H 355, Janet Gilroy or Sarah Ambler can grant permission.
Science Sequence For Pre-Nursing students (including Second Degree BSN) the science sequencing of courses remains the same. Completion of MATH-M 107 or Placement Test score of level 4 or better. CHEM-C 1-1/121, Elementary Chemistry I with Lab Exception: If you graduated HS within past 3 years and had one full year of HS Chemistry (not integrated Chem/Physics) and you can remember basic principles, you can bypass C101/121 and move to … CHEM-C 102, Elementary Chemistry II, 3 credit hours PHSL-P 261 (prerequisite CHEM-C 102) MICR-M 250/M255 (prerequisite CHEM-C102)
To request a seat in PHSL-P261or MICR-M250/M255 you need to contact Ms. Angela Huff, Biology/Chemistry Secretary, beginning October 22nd. You must have completed CHEM-C 102 to gain permission. If you are currently enrolled in CHEM-C 102 you must wait until the week of October 29 th, and currently have a grade of B to request a seat. If you do not have a B, you must wait until the end of the semester and earn a grade of C or better. Her office is located in NS 137. Refer to registration packet letter. Dr. Bushnell will allow students in PHSL-P 261 to secure a seat in PHSL-P 262 if they currently have a grade of B. If you do not, you must wait until the end of the semester and earn a final grade of C or better. For permission, see Ms. Angela Huff, NS 137 beginning the week of October 29 th. If you enroll in M250/M255 and need to withdraw from M250, you must withdraw from both. PHSL-P 261 offered in Fall and Spring semesters. PHSL-P 262 offered in Spring and Summer I. MICR-M 250/M255 offered in Fall, Spring and Summer II.
If you have applied for the BSN program for Spring 2013 Laptops are required for all Clinical Nursing students entering the programs May 2012 or after..
Admission into BSN is Competitive Your application for admission into the BSN clinical program will be reviewed by: Your success in all courses required on the application Your success in the required science courses Completion of the application requirements Essay Interview (Second Degree BSN only) All courses listed on application are completed by the appropriate time Second Degree BSN: Spring Traditional BSN: Fall for spring; Summer I for fall
Are you ready to register for Spring 2013? October 29 – November 2
Look at your Plan of Study (POS) and determine list of courses you wish to enroll in for Spring 2013. Choose your classes (use blank scheduling sheet we provided in the mailing). Make sure you have the class number so you can set-up OneStart registration shopping cart. Waitlisted courses: waitlist expires at 5 p.m. on January 8, 2013.
CHECK your OneStart Account for your registration date and time. Also check for holds or Service Indicators that prohibit registration Your OneStart account holds must be taken care of 24-48 hours prior to your registration date and time.
Summary Check OneStart Account for the following: Holds: Financial, Immunization, Advising. Contact the appropriate office for resolution. Check your registration appointment. This is your first opportunity to register for classes online. Will provide time and date when your ability to register is active. When selecting CHEM-C 101/121, you are registering for 4 things: C101 – lecture and discussion; C 121 – lecture and lab. Set-up your shopping cart with proposed classes. Register on-time. This will insure first and best opportunity to secure seats in the course you have selected. If you physically do not know how to register, choose your classes and on your time/date go to the Gateway Information Center, main lobby, Admin Bldg, and they will assist you with inputting your class selections into the computer.
This concludes your Spring 2013 Advising for Registration. Thank you for reviewing registration policies and procedures. - Student Services Hit ESC to exit out of presentation
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