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Training Grant Administrators (TGA) Group Stephanie Scott Communications and Outreach Director SPA April 9 th, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Training Grant Administrators (TGA) Group Stephanie Scott Communications and Outreach Director SPA April 9 th, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training Grant Administrators (TGA) Group Stephanie Scott Communications and Outreach Director SPA April 9 th, 2013

2 Agenda Review the Active Training Grant List ▫Who is submitting on May 25, 2013 ? ▫Deadlines differ by IC NIH Updates Review of NIH Public Access Policy specific to training grants Guest Speakers – SPF and Nursing ▫ Termination Notices

3 T32 Competitive Deadlines – a review Review current Parent Announcement (PA-11-184) carefully, in particular, the “Related Notices” section: ▫ ▫Ex., various ICs may decide to stop accepting new T32s MUST review the table of IC Specific-Information ▫ ▫Ex., NHLBI only accepts new and competing applications once a year, on January 25th The tables are not to be created equally for each IC ▫Each IC has their own set of table requirements

4 General NIH Update As of today, still no word on NRSA stipend levels for FY13. Continue to use NOT-OD-12-033 Same with the NIH Salary Cap, still must charge at $179,700 (can use $180,600 for proposals until further notice)

5 Public Access Policy and T32s The enhanced NIH Public Access Policy takes effect with budget period start dates of 7/1/2013 or later. NIH will delay NGA of non-competing year if publications resulting from the T32 are not compliant. Watch the due date of your progress report! Each IC sets their own rules for T32s. Not consistent. RPPR not available for T32s. Must use paper PHS 2590 forms, and attach PDF report from MyNCBI to demonstrate compliance with the Public Access Policy.

6 Special Session on MyNCBI for this group! Monday, April 22 nd 3:30 pm – 5: 00 pm Hammer Health Sciences, LL203 Learn how to use MyNCBI to manage all the citations resulting from an institutional training grant. Faculty, delegates, administrators, and anyone else given this responsibility are invited to attend.

7 FAQ - Which citations are applicable to the policy on a T32? Every paper that the PI, trainee, or mentor claims resulted from the T32 needs to be in PubMed Central with a PMCID#. If the trainee worked on a publication while they were appointed on the T32, then the T32 supported the paper, and therefore, needs a PMCID#, even if the paper was published after the appointment. If the paper was accepted for publication PRIOR to being appointed on the T32, then the paper was not directly supported by the T32, and therefore, does not need to be in PubMed Central. It also wouldn’t be reported on the progress report.

8 Trainees can help Trainees with Commons linked My NCBI accounts can also link the T32 to their papers themselves, helping the PI make these determinations. NIH provided information about that process at 2_myncbi_new_features.html. 2_myncbi_new_features.html

9 What about Tables 6A & 6B for new and renewal applications? The compliance of publications is not considered as part of the scientific review. However, must address compliance if funded or NIH may delay issuing the NGA. Could be addressed during JIT. Use MyNCBI to pull past trainee publications for the tables. Easier than using Google!

10 xTrain Terminations Lorraine Ramos, SPF Jennifer Crockett, School of Nursing

11 xTrain: For Institutional Research Training & Career Development Awards ‘xTrain provides program directors/principal investigators, university administrators, and trainees the ability to electronically prepare and submit PHS 2271 Statement of Appointment forms and PHS 416-7 Termination Notices associated with institutional research training grants, institutional career development awards, individual fellowships and research education awards.’ xTrain Presentation, April 9, 2013

12 xTrain: For Institutional Research Training & Career Development Awards Since January 1, 2011, the use of xTrain has been required to electronically prepare and submit PHS 2271 Statement of Appointment forms and/or PHS 416-7 Termination Notices. xTrain Presentation, April 9, 2013

13 xTrain The train has left the station – are you onboard? As of January 1, 2011 xTrain is required for all: ▫ T34 (Institutional undergraduate t.g.) ▫ T32,T35,T90, TL1, TU2 (pre & post-doc institutional t.g.) ▫ F30, F31, F32, F33 (fellowships- termination notices only) ▫ T15 (NLM t.g.) ▫ R25, R90 (Research education awards) ▫ K12, KL2, KM1 (Institutional career development awards) ▫ 10-072.html 10-072.html xTrain Presentation, April 9, 2013

14 xTrain Forms What forms are to be processed through xTrain? ▫ Statement of Appointment (PHS 2271) ▫ Termination Notice (PHS 416-7) ▫ Payback Agreement (PHS 6031)  NOTE: must download form, complete, print, sign and mail form back to NIH xTrain Presentation, April 9, 2013

15 xTrain Roles Program Director/Principal Investigator (PD/PI) ▫ Person responsible for the overall training program. Authorized to submit Appointments, Re- Appointments and Amendments for Columbia PD/PI Delegate (ASST) ▫ Person authorized to perform on behalf of the PI/PD, except for Appointments ▫ ASST role in Commons xTrain Presentation, April 9, 2013

16 xTrain Roles (cont) Trainee ▫ Appointee on a training grant Business Official (BO) ▫ Person with signature authority for Columbia University (SPF)  Role currently designated for all SPF Project Managers  BO selected should be your SPF Project Manager xTrain Presentation, April 9, 2013

17 Who Does What? Statement of Appointment Form (PHS 2271) ▫ Prepared and submitted by PD/PI, ASST, and Trainee Termination Notice (PHS 416-7) ▫ Prepared by PD/PI, ASST, and Trainee ▫ Reviewed and approved by BO (SPF) Payback Agreement (PHS 6031) ▫ Prepared and submitted by Trainee  downloads, prints, gets appropriate signatures, and sends in the mail Need eRA Commons ID? Contact SPA at xTrain Presentation, April 9, 2013

18 Termination Process eRA Commons ▫ Automatically sends notifications to Business Official (BO) of pending/due/overdue Termination Notices PD/PI Delegate ▫ Prepares and submits the following to SPF for review:  the Statement of Appointment (PHS 2271),  Termination Notice (PHS 416-7),  Payback Agreement (PHS 6031),  DARTS/ARC Report showing the detailed salary information, and  any other supporting documentation Business Official (SPF) ▫ reviews the xTrain forms and other supporting documentation submitted by the Department ▫ approves the TN through the eRA Commons Portal xTrain Presentation, April 9, 2013

19 xTrain Email Notifications Subject: xTrain: Trainee Termination Notice for Trainee Name: Action Required Trainee Termination Notice Form was just routed to you for further processing. The following comment was entered: Termination Notice for Trainee Name (modified termination date of mm/dd/yy) Please login to eRA Commons, click on xTrain menu, and you will see a list of grants/appointments. Click Process TN link to view the enterable form and utilize the action buttons at the bottom of the screen to further process the form. xTrain Presentation, April 9, 2013

20 xTrain Email Notifications (cont) Subject: eRA Commons - xTrain: The fellowship end date has passed The Fellowship period for the above Fellow(s) has ended. Please login to eRA Commons, click the xTrain menu, locate the Fellowship award and submit a Termination Noticeterminate the Fellowship. xTrain Presentation, April 9, 2013

21 xTrain Email Notifications (cont) Subject: xTrain: Action Required Termination Notice for the above Trainee was just routed to you due to Program Director inactivity for the past 14 days. Please login to eRA Commons, click xTrain menu, locate the grant/trainee and click Process TN link. The system will take you to the enterable Termination Notice Form. Use action buttons on the bottom of the screen to further process the form. xTrain Presentation, April 9, 2013

22 xTrain Email Notifications (cont) Subject: xTrain: Termination Notice Form: DELETED Termination Notice Form was deleted. (SPF does not have the capability to delete a termination notice – done by department only). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: eRA Commons - xTrain: Termination Notice Form: Recalled Trainee Termination Notice form was recalled. The following comment was entered for this action: Need to fix BO and have PI sign. xTrain Presentation, April 9, 2013

23 Common Issues E-Signatures ▫ Termination notices must include both the trainee and the PI/Mentor/Sponsor/Program Director e-signature  The xTrain delegate should never be signing for the PI/Mentor/Sponsor/Program Director Supporting Documentation ▫ Termination notices cannot be approved until SPF has received all supporting documentation.  Copy of the Statement of Appointment  Copy of the Termination Notice  Copy of the DARTS/ARC Report showing the detailed salary information  *Be sure to select your SPF Project Manager as the BO in the xTrain system xTrain Presentation, April 9, 2013

24 Common Issues (cont) Stipend Totals ▫ Stipend totals reported on the termination notice should be consistent with the amounts on the Statement of Appointment and the DARTS/ARC Financial Report(s) xTrain Presentation, April 9, 2013

25 xTrain References Includes information on: ▫ User guides ▫ Documentation ▫ xTrain training and communications ▫ eRA commons demo site ▫ NIH Forms and applications ▫ Kirschstein-NRSA Stipend History ▫ Guide Notices ▫ Contact Information for NIH xTrain Presentation, April 9, 2013

26 Questions? xTrain Presentation, April 9, 2013

27 Contact Information xTrain Presentation, April 9, 2013 Lorraine Ramos, Sr. Project Manager Sponsored Projects Finance Jennifer Crockett, Director, Grants Management Office, School of Nursing

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