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Annual Action Plan on National Horticulture Mission, Orissa 2006-07.

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1 Annual Action Plan on National Horticulture Mission, Orissa 2006-07


3 Plantation Devt. Including Supporting Infrastructure ComponentUnitImplementing Agency Physical Prog. Financial Prog. (Lakh Rs.) Production of Planting Material i. Public Sector a. Model Nursery (4ha.)NosDHO12216.00 b. Small Nursery (1 ha.)NosDHO1545.00 ii. Private Sector a. Model Nursery (4ha.)NosAPICOL545.00 b. Small Nursery (1 ha.)NosAPICOL1015.00

4 Plantation Devt. Including Supporting Infrastructure ComponentUnitImplementing Agency Physical Prog. Financial Prog. (Lakh Rs.) Vegetable Seed Prodn. Public Sector, ICAR, SAU, State Deptt. ha.DHO600300.00 Seed Infrastructure Storage Godown LS OUAT Asst. for drying platform, storage bin, storage godown & packaging unit 10.00 Private Sector LS - do-2.00 Onion Storage Structure nos.DHO1600128.00

5 Onion Storage

6 Estt. of New Gardens - Fruits Component UnitImplementing Agency Physical Prog. Financial Prog. (Lakh Rs.) Mango ha. DHO 100001575.00 Cashew ha. OSCDC / OFDC / DHO 5000562.50 Banana Sucker ha. DHO 1200180.00 Banana Tissue Culture ha. DHO 10060.00 Betel vine Barajano. DHO 20052.50

7 ComponentPhysical Prog.(ha) Financial Prog. (Lakh Rs.) Rose (S & M Farmers)7526.25 Rose (Other Farmers)7517.33 Tuberose (S & M Farmer) 10045.00 Tuberose (Other Farmer) 5014.85 Gladioli (S & M Farmer) 12556.25 Gladioli (Other Farmer) 7522.28 Marigold (Other Farmer) 20015.84 Estt. of Processing cum Extraction Plant 200.00 Estt. of New Gardens - Flowers

8 Estt. of New Gardens – Spices & Medicinal Plant ComponentUnit Implementing Agency Physical Prog. Financial Prog. (Lakh Rs.) Spices Gingerha.DHO1000112.50 Turmericha.DHO1000112.50 Medicinal Plant Anola –intercrop( Aloe / Aswagandha/Kalmegh/Senna/ Raulfia / Stivia / Basil etc. (S & M Farmer) ha.OSMB / DHO 25028.13 Anola –intercrop( Aloe / Aswagandha/Kalmegh/Senna/ Raulfia / Stivia / Basil etc. (Other Farmer) ha.OSMB / DHO 25028.13

9 Proposed Crops by Districts SLNoDistrictStatusMangoCashewBananaBetel vine 1MayurbhanjTribal√ ☼ √ 2KeonjharTribal√ √ 3BalasoreGen√ ☼ √ ☼ 4CuttackGen ☼ √√ ☼ 5KhurdaGen ☼ √√√ 6PuriGen √√√ 7NayagarhGen √√ 8NauparaTribal√ √ 9BolangirTribal√ ☼ 10GajapatiTribal√√ ☼ 11RayagadaTribal√√√ 12KalahandiTribal√ √ 13KoraputTribal √√ 14MalkangiriTribal√√ ☼ 15NawarangpurTribal√√ 16SonepurTribal√ √ √ - Existing Crops ☼ - Proposed Crops

10 Rejuvenation of Senile Orchards & Creation of Water Resources ComponentUnitImplementing Agency Physical Prog. Financial Prog. (Lakh Rs.) Rejuvenation / replacement of senile plantations Mangoha.DHO43364.95 Cashewha. OSCDC / OFDC / DHO 1000150.00 Creation of Water Resources Community TanknoDHO110.00 Ponds-DHO330.00


12 Protected Cultivation ComponentUnitImplementi ng Agency Physical Prog. Financial Prog. (Lakh Rs.) Green House (All farmer) NosDHO149.38 Mulchingha.DHO1409.80 Shade-Net HouseNosDHO140.49 Plastic TunnelNosDHO281.40


14 ComponentUnitImplementing Agency Physical Prog. Financial Prog. (Lakh Rs.) i. Sanitary and Phytosanitary no.OUAT / DA(FP) 120.00 ii. Promotion of IPM in Mango ha.Director Horticultur e 2002.00 III. Promotion of INM in Mango/Cashew/ banana haDirector Horticultur e 100010.00 iii. Bio Control Labs (Public Sector) No s. OUAT180.00 Promotion of IPM/ INM

15 ComponentUnit Implement ing Agency Physi cal Prog. Financ ial Prog. (lakh Rs) i. Adoption of Organic Farming Gingerha.DHO40040.00 Turmericha.DHO60060.00 ii. Vermi Compost Units No s. DHO20060.00 iii. Certificationha.APICOL1000100.0 0 Organic Farming

16 ComponentUnit Implementing Agency Physica l Prog. Financial Prog. (lakh Rs) Training of farmers inside the State Nos.DHO 1000 15.00 Training of farmers outside the State nos.DHO 1000 25.00 Trainers TrainingLSDHO 5.00 Training of SupervisorGrp.DHO 1 18.13 Training of GardenersGrp.DHO 2 27.05 Human Resource Development

17 ComponentUnit Implementing Agency Physica l Prog. Financial Prog. (lakh Rs) Training of Entrepreneur (for 3months) Grp.DHO 2 9.06 Specialized Trg. on IPM/INM, Organic Farming, High-tech Hort. for field level functionaries Grp.DHO 2 3.00 Trg. Abroad for Officersnos.DHO 10 30.00 State Level Showsnos.DHO 2 6.00 Human Resource Development

18 ComponentUnit Implementin g Agency Physica l Prog. Financial Prog. (lakh Rs) Dist. Level Showsnos.DHO 16 8.00 Preparation of IECLSDHO 10.00 Interface workshop of extension staff / Scientists / farmers / entrepreneurs nos.DHO 4 1.00 Pre-Seasonal Workshops of extension workers and Scientists nos.DHO 1 0.50 Human Resource Development

19 ComponentUnitImplementi ng Agency Physical Prog. Financial Prog. (lakh Rs) IPM/INM Trg. for farmersgrp.DHO 40 2.00 Plantation TrainingGrp.DHO 200 10.00 Const. of Training Centers at Mission district headquarter no.DHO 16 80.00 Pollination support through Bee Keeping no.DHO10008.00 Technology Dissemination through Demon. / Front line demon. LSDHO 15.00 Sub Total4790.85 Human Resource Development


21 ComponentUnit Implementing Agency Physical Prog.Financial Prog. (lakh Rs) 1. Pack HouseNos.APICOL7 (2Gen. + 5Hilly & Tribal) (Capital cost is Rs.2.5 lakh per unit) 5.42 2. Cold Storage Units Nos.APICOL2 (Hilly & Tribal) (Capital cost is Rs.2.0 crore per unit) 132.00 3. Renovation of existing cold storage under Directorate, Horticulture Nos.DHO3150.00 Post Harvest Infrastructure and Management

22 ComponentUnit Implementing Agency Physica l Prog. Financial Prog. (lakh Rs) Renovation of existing cold storage under Co- Operative sector Nos.R.C.S3150.00 Refrigerated Van./Containers Nos.APICOL2 ( Hilly & Tribal)15.84 Mobile Pre cooling UnitNos.APICOL2 (1 Gen + 1 Hilly & Tribal) 13.92 Market intelligenceLSOSAM Board / Private 24 Mkt48.00 Estt. of Botton Mushroom Unit LSPrivate Sector 10.00 Post Harvest Infrastructure and Management

23 ComponentUnit Implementing Agency Physica l Prog.Financial Prog. (lakh Rs) Estt. of marketing infrastructure for horticultural produce in govt. / Private / Co-operative Sector i. Whole sale Market (initial construction work) nos.OSAM Board / Private 31500.00 ii. Estt. of Auction yard for floricultural crop LSOSAM Board 100.00 iii. Up gradation of Rural market No.OSAM Board / Private 24 (6 Gen + 18 Hilly & Tribal) 112.49 iv. Functional infrastructure for collection, grading etc. No.OSAM Board / Private 24 (6 Gen + 18 Hilly & Tribal) 112.49 iv. Quality awareness, market led extension activities for fresh & processed products LSDHO/ Private Sector Project based in connection with processing of fruits in the existing units / Canning centres 20.00 Post Harvest Infrastructure and Management


25 ComponentUnit Implementing Agency Physica l Prog.Rate of Asst./ Unit (Rs) Financial Prog. (lakh Rs) State & District Mission Structure including additional manpower & project preparation cost LSDirector Hortic ulture Preparation of Action Plan, Additional man power, monitoring, mobility, Administrative expenses, etc. 5% of total annual expnd. on the basis of appraised needs 80.00 Support to co- operatives for infrastructure requirement - -Project based100.00 Mission Management

26 ComponentUnit Implementing Agency Physica l Prog. Rate of Asst./ Unit (Rs) Financial Prog. (lakh Rs) Institutional strengthening, hire/purchase of vehicles, hardware / software LSDirector Horticu lture Vehicle - 20nos, Computer - 20nos, Xerox machine - 2no, Telephone, FAX, Contractual appointment of staff (4Project Manager, 4 Cluster Manager, 8 Desk Officer, 41 JHO, Udyan Bikash Bandhu & hiring of Tech. Services at Mission HQ Project based250.00 Technical support group (TSG) Institutional Strengthen LS Org. visit, meeting and other assigned progm. of TSG / PMC Project based subject to a ceiling of Rs.5 crore per annum 500.00 Mission Management

27 ComponentState Designated Agency Physical Prog.Financial Prog. (lakh Rs) IDH GajapatiDSMS, GajapatiQPM prodn., plantation & maintenance of mango, cashew, citrus, litchi, floriculture, shade net house, organic farming, trainings, Exposure visit, shows, seminars, mission management etc. 108.00 IDH KoraputDSMS, KoraputPlantation infrastructure & development, Estb. Of new garden of mango, banana, floriculture, processing – cum-extraction plant, spices, trainings, mission management etc. 220.00 IDH KeonjharAPICOLPlantation & maintenance of mango, custard apple, guava, papaya 72.00 IHDP Programme

28 Abstract Sl. No. ComponentFinancial Outlay (Rs. in lakh) 1Production & Productivity4790.80 2Post Harvest Infrastructure & Management 2370.16 3Mission Management930.00 4IHD Programme (Plantation & maintenance & on going programs) 400.00 Total8490.96

29 PRESENT STRUCTURE OF OHDS Minister Of Agriculture Chief Secretary Agriculture Production Commissioner Principal Secretary, Agriculture Director, Horticulture – Secretary, OHDS Joint Director (Horticulture) Deputy Director of Horticulture Horticulturist Asst. Horticulture Officer Jr. Horticulture Officer Overseer Field Technician Grafter Gardener

30 Additional Human Resource … Proposed DIRECTOR, HORTICULTURE CUM SECRETARY, OHDS Desk Officer Relationship & Liasioning Manager Technical & Operational Manager Financial Manager Desk Officer Project Devt. & Logistics Manager Desk Officer

31 EXISTING STRUCTURE OF DDH Deputy Director, Horticulture Asst. Horticulture Officer Assistant Agriculture Engineer Horticulturist Jr. Horticulture Officer Overseer Field Technician Grafter Gardener Farmers

32 STRUCTURE OF CLUSTER… PROPOSED CLUSTER MANAGERS (4) DDH Desk Officer (4) District Management Committee Consisting 10 members Chairperson Collector Secretary DDH TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE, NHM M.Sc. Ag ( Hort.)- (41) Horticulturist JHO Overseer Field Technician Grafter Gardener Mission Technician 3 per Centre (101) Udyan Bikas Bandhu 2 per Centre ( 1428 ) Proposed HR Participating Farmers

33 SUGGESTED IMPROVEMENTS IN OHDS STRUCTURE Director, Horticulture – Secretary, OHDS Joint Director, Horticulture (Supported by Four Managerial Staffs at HQ) Deputy Director of Horticulture/ Cluster Manager Horticulturist Asst. Horticulture Officer Jr. Horticulture Officer/ Technical Executive Overseer Field Technician Grafter Gardener/ Mission Gardener Udyan Bikas Bandhu


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