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Stone Bridge High School Spring Parent Meeting 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Stone Bridge High School Spring Parent Meeting 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stone Bridge High School Spring Parent Meeting 2012

2 Agenda Dave Hembach –Athletic Director -Welcome and general remarks Vicki Galer– Booster Club President Craig Ridley- Turf Field kick off Dave Hembach –Athletic Director –Greeting and LCPS / VHSL guidelines Randy May – Head Coach - Boys Soccer -Sportsmanship Brian Parke – Assistant Athletic Director -Communication Mark Wagner – Athletic Trainer –Steroids Break out session with coaches –Locations on handout

3 Purpose of Meeting: Congratulations to all athletes for being selected to be a member of a spring sport team. Discuss LCPS and VHSL policies Sportsmanship Sports fees Communication Give coaches opportunity to meet the parents to talk about a number of things: –The upcoming season –Expectations of the team –Commitment they expect of team members during the season –Talk about rules and regulations –Expectations of the booster club

4 Let’s meet our coaches Asst. AD – Brian Parke Athletic Trainer – Mark Wagner Baseball –Sam Plank (Head Varsity) –Sean Griffin (Asst. Varsity) –Luis A Andrade (Head JV) –AJ Talboo (Asst. JV) Softball –Billy Rice (Head Varsity) –Mike Skinner(Asst. Varsity) –Veronica Skinner (Asst. Varsity)) –Kirsten Poland (Head JV) Boys Tennis –Rob Ellis Girls Tennis –Adriana S. Rice Girls Lacrosse –Kristin Howard (Head Varsity) –Lee Ann Sleece(Asst. Varsity) –Monika Guerrero(Head JV) –Alexandria Baranowski(Asst. JV) Boys Soccer –Randy May (Head Varsity) –Dan Muscarella (Asst. Varsity) –Michael Schmidt (Head JV) –Sean Holland (Asst. JV) Girls Soccer –Joan Windows (Head Varsity) –Sherrie Colby (Asst. Varsity) –Jorie Szott(Head JV) –Rich Corpe(Asst. JV) Track & Field –Matt Henry (Head Girls) –Bob Mandes (Head Boys) –Nancy Thomas (Asst. Girls) –Christine Cavins(Asst. Boys) –Anne Marie Mararvetz(Asst) Boys Lacrosse –Scott Mitchell (Head Varsity) –David Madgwick(Asst. Varsity) –Tom Rockwood (Head JV) –William Oconis(Asst. JV)

5 LCPS and VHSL Rules & Regulations

6 Required Forms to Participate Physical LCPS Training Rules* –Pg. 2 Coaches rules/sport specific Emergency Card Concussion Form Parent Consent/Assumption of Risk Insurance Forms/waiver –LCPS does not carry Insurance on student athletes Signed form – acknowledgement of reading Student Athlete handbook* *Knowledge of rules

7 LCPS Athletic Fee Starting in Fall 2009, all students participating in a LCPS athletic program will be required to pay a $100 Athletic Fee. This money is to be collected by each school and we will be billed for our total. The money collected will go to the overall operating budget of LCPS. The collection day for the Spring is today. Each coach will collect their program’s fees and turn them into the Athletic Office. All checks need to be made out to Stone Bridge HS Any student who receives free or reduced lunch will have the fee waived. For information on how to see if you qualify, contact the athletic department or the main office. OnLine payment : instructions are on the athletic website

8 LCPS Training Rules Important Training Rules that always seem to come up: (see handout) #7 #8 #9

9 #7 In order to participate in an athletic activity or practice on any given day, an athlete or manager must report to school by 9:15 am and must remain in school that entire day. Exceptions may be made for Doctor or Dental appointments or reasons excused by the Principal. (A Doctor/Dental note is required for this exception)

10 #8 Any athlete or manager serving suspension or in-school restriction for violation of school rules will be ineligible to practice or play in a scheduled event on the day or days he/she is serving the punishment, including Saturdays. Not eligible to practice or play in a game until the day after the last day of ISR/OSS.

11 #9 Any athlete or manager who uses or possesses tobacco, drugs, or alcohol during a sports season will be dismissed from the team. LCPS has a zero tolerance policy. Different from many neighboring school systems.

12 Hazing The student athletic handbook talks at length about hazing and the new legislation making it a class 1 misdemeanor. There are also multiple examples of what constitutes hazing. Please familiarize yourself with this section as Stone Bridge HS will have a “Zero Tolerance Policy” towards hazing.

13 VHSL Handbook Rules (see handout for complete list of VHSL rules) 28-4-1 Scholarship Rule Student athletes must be currently enrolled in not fewer than 5 subjects and have passed 5 subjects the preceding semester. –A subject for which credit has previously been granted may not, if repeated, be used by any student to satisfy the requirements of this rule.

14 VHSL Handbook Rules (cont.) 28-7-1 Semester Rule The student shall not have been enrolled in the last four years of high school for a period of more than eight consecutive semesters, beginning with the semester in which he/she was enrolled for the first time in ninth grade. 28-10-1 Awards Rule Students may receive permissible awards presented and approved by the school and VHSL – see VHSL handbook and AD!

15 VHSL Handbook Rules (cont.) 28-11-1 Independent Team Rule Student responsibility for sports participation. During the sports season for the relevant sport, a student may, while a member of a school squad or team, engage in interscholastic sports, become a member of, or participate with, an organized team in the same sport which is independent of the school’s control, so long as such participation does not conflict with the school squad or team. Choices Communication is the key

16 Sportsmanship Sportsmanship is a priority in LCPS VHSL Sportsmanship Awards: –Wachovia Award Stone Bridge HS has won 2 Wachovia Ethics and Integrity Awards (most recently 2 years ago) –Stay in the Game Award (won 2 times) Boys Soccer won officials award for 2011 SET THE EXAMPLE!

17 Mission StatementMission Statement Good sportsmanship is viewed by Stone Bridge High School as a commitment to fair play, ethical behavior, and integrity. In perception and practice, sportsmanship is defined as those qualities, which are characterized by generosity and genuine concern for others. The ideals of sportsmanship apply equally to all sports. Individuals, regardless of their role in activities, are expected to be aware of their influence on the behavior of others and model good sportsmanship. Expectations of Parents and SpectatorsExpectations of Parents and Spectators Realize that a ticket is a privilege to observe a contest and SUPPORT high school activities, not a license to verbally assault others or be generally obnoxious. Respect decisions made by contest officials. Be an exemplary role model by positively supporting teams in every manner possible, including content of cheers and signs. Respect fans, coaches, and participants. BE A FAN…NOT A FANATIC. Acceptable BehaviorAcceptable Behavior Applause during introduction of players, coaches, and officials. Players shaking hands with opponents who foul out while both sets of fans recognize player’s performance with applause. Cheerleaders lead fans in positive school chants. Handshakes between participants and coaches at the end of a contest. Treat competition as a game, not war. Applause at the end of contest for performances of all participants. Encourage only sportsmanlike conduct. Unacceptable BehaviorUnacceptable Behavior Yelling or waving arms during free throw attempts. Disrespectful yells, chants, or songs. BOOING! Criticizing officials in any way. Refusing to shake hands. Blaming loss of game on officials, coaches, or participants. Laughing or name-calling. Use of profanity or displays of anger that draw attention away from the game.

18 The Six Fundamentals of Good Sportsmanship Show respect for your opponents –They are your guests Show respect for the officials –They are professionals who do their job to the best of their ability Know, understand, and appreciate the rules of the contest –Conform to the spirit as well as the letter of the rules Maintain self control at all times –The desire to win must not overcome rational behavior Recognize and appreciate an opponent’s good performance –Applauding a quality performance by an opponent is good sportsmanship and good will Encourage others to be good sports If you see someone displaying unsportsmanlike behavior, spend a few moments to remind that person of the role of educational athletics and how sportsmanship is a part of the process!If you see someone displaying unsportsmanlike behavior, spend a few moments to remind that person of the role of educational athletics and how sportsmanship is a part of the process!

19 GUIDELINES FOR POSITIVE PARENT BEHAVIOR Always remain positive Do not coach Never address players on the other team Treat the officials with respect Do not engage in game-related discussion with parents from the opposing team Leave the game on the field Keep the game fun The Six Things You Should Say to your Child: Before the Match:After the Match:1) I Love You. 2) Good Luck.2) It was great to see your team play. 3) Have Fun.3) What would you like to eat?


21 Athletic Department We are available for questions or concerns –Dave Hembach – Athletic Director –Brian Parke– Asst. Athletic Director –Jennifer Lancaster – Athletic Secretary Office phone – (571) 252-2210 Athletic Hotline – (571) 252-2211 Athletic Web Page – Best source of Information –Schedules –Practices and Games (Cancellations, Changes) –Directions to opposing schools –Scores and results –Post-season tournament information –All required paperwork available to download Parent Coach Communication Pamphlet

22 Email Alert Email Alerts If you would like to receive automatic email notifications about game cancellations and critical athletics/activities related information, please fill out the form below and click submit. The following fields are required: email address, age and affiliation. BigTeams will not share this list with other companies, but school administrators will have access to it. You will be able to opt out at any time. Note that due to increasingly strict spam filters, there is a small chance that you may not receive these automatic notifications. Messages will come from or

23 Vacation Policy and Excused/Unexcused Absences Vacation Policy: As discussed in the Student Athletic Handbook, "Vacations by athletic team members during a sport season are discouraged” and will be unexcused by the SBHS athletic department. Athletes should be prepared to practice/play on all other holidays/workdays except those listed as “non practice dates” in the athletic handbook. Any absence from these practices can be deemed "unexcused" unless cleared by the coach. See your coach to obtain individual team’s plans for practice over the workdays/holidays Unexcused absences: Any student who accumulates three unexcused absences can be removed from the team. Each team is able to make additional rules as outlined in their team rules and they may be stricter than the athletic departments. Excused absences include: Court, Doctor, Illness, and Personal reason excused by the coach or AD.

24 Athletic Trainer Mark Wagner Office: 571-252-2210 Cell: 301-573-5050 Fax: 571-252-2201 E-Mail: Injury Management and Injury Prevention Not a Doctor –Does not diagnosis –Does not administer drugs * Assess/treat/rehab/tape an injury * Water * Cups or water bottles * Ice for injury purposes * Athletic tape * Bandages Doctors on staff from the community Once an athlete sees a doctor, they must return with a note before they will be cleared to play. –PRIORITY! Special needs –Asthma – inhalers –Epi-pen –Diabetic needs MRSA Coaches –All are CPR, AED & First Aid certified

25 STEROIDS Dangers – Serious Issue –Severe Acne –Bad Breath –Impotence –Death Coaches/Teachers –Teaching license can be revoked Student Athletes –Automatic 2 year suspension from interscholastic athletic competition for 2 years Energy drinks –Health risks –Do not encourage VIDEO

26 SUMMARY Thank you for your attendance and cooperation at this Spring Parents Meeting. QUESTIONS?

27 Break Out Session with Coaches Track – Main Gym Girls Soccer –Front Auditorium Boys Soccer – Back Auditorium Softball – ½ Aux. Gym Baseball – ½ Aux. Gym Boys Lacrosse – Cafeteria Girls Lacrosse – Library Boys Tennis – Room 309 Girls Tennis – Room 311

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