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Task B: Theoretical Particle Astrophysics. History of Task B 1999: MK arrives as professor 1999-2003: ~$100K/year (MK summer salary plus student) 2003-2006:

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Presentation on theme: "Task B: Theoretical Particle Astrophysics. History of Task B 1999: MK arrives as professor 1999-2003: ~$100K/year (MK summer salary plus student) 2003-2006:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Task B: Theoretical Particle Astrophysics

2 History of Task B 1999: MK arrives as professor 1999-2003: ~$100K/year (MK summer salary plus student) 2003-2006: ~$150K/year (MK summer salary, student, plus 2nd student or 50% postdoc) 2006: Sean Carroll arrives as Moore SRA 2006-2007: $200K/yr (added $50K for SC research expenses) 2007: Chris Hirata arrives as asst professor; Task increased to $250K/yr

3 Accomplishments of program, 1999- 2008: Postdocs trained  Andriy Kurylov, 2002-2005 (McKinsey)  Milos Milosavljevic, 2002-2006 (asst prof, UT Austin)  Nicole Bell, 2003-2005 (asst prof, Melbourne)  Elena Pierpaoli, 2003-2006 (asst prof, USC)  Steve Furlanetto, 2003-2006 (asst prof, Yale/UCLA)  Stefano Profumo. 2005-2007 (asst prof, UC Santa Cruz)  Daisuke Nagai, 2005-2008 (asst prof, Yale)  Piero Ullio, 1999-2000 (SISSA, tenured)  Ken Nollett, 2000-2002 (permanent, Argonne nuclear theory)  Peng Oh, 2000-2003 (tenured, UCSB)  Andrew Benson, 2000-2003 (SRF, Caltech)  Asantha Cooray, 2001-2004 (tenured, UC Irvine)  Arielle Phillips, 2002-2005 (postdoc, Amherst)

4 Accomplishments of program, 1999- 2008: Graduate students trained  Tristan Smith, 2008 (postdoc, Berkeley)  Jonathan Pritchard, 2007 (Hubble Fellow, Harvard)  Michael Kesden, 2005 (postdoc, CITA)  Nevin Weinberg, 2005 (postdoc, Berkeley)  Kris Sigurdson, 2005 (asst prof, UBC)  Michael Santos, 2002 (STScI)

5 Accomplishments of program, 1999- 2008: Research Accomplishments  Several hundred refereed articles including, e.g.,  Parity violation in CMB  Inflation with broken scale invariance  Intrinsic galaxy alignments and cosmic shear  First-star contributions to cosmic infrared background  The big rip  Separation of gravitational waves and weak lensing in CMB polarization  Dark matter, dwarf galaxies, and the equivalence principle  Solar system tests of f(R) gravity theories  A new CMB upper limit to short-wavelength gravitational waves  Novel effects of and telescope searches for decaying dark matter  Review articles on CMB, dark matter, dark energy, universal extra dimensions, halo clustering, and 21-cm probes of high-z universe

6 People to be affiliated with Caltech theoretical cosmology and particle astrophysics 2008-2009 Postdocs: Dan Babich (Moore prize scholar) Shin’ichiro Ando (Fairchild Fellow) Annika Peter (DoE-Caltech) Matt Johnson (Moore Fellow) Alyson Brooks (Fairchild) Faculty: Marc Kamionkowski (Professor) Sean Carroll (Senior Research Associate [i.e., research professor]) Chris Hirata (assistant professor) Andrew Benson (Senior Research Fellow [i.e., research asst prof]; Moore)

7 People to be affiliated with Caltech theoretical cosmology and particle astrophysics 2008-2009 Graduate Students: Heywood Tam (5 th year; DoE) Lotty Ackerman (5th year; DoE) Anthony Pullen (5th year; NSF Fellow-TA-DoE) Adrienne Erickcek (5th year; NSF Fellow---TA--DpE) Dan Grin (5th year; Moore Fellow-TA-DoE) Vera Gluscevic (TA) Samuel Lee (TA) Visiting Associates: Asantha Cooray (UC, Irvine) Kris Gorski (JPL) Elena Pierpaoli (USC) Visitors: Robert Caldwell (Dartmouth; 2 months; fall 2008)

8 Our work is relevant for SNAP/JDEM CMB experiments (WMAP, Planck, CMBPOL… GLAST/VERITAS/STACEE/…. Collider experiments Neutrino experiments CDMS, etc. Super-K, IceCube…. LSST SDSS/2dF…. AMS….

9 MK: Current research topics Statistical isotropy of CMB and inflation GLAST probes of Galactic substructure Theory of Galactic substructure Telescope axion search Keck-telescope measurements of dark energy ANRP review of dark energy Oscillating-field dark-energy models Voids and non-Gaussianity DAMA signal and energetic neutrinos from Sun CMB non-Gaussianity

10 SC: Current research topics Statistical isotropy of CMB and inflation Lorentz violation in cosmology Gauss-Bonnet gravity Fifth forces Variable-Planck-scale inflation Entropy and origin of Universe

11 CH: Current research topics SDSS tests of statistical Primordial non-Gaussianity Recombination tons of other things

12 Departures from Statistical Isotropy? ( Erickcek,Carroll, Kamionkowski, June ‘08)

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